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  • Human Design Academy By Ra Uru Hu | Cross of Planning (1615-2027) | Emotionality in the Time of Mutation

    Emotionality in the Time of Mutation Hello, and welcome to all of you. It’s nice that you’re here. Let’s get into the subject of today’s lecture, one of those areas that has been an underlying theme for us since 1781, this Pluto interregnum that we are all participating in. I’m somebody who is very much interested in and has investigated rather deeply the evolutionary process, and the evolutionary process as it’s seen through mechanics. It’s clear to me that the advent of the nine-centered being in 1781 was not something that came fully dressed. That is, the full potential of the nine-centered being, was not available a couple hundred years ago and it was clear that this Pluto interregnum, between 1781 and 2027 was really almost like a gestation for the nine-centered being. Ra Uru Hu.

  • Human Design Academy By Ra Uru Hu | Cross of Planning (1615-2027) | ​How We Connect

    How We Connect HOW WE CONNECT A transcription of the Valentine Day’s Event by Ra Uru Hu on February 14, 2010 Welcome to all of you. Nice that you are here for this Valentine’s Day event. We are going to look at how we connect to each other. Everything about Human Design is not about partnership. As a matter of fact it truly is a secondary thing. Everything about the nature of Human Design is about the potential of the differentiated unique being. This is what we are here for. This is what we are all about. At the very core, at the very nature of what we are as a being, lies the potential for us to fulfill whatever our uniqueness happens to be and to be able to do that while living successfully on this plane. One of the things that you get to see immediately in the nature of being is that we are in these bioshells and the life program is very specific. The life program says that the only way in which we are going to survive is that we need to reproduce and that everything about the way in which we are going to operate in the world is that we are going to be controlled by receptors. Think about your design. I mean, the graphic. You look at the graphic and what do you see? You see things colored in. Every single one of those things that are colored in is the nature that is there in you, that is it is the genetic predisposition to your potential uniqueness. But the majority of the things that are there are white. They are just white; white centers, white gates, white channels. They are not empty, they are not broken, they don’t need to be fixed. They are graphic metaphors of receptors. Most of what we are – is receptors. What we are most receptive to, aside from the program itself, is the other. And because we have a biological imperative, an imperative that says we must bond, that we must mate, that we must reproduce. This is something that is deeply embedded in the genetics of the specie. That it is something that we, in most cases, helplessly deal with. The beauty of Human Design begins with something very simple. It is the surface of the knowledge. The surface of the knowledge says that you can operate correctly on this plane if you take the responsibility of making decisions away from your mind and you give it to your Strategy and Authority, that is you give it to your vehicle. That’s what your vehicle is for. It’s an incredible intelligence that is here to operate on this plane and to operate successfully. It is not that we are here to ignore the receptors because after all this is what life is. This is how we connect to life. It’s how we connect to being. It’s how we connect to everything. One of the basic things that you learn in Human Design is that the very thing that conditions you at the start becomes your wisdom when you get to the other side of the process. Because after all they are receptors. When you are looking at your design, all those things that are colored in, you can think of that as the student and everything that’s white is where you go to school. It’s the things that you are here to learn in life. Most human beings, the vast majority of humanity are just simply overwhelmed by where they go to school. They get lost there. Who they could be, might be is all gone because it’s so easy to get lost in the conditioning. What I want to share with you today are some basic formulas. They are just formulas. There is something to understand about mechanics. It’s why mechanics can liberate the spirit because the moment that you see mechanics, there is that chance, that serendipity that for you in that moment you can release yourself from the great curse of all bonds. The great curse of all bonds is: you have to be different. That other, if only they could be like this or they could be like that. If only you would change. If only you would pay more attention to me. If only we could do this or that. If only we could be like this or that. The moment that you get into mechanics, you get into helplessness. The only thing that protects you in terms of relationships in your life is not what the relationship is but how you got there. Because if you don’t get there correctly, you are always doing maintenance. Always. The first thing to understand about mechanics is that when you get to see it, all you can do is go ’Oh, my Goodness! Well, all right. What am I gonna do?’ Nothing. Because it’s nobody’s fault. It’s not about blame. Relationships are built on these little dollops of blame that get stored away. These concepts about the way somebody is supposed to be. Think about the way we work. We have stuff that’s colored in and we have things that are open; this whole nature–nurture process. But I want you to grasp something about conditioning and something that’s really, really important, is that we are not simply the victims of conditioning. We put it out. We don’t just take it in, we put it out. It’s a fascinating thing when you can begin to recognize who you are and what you put out and what you are not and what you take in. Or in another way,: what you put out – that is always consistent and what you take in - that is inconsistent. We are constantly in this tension. This Is the Maia. It’s the Maia but it’s not for getting swallowed in. It’s not for getting messed up in. It isn’t. It’s for navigating through. It’s for the journey. It’s for the extraordinary voyage of discovery. It’s for this incredible cognitive experience to be self-reflected consciousness on this plane at this level. Wow! What a trip! Yet the majority of humanity is simply locked in ancient survival mechanisms and conditioned and conditioning. The homogenized pool of the planet, the way it functions, rising and falling on the program. Now I want you to think about that open center and I want you to watch this flow of energy and understand something: when you put energy inside of somebody, it isn’t the way you experience it. It isn’t. It’s amplified. So you’ve got an idea because you’ve got a fixed mind. You’ve got a fixed concept of one kind or another and you are with this person and you are talking to them about this fixed concept and you put this fixed concept in their head and they are open. They don’t just take it in. It becomes a big deal. It gets amplified. It becomes MORE, if you will. It gets elaborated on. It gets all kinds of stuff added to it. Think about it physically. Nearly two thirds of humanity are Generators and on the other side you have the three types: the Projectors and Manifestors and Reflectors, who do not have defined Sacral and they are always taking in the Sacral frequency and they are always amplifying it. You want to see the most powerful Generator? I mean they don’t live long but you can see them. It’s those not-self open beings amplifying all of that sacral energy. It’s not theirs and they cannot replenish it and they cannot stay healthy with it. So it goes back and forth. Ra Uru Hu.

  • Human Design Academy By Ra Uru Hu | Cross of Planning (1615-2027) | The Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix

    The Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix Now, what's underneath that is something entirely different because when it comes to 2027, we have basically four gates that make up the Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix. This is the next global cycle that we’re entering into in 2027, there with the 20/34, the pure Manifesting Generator activating the 59. And the 59 is the opposition in the wheel to the 55. What happens on one side is always mirrored on the other. So, whatever is going on to flatten out the 55 is changing the way in which the 59 is going to work. If you go back to many of my earliest teachings in regards to 2027 and what's coming beyond that, one of the things is a change in our whole reproductive methodology. First of all, reproduction slowly but surely is something that is going to be more difficult. When I started to talk about that in early 90s, I've watched over all of these years now this, incredible rise in the vast fertility industry that exists in advanced countries, and all of the various tools that have been developed in order to try to maintain stable fertility in human beings. ​ Ra Uru Hu.

  • Human Design Academy By Ra Uru Hu | Cross of Planning (1615-2027) | Solar Plexus Awareness is Waiting for the Other

    Solar Plexus Awareness is Waiting for the Other In the end, though it will all come down to, what this life is really about, who is there. Solar Plexus awareness is an awareness that, is waiting for something: It’s waiting for the other. It’s waiting for the right other. Everything about being Right is about recognizing, that the level of the other is the level that you get to express in this life. How important it becomes for all of us to remember and to remind others, what Strategy and Authority really brings to you in this life. It’s something very different. Something else that is very interesting, a child that is born after 2027 and they have the emotional system, and they have the 55th gate and the 49th gate. But they don’t have any of the other gates, or they just have one of those two, and that Solar Plexus is going to be defined, let’s say the 55 and it’s defined. There will be no wave. These will not be beings that will have to be limited by, No Truth in the Now. They will be very different, they will be aware in a very different way. Again, understand this enormous neural density that is here. There is this incredible capacity, to take in information from the other in a very, very different way. ​ Ra Uru Hu.

  • Human Design Academy By Ra Uru Hu | Cross of Planning (1615-2027) | Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution "In 1615 we started building large, dark factories. We started packing humans inside. You know what happens when you spend your life living, Inside your immune system takes a hit, you breathe stale dead air, Other people's stale dead air, on and on and on. I mean the scariest thing for me about flying, Is that I fly with 75 lungs or 300 lungs or whatever and the crap that is in them, And we never see things that way. we do not know. You know we see them from the rooms. All this time that everyone thinks is so amazing, look what we managed to do, Jesus, we got it now, you know give me a break. What you need to see is that we are helplessly driven to all this, Because there is only one purpose in the mind, I mean one is, you know you go ahead and reproduce, But you know when the breeding game is over, What else is there, we are here to seek knowledge. I mean what's the point otherwise. There is no other point. You know you're looking at serendipity, of what it is to incarnate into one of these vehicles, And from everything I understand about the nature of being, Because what we think of ourselves as a passenger, locked in a helpless vehicle in the program, And the traveler who spends most of his existence screaming and crying, Because it doesn't like where it's going, And it doesn't like what's happening, And for me it is clear that all intelligence, And the consciousness of this planet now, whether it is esoteric or exoteric, is simply to reach a point of understanding, How can you get out of the pain, of what seems to be the tastelessness of the human experience, And that the only way you get out of this pain, It is when you let go of this life to be something you are here to control. I mean you know the real joy of life. Mine is that in a few words I can give someone a strategy, to their kind and I can send them out into the world, And I can see them in opposition, And I can see the change in their consciousness, And I mean once you get to the point, where you know you stop trying to be in control, And you start watching is the only thing to do, this is the movie And our physical bodies and our physical creativity aren't going anywhere. That is, on a mystical level, You all know that for many, many years, I tell you that in 2027 we will have another species on this planet. It will come out of us. It will be very different from us. Her appearance is something I spent a lot of time observing. I mentioned a few days ago that I think about him often, And that's one of the things about living in Spain. Spain has a very interesting Neolithic history, And Spain was probably the last place where Cro-Magna and Neanderthal lived together. This has happened very often in our history and it has happened very quickly. After all, one of the things to understand about approaching the end of the round, is that our evolutionary process, And the way we move is faster and faster and faster. We race towards the door the way we evolved. 9 at 16, you see 10, 10 is a weird lock, it's all about behavior. Everything related to the tenth gate, You know that's one of my favorite lines, Step on the tiger's tail be careful, it's wonderful. You know it, the magic of behavior, the magic of the potential of what I teach, that we are here to recognize our uniqueness and in this, to love ourselves. love ourselves as God, There is nothing to compare. That's the magic of what it's like to be right like you, Live according to your authority, that there is no other authority. In fact, if we all lived our authority, We could live our authority, At least we could enjoy embracing the arrival of what is coming. How was it that this Neanderthal saw the Cro-Magna, Entering his valley and what brought them to their end. Were they destroyed? My assumption is that they were killed. Given my understanding of the killer monkey, I don't think we could stand any competition. We are not good at accepting competition. You know I've talked a lot about how popular culture, Science Fiction, All these things predicted the same mechanism, And my favorite illustration is the movie Alien. You know, the first time we have this collective psychedelic hit, You know that moment when audiences really, All over the earth they screamed, You know when that thing suddenly comes out of a person's body, And there's a shock wave coming, And this is a shock wave that will not necessarily be caught consciously. Remember the fact that we can talk about timelines, does not mean that consciousness is going to recognize, Accept, it's going to take a long time. I mean one of the things about the online university, I'm starting in September is that I'll be studying a rave cosmology program, And basically it's about educating people, How to identify these children, when they come and how to be able to deal with their mothers, And how to be able to find a way to protect these creatures, And you see when it becomes clear to humanity, Because the spectrum of the disease. and the problems of collective psychology rooted in their finitude, I'm quite worried about what the reaction will be. behavior we were very conditioned there is a very type, very specific of behavior, In this age of these hundreds of years, that we are already dealing with its behavior, Forgive me, it's focusing on all these details. The ninth gate. Detail, detail, detail, detail. This is the basis of our scientific world, This is the very basis of our ability to go down to a minor detail. I mean, I like, I like being a highly educated science freak, you know. i mean i like it Because I love both of these worlds, And I've always seen that I'm a duellist, I have always seen that there is an amazing relationship between these two worlds, Once you bring them into combination with each other. I mean that's the real magic again and that detail, I will never forget my first trip to Los Angeles to teach, And I'm right, right, yes, I'm in one of those hotels in Beverly Hills, A very funny scene and ad was brought out to my visit, And my assistant brought one of the great esoteric libraries in Los Angeles, Now this is the once a month type of thing, And in this thing, because it was really a thing. I mean, I've never seen anything like it. It was about a thousand and a half pages of paper, of nothing but awareness for esoteric services and knowledge. I mean anything you can think of, From the weirdest and craziest you know to LP standard, blah blah blah you know and everything in between people who sold mantras, offers whiz whiz mantras, pony boo's you name it you know any kind of shaman, guru, hippie dippie, you, It was amazing. There were thousands of them. I mean, there were at least 40 or 50 pages. Around the time I had the voice experience, I lived in a row not far from the village of San Juan, And I had a friend of mine, a very old friend of mine, uncle, And he was trained as a scientist, he was actually trained as a geologist, And he was one of the few guys, that they actually had enough money to get magazine subscriptions in those days, And he signed up for New Science, and one day I'm on the balcony, And I see down on the road, I see his car pull up, And I see him get out of his car, And he goes to his trunk, And he takes the two packages, And he put these two packages at the bottom. The little path I would take to go up to my balcony, and leaves and so I go down there, And I grabbed these two packages, It was two years of the new scientist, And the New Scientist came out every week so there were about a hundred of these things, And I bring them to my balcony, And I sit down under my fig tree, And I put those two packets in front of me and then I started laughing. Never, it's the only time in my life I've been really scared. I mean aura demons the voice, you know i mean shocks, But really scared of my death. I laugh so much, I really thought I was going to die. I panicked because I couldn't stop laughing. I rolled in the dust. I could not, It was so amazing to me, Here were all these scientists, millions and millions of them on Earth, All the details of this ninth gate are the journey of a thousand miles, And all these people, doing all these steps endlessly. takes these steps. And here's a ridiculous freak, you know, just sitting there, And they gave it all to me for free, It was like it fell from the sky, and all thought and all science of two years from all scientific disciplines, And I read it, It was amazing, this is our age, this is our time, There are so many minor details available out there that no one can digest it. It is an infinite, infinite, infinite unit. Because we are all trying to get to the source, how it works, Why does it work the way it does? Who's in charge, you know it's just down to the meat, And when you take both sides you can see. I remember the first time I taught juxtaposition theory, Three-dimensional theory (nine-dimensional theory). Two weeks later Hawking in his wheelchair begins to sprout on a nine-dimensional universe, And that is also good. I mean, after all, human design is the only discovery that science has verified. It's one of his jokes, you know, that it's this and that, And you should see that our behavior for centuries, focus on all those little details, And all these little details are the basis of the collective transcendence. The collective theoretical ascension we await for a theory of everything, And of course quantum scientists are going crazy now, Because they don't know what to do with neutrinos. It's almost as if they want to say, What can we know we can go back to the way we used to see things. What do you do when 60% of the mass of the universe is neutrinos? And we're all in it. You know, so this detail, What do you think will happen when we leave this age, where this individual lives, And we all remember that this is not an abstract thing, It's not like it's out there. It's in us, in each of us, and one of us." ​ Ra Uru Hu.

  • Human Design Academy By Ra Uru Hu | Cross of Planning (1615-2027) | ​6 And 3 Better To Be Free

    6 And 3 Better To Be Free 6 and 3 is always fascinating. 6 and 3 better to be free. For some people this is a classic. If it is really in your nature to be not really connected in a relationship but still in a good relationship, which is quite a thing to think about, the kind of thing that hippie propaganda was about 40 or 50 years ago, whatever that was, 6 and 3 is an interesting thing but for the not-self it’s a disaster. For the not-self it’s always a problem. There are so many ways to go, there’s so much distraction in the relationship that it’s very difficult for these couples to pay much attention to each other. Then again, if it is really in your nature to have that kind of a relationship where you can spend a great deal of time in your own thing, in your own space and only connect every once in a while for the value of that connection – then this is something that can be perfect for you. In other words, these are the basic mechanics for the kinds of connections that we have with each other. Remember something. Human Design says that if you are going to live by your mind – you are going to have a homogenized life. You have to get to the point where you grasp that the mind has been involved in trying to deal with things that it cannot, in any way, truly deal with. It can’t. This is the blackest joke of all. That the mind is not able to change any of this. It CAN’T. All it does is create the suffering, the pain, the anguish, the anger, the frustration, the bitterness, the disappointment, all of those things and what we end up with is a catalogue of beings for whom the biggest pain in their existence is having to deal with relationships and this is not what we are here for. Nine centered beings are here to be cognitive, we are here to commune and share our outer Authority and our intelligence with each other. We are here to be deeply respectful of the other human being because we accept them for what they are, whatever this thing is. You can’t do anything about that, you cannot change that. You cannot make them into something different. They connect to you the way they do and the results are what they are. And you sit back in the passenger seat in awareness and you watch the movie, your movie, you are the star, and see what it is to be here on this plane as you. Because if you trust in your Strategy and Authority, if you take away the decision making process from your mind, you get to enter into things the way you were intended to. You get to meet those beings that you are intended to meet and the combinations that are absolutely correct for you. Because this is what we are here for. Think about it. The mind, in trying to control the life and organize the life, becomes a liar automatically. It’s what the mind does best – it lies. It lies to protect itself. It cannot fully tell any truth because it holds back this or that or doesn’t say something. It can never truly communicate with the other. It can never really be free of that barrier that stands behind it and says `We’d better be careful what we say here because Don’t trust the mind to run your life. All you do is allow the mind to become the greatest distortion. OK. So I’ve shown you one set of formulas. Now I’m going to show you another and it is one that takes you a step deeper into the way in which we bind with the other. This is the way in which we connect in the channels themselves, specifically. Not looking at the surface and looking at the centers, but simply looking directly at the way we connect with another human being in a channel. Ra Uru Hu.

  • Human Design Academy By Ra Uru Hu | Cross of Planning (1615-2027) | The Interregnum is a Balance

    The Interregnum is a Balance We’ve been missing something, we’ve been waiting for it. This is what the sevencentered being relied on. This is why it's so easy for us to fall into old seven-centered strategic patterns. But this interregnum is about the balance that has to come so that we can have our unique spirit expressed as awareness, that we have unique principles expressed through this awareness. An awareness that taps into resources that are totally different from the mental and splenic resources, another layer that has been invisible to us, that has never been available to us is going to be available. ​ Ra Uru Hu.

  • Human Design Academy By Ra Uru Hu | Cross of Planning (1615-2027) | The Truth about the Current Model of Human Being

    ​ The Truth about the Current Model of Human Being We are killer monkeys. When there is no collective tribal infrastructure to protect them. They're going to have terrible times, Because otherwise they're going to have terrible times. And the emergence of their authority. Is to instill the importance of their authority, It's time to instill in everyone you know, It all comes to an end. The leader of his followers, The opportunity to be the master of students, These institutions will disappear. This is the time to teach them that the door closes. They are importance, their purpose. Some are depressed about their viability, You know worthless beings, Is the sense of human worthlessness, I mean, the deepest disease for me, And that each of us gets to see our value. Because the truth, whatever it is, is found. And answers that consciousness can flourish, Thus through every detail we can come with a necessary consciousness, That we were under to hold it together long enough, And all this and that's the time it's the time it's the plan, It goes on and on or on to the authority of God, Your pastor is your authority, They all become authorities for you, Your doctor is your authority, Your lawyer is your authority, Your government is your authority, You see that the propaganda of our time is that anyone can be an authority for you, And make sure they know how to make decisions like themselves. This is to make sure they are working properly, It is to nurture in children, I know about adults, Is the only thing to cultivate. These are times when personal authority, I always go back to the same place, Everywhere I go in my knowledge, No matter what the story is. So, you know, That comes with a simple surrender. And you do not receive grace, And you do not see the magic, Then you do not see the beauty of it, You must be caught because it looks like a terrible place to be, And they are disappointed and they are all the things we know. And they are angry as hell because, Because most of them are generators, And on top of that they are frustrated, Most of humanity is oppressed, It happens, and you have a terrible depression that moves through humanity. When you have a huge deterioration, And you're definitely not going to get there at these times, You have the right authority, Unless, And you do not get there, But each of us is here to be the expression of his uniqueness, And be the expression of it, It's my job to be me, I just know what it's like to be an ego manifesto. I just know what it's like to be a clarifier, I do not see my way, But I personally, So I'm good at being her messenger, Is that this knowledge is given to me, Just in some way the fact, I'm really limited after everything I see, This business should be a source of knowledge, Well, you know it's always so clear to me, And what a gift this is. What are you here to meet, What are you here to see, Why are you here? And by beginning to understand, And less resistance, Will meet less, As he moves in this crumbling and deteriorating environment, And all this means is that your vehicle, You will be right, And if you rely on this authority, Because each has a unique place of authority within them, That no one can make decisions with their brains, And as we know in knowledge, The vast majority of humanity makes decisions with their brains, Humans do not know how to make decisions, We have our own unique authority, And until we deal with the fact that in this uniqueness, We reach unique, And bases them on a simple scientific fact. Is that it takes spiritual concepts, I mean there is no beauty in human design, Is that there is nothing I can compare him to, And that the very love I have for myself, And at the same time I understand that this is everyone's potential, There will never be anything like me, I live in glory knowing that there is nothing like me. I mean there is nothing else. Is the only chance we have to enjoy the joke, But the fact is that what is left, You know, According to this there is time, it's not like you have to worry about keeping your shoes on, There are still hundreds of years, And that means that in the remaining incarnations, Slow shutdown. It's the sex. That's one thing. But it's not all these different things. They call it, all these different things, You know they call it that, That they call it poverty, But the source is displaced into other things, Deep depression, and depression that is not understood, the source of it is not understood, But do not get caught up in what is a universal depression, And it's going to happen, This is our genetic orientation. I'm not telling you this, to depress you, it's just a fact. It's not about the ship going down, And the beauty of the moment, And be in harmony with the moment, That you know the beauty, And the beauty of music, And the beauty of it, Continues to play as the ship descends, This magic of these wonderful musicians, play, It was the only movie that touched me, You know, when I saw the movie it was the only scene I really liked. Which I really like. And it's one of those pictures, And one day I finished describing our work as musicians on the Titanic, Ten years together as a teacher and a student goes through all these different levels. And we're been doing this for some of us for ten years. Very long in this knowledge, You know I'm already bringing people through a lot, I'm really working hard, And the gift of watching a movie I mentioned a few days ago, You can do nothing else, You know all you can do is watch a movie, There is nothing else. And begin to direct our intelligence to the recognition of purpose and to fulfill a personal purpose. It's time we got rid of the intellectuality that tries to control the fate of the planet, The way mechanics work, When you start to see the way the structure works, So that we have potential for the upcoming mutation. Just so the program has a large enough genetic pool, That 70% of their time is looking for firewood and water, If you look at all the females on this planet, They do not care that out of these six billion, I do not care that these six billion most of them have a bad life, But think about the coldness of the program. And we know there is a huge mutation at work. And with a huge genetic pool what you have is the only real chance for a mutation, So you have a huge, huge, huge genetic pool, Than lived on earth until I think 1870, There are more people living on earth today, And we have a population that is six billion plus, You know, most people say good population, And the plan is that without all the tremendous expansion we will never have, They walk away people, And I keep thinking, Moral religious constraints on us, And how amazing that we have these layers in, layers in, institutional, educational, You know, I understand the principle, Too many people in my aura, I immediately want to kill. I mean, I understand that principle. I mean, I'm a Chinese rat. You can not pack them too deep. You know? That is, rats do it. That is, all the time. That people do not kill each other. When I walk into one of these huge city centers, It's always amazing to me, And not kill each other all the time. Live in crowded places, Our ability unlike rats, Our ability to find harmony in large communities, Our ability to live with each other, That all the things we consider to be our delicate qualities of puberty, So what we looked at was that we looked at the plan of the Cross of Planning, Everyone is slowly sinking into this despair, And trying to wake people up, wake up, you know. There are so many people running around, That's why you have all these people running around trying to wake people up now. And you see that there is this weakness, A miracle of what it is, The grace of what it's like to be in one of these vehicles, All this shit, awesome. That they do not think they deserve, That they hate themselves, Humans in their shit, you know, I mean, I could not stand it anymore. To be in an aura of self-hatred. That I could not stand it anymore, I gave up personal reading after a single six or seven thousand, We're going to be more and more depressed in the wind, it's the wind. And are not going to regenerate, Who are at the end of their production line, And once we think we're in charge of vehicles, That we are responsible for these vehicles, And as soon as we think, Be a passenger in a vehicle, The impersonal of what it is, I forget the truth of the cruel character, Because as soon as I forget it, I can not forget this for a moment, I am aware of this every moment, of every day. Three billion people live on less than a euro a day. That there must be something worthy for them, in this experience. That there is a possibility that humanity will recognize this, Then you will see slowly, For about 80,000 years it will come to an end, And the sexuality we have experienced for a very long time, Because when the curtain falls, I'm waiting for this curtain to fall, They do not know. And therefore they do not succumb to what is possible. That they do not see what is happening, Who come out that everyone is lost, I can see that all varieties, And in this period of decay, Because this is a time of decay, I do not. I do not. See, I do not see it as one of the great periods of humanity. It's a way to protect us from the truth. It's such a little patina about what we are, He's so fake, That this structure over the last 400 years, I mean you need to see, And the morals of our religions, Enforced by our governments, We have these things, We are taught that our schools, No, we are held that way by our institutions. Then the outside says but we are actually peaceful, that we are actually nice. And they are the smallest, most cruel bastards you can imagine, And if we did not have them, we would die immediately, And they are things, that say they are things, and they are wild, they live in our universe, Every moment of every second in our body has the wild, wild, wild things, You know, because the first thing he will do is eat you alive. You would not want to meet a cell that was as big as you. I mean just for a moment, think about your immune system. And I tell them, look at your T cells, I mean, people talk to me about peace on earth, These forms do not allow us to transcend chemistry and biology as they are, you know. You know, I mean that's the thing to understand, And it's not that far. Until there are no more of us, We'll always be killer monkeys. Ra Uru Hu.

  • Human Design Academy by Ra Uru Hu | Cross of Planning (1615-2027) | Projector Transformation by Ra Uru Hu | Part II

    Projector Transformation by Ra Uru Hu Ra Uru Hu on Projector Transformation: Part II Most of you know that several years ago, I started a number of long-term training programs. One of them was Rave Psychology. It was always my goal to be able to do analysis, of the passenger and to be able to analyze, the passenger at a level far beneath the level of the line, to really understand the underlying themes. In preparation for all of that, I wanted to have the practical experience of what it’s like, to be able to give somebody that kind of analysis. So I began to offer Personality Color Transference readings. Something very interesting about it to begin, with is that 90% of the people who were requesting this Analysis service were Projectors. It was so clear to me from the moment that I actually got into it, from the moment that I actually started to do, the analysis that what was emerging was something that was really spectacular. It was a practical tool that could enormously benefit the lives of Projectors. It’s such an interesting thing about the way in which, things happen that was not my goal. My goal was simply to give a deeper analysis, so that people could begin to grasp their underlying motivations. Suddenly it was so deeply obvious to me what kind of a key this could be. When I want to look deeply into somebody’s Design, there are really only two things that I look at. I look at the Sun/Earth and I look at the Nodes. It’s the bedrock of my kind of overview, because when I look at that I really see the story. Obviously, when you’re dealing with the Sun/Earth you’re dealing with the cross, you’re dealing with profile. But for me, when I look at the Sun/Earth what I look at is most of what we are. The vast majority of our programming, 70% of the neutrinos that we receive we receive from the Sun. It is this Sun/Earth polarity that defines our being. Seeing and Being: There are two aspects—there are always two aspects, I am a dualist, this is dualistic knowledge— there is being and there is seeing. The being is there in the Sun/Earth polarity. The seeing is in the Nodal polarity. When I first began teaching Design I referred to it as the Cross of Life. That is, the Sun above and the Earth below, and this movement, this vision and this seeing that is there in the Nodes. In order to be able to do an analysis at that depth, you have to go beneath the level of the line. Every line can be subdivided by what is called Colors. There are six of them: Fear is the 1st Color; Hope is the 2nd Color; Desire is the 3rd Color; Need is the 4th Color; Guilt is the 5th Color; and the 6th Color is called Innocence. Now these are major keynotes. But these six divisions beneath the line are very important. First of all, it’s important to grasp that they are beneath the line. And the line represents the limitation of the access that we have consciously. So, we are not aware of what is going on beneath the line, but we certainly are impacted by what goes on beneath the line. Colors: Motivation This place beneath the line, these Colors are about motivation. When I speak of them, I’m only speaking of the Personality. In other words, I’m not talking about, if you look at your design, the left-hand side information, the Design information, which has to do with your vehicle. I’m looking at the right-hand side information—who you think you are, what you have conscious access to. This is where you have conscious access to what you think of as being. Here is where you have conscious access to the way in which you see. 1st Color: Fear But underneath the line therein lies these motivations. Let’s think about being. If being is driven by fear one immediately has a sort of sense of that. This is the foundation, this fear, to be driven by fear. And fear is the root of intelligence. To be driven by fear to ultimately become intelligent. It’s a motivation. 2nd Color: Hope If you have the 2nd Color under the line you have hope. How different it is when being is driven by hope than by fear. It’s very different. As different as hope is to desire and desire is to need, and need is to guilt and guilt to innocence. It’s like when you look at somebody’s chart and you see, they have the same gate and line as you, you can’t say, “Hey, we’ve got the same thing.” How different it will come out. I can remember in the mid-90’s I was in Berlin. I was on tour and I had had reading booked of a young couple, who had twins about a year old, and they wanted an analysis of their difference. Of course, they had very good time. These identical twins had different Color. The moment you have different Color you have enormous difference. It was very easy for me to describe even as infants, the difference between the two of them. This motivation underneath is very, very powerful. There is an enormous dilemma to it. Not only do we have this underlying motivation in terms of our being, but we also have this underlying motivation in terms of our seeing, the North Node and the South Node. Think about it. There are 32 possible polarities in the wheel. There are 32 possible ways to see. If everyone is looking at the same thing yet, we all had different Nodes we are all going to see it differently. We’re going to see it through the different Nodes. But more than that, even if we had the same Nodes, we would still see it differently if we had different Color. If I’m looking through the eyes of fear, I see differently than someone who looks through the eyes of hope. So, Color is something deeply, deeply significant. Time Span for Color is Four Hours: Any of you who have MMI, the Jovian Human Design software you can always, get the data for your Color. One thing to keep in mind about looking at Color is that, the time span it takes is about four hours. Basically you have the six Colors operating, every day for about four hours each, approximately. So that means that if you have relatively good time, and you’re not too close to the cusp that leads from one Color to the other, the chances are then you’re going to have accurate Color. But this always goes back to the importance of making sure, that people have good time. Transference: So, we have these underlying motivations that are there. Underlying motivations that govern the way we see, and underlying motivations that govern the way we are. But then there is a dilemma, and it’s an extraordinary dilemma. The dilemma is about the nature of Color. Color never stays still; it doesn’t fix. It’s always looking for transference. Now, Color will fix momentarily. Whenever you operate correctly in any situation, the initiation of that experience will bring you to your right motivation. But the moment you enter into anything beyond that point that Color is immediately beginning to move away. And where does it go? When you look at the way in which a hexagram is structured—lower trigram, upper trigram—the 1st line and the 4th line, through their relationship has a special relationship to each other. It’s called a harmony. That is, the 1 to the 4, the 2 to the 5 and the 3 to the 6. Because Color has a direct connection with line, in PHS these are referred to as chains, it follows the same patterns of harmony and resonance. So that Color not only affects itself through harmony and resonance, but it also impacts the line and the line can impact the Color. Think about what it really means to have transference and what an ordeal it is. You come into the world and you have a 2nd Color. That means that you’ve come into the world to be motivated by hope. Let’s say it’s about your being. You’re here to be a hopeful being. It’s what is there to guide you and push you. But the moment that you look at the transference of the 2, the transference automatically moves to the 5. It just jumps. The moment it goes over to the 5, it goes over to guilt; guilt and blame and many other things. So, instead of being somebody who is hopeful, you’re somebody who is guilty. Instead of being somebody who is full of vision and belief, you’re somebody that sees, that everything is whether you are conditioned, or whether you are conditioning. It’s very different. You have a totally different being. Projectors and Color Motivation/Transference: So, what is this all about, this tool for Projectors? I begin with the assumption that you’re experimenting with your design. If you’re experimenting with your design, then it means that you have an opportunity, to be able to just use this information effectively. What does it do? Let’s say that you’re this person who is supposed to be hopeful. Everything about being a Projector is about who comes into your aura. And remember that it is your aura, that is so very good at penetration. The moment that you meet somebody, there’s something very simple to grasp. If your relationship with them keeps you, in your hopefulness everything is just fine. But if these are beings that drag you into the guilt, that drag you over to the 5th Color, they’re not for you. It’s very simple, and it’s very important. You’re going to have beings in your life and they’re going, to move you away from what is your true motivation. It is a form of conditioning that is really, really devastating. After all, if you come into this world to be full of hope, you’re here to be full of hope, you’re here to be driven by that hopefulness. In that hopefulness is great talent, there is a gift in that hopefulness. But the gift never gets unwrapped because the life is constantly, pulling it over to the other side. And as a Projector you cannot do all these things alone, you have to be in the world, there has to be people in your life, it’s essential; but not ones who pull you away from what is here to really move you. It’s just a matter of discernment. Think about the same configuration and we’re talking about the Nodes. Now, the Nodes are the way we see. In other words, it’s our slice; it’s our aspect of the whole that we can see, that’s what they represent. They’re very important. We’re here to see the world the way we were intended to. Only then do we have any possibility of being able to fulfill our purpose. If you’re not looking at the world, the way you were intended to you cannot possibly fulfill your purpose. And how you look at the world, this is what your Nodes are speaking, is driven by this underlying motivation that is constantly transferring. Example: The 21st Gate with Motivation of Hope. Let’s say that you have the Node in the 21st gate, Biting Through, the gate of needing to be in control, the gate of the hunter and the huntress. Let’s say that that Nodal gate of yours, the Color under the line is hopefulness. So you’re here to see the control mechanisms in the world. You’re here to see how others are controlled, and not necessarily in any negative sense whatsoever because you’re here to see the hopefulness in all of that, that there is somebody that can run the ship. But you won’t see it that way. You’ll see it through the transference of the Color; you’ll see it through the guilt. You’ll see it through the conditioned and the conditioner. You won’t see the hopefulness. And it’s a kind of blindness, it really is. But it’s more than that. It’s a calling card for you, for you to see in them—those, the others, how clear it is, how easy it is for you. You wait, when you look, and it’s a very simple thing to do, it really is, it’s a simple thing to do. You don’t even have to get sophisticated about gates or anything else. All you need to do on the surface, and I’m only talking about the surface, look at your Personality Sun/Earth and see what Color it is, and see what the transference is. And look at your Nodes and see, what the Color is and see what the transference is. Then watch it in the people around you; watch what happens. Being with the Correct Beings is Everything for the Proje ctor : You’re going to be able to divide them up very quickly, you really will. It’s just the way that it works. And everything about being a Projector is that, their mastery of the system is their mastery of their human environment. To be with the right beings is everything. And yet your strategy doesn’t help you. I know it doesn’t. Your strategy is there; the invitation is there for things that are generic. But you have to live out all the nuances in between, riding the impact of the conditioning of others to your open centers, to your lack of consistent generating and manifesting. It’s so easy to be overwhelmed both positively and negatively. But what it really does is that it can blind you, to what their impact is on you and your life. While you’re taking in all that conditioning as a Projector it’s very, very difficult to separate yourself. But here you have a key.

  • Human Design Academy By Ra Uru Hu | Cross of Planning (1615-2027) | The Program: Physics and Consciousness

    ,Physics & Consciousness Human Evolution & Background Frequencies I started in 1994 when I started demonstrating how, Where the mechanics of our interaction with the environment operate, Seeing that this was my first experience when I went through 1987 when I received the information, I was basically an existential nihilist who was a drug freak. It seems to me an amazing premise of what I received, And in a very very basic way I did a kind of afmri for the moon, So that I can experience the moon in relation to my design, And I was lucky with the timing of the year. This was the time of year when my Solar Plexus, And the potential of its activation were open to the very transient location of the sun, And separated from this binary and with Mercury and Venus, And so I watched the moon, And I have described it many times, It was the most unusual thing for me to become simple emotional eyes, By the presence of the moon in some abstract position in the sky. The scientist in me, and the realist in me, and the Western man in me were shocked by this. I was shocked that this cold cold, Who somehow somehow changed my character, And with that I began a long journey of acknowledging helplessness, The helplessness that is so deep now, that it has become the comedy of my life, This joke of incompetence, and helplessness that is so beautiful in what it is to be, And what is it to surrender to what it is to be, Let go of trying to be the masters of these vehicles, Because these vehicles are perfect in themselves, And that we can not control them because they are actually deep, deep, deep, deep, plan. And that the plan is not a mystery, I mean it's not a mystery, not anymore. It's so clear and it's so mechanical and it's really a wheel spin. In '94 I started doing what I called neutrino predictions, You know, I started to show the interplay between someone's design and the transition plan. You know there are many of you here this, It's a combination today, but there are many of you here who have experienced it, For a very long time try and understand the impact of these forces. Only once in all the years I really taught, did I teach bigger cycles. In Taos, New Mexico, and I think it goes back to 1996, Was the only time I really sat down with a group and assumed what global cycles were. It was really a joke because they are definitely at this point, I did not have the background to really be able to capture it, And it was really fun in a sense yes, You know I never know what I'm going to say, And it was so interesting for me to talk about these things for the first time, And start seeing how this great mechanic, How about this great mechanic, We are beginning to be able to participate in the evolutionary process, and for me it is fun. You know our life is nothing, it's a bang, I mean bang, you know and it's gone, And there is a sense that most of humanity never really appreciates their place in the flow, I know so clearly that we live in the deepest of the mutation, I mean the deepest of mutation times there is ever, Ever, there was such a mutational pressure on humanity as there is now, And it's time for us to agree, See this mechanism, to see how the mechanism works and be prepared for what is to come. There's a darkness coming, and I'm not going to play melodrama but it's fun, And it's Sunday morning after all, There is this darkness coming and it settles on all of us. The human race is what we experience, What I like to call the killer monkeys, the killer monkey comes to an end. It's coming to an end. We are finite and we are in the final stage of the existence of our species. Now I'm not talking about some great mystical biblical end. In fact, the end of an era, Which will lead to the end because there is something else coming, Because he's going to leave us it seems in so many different ways, And by so many different cultures and mystics, This understanding that we are very, very close, For an important time of transition, What I want to show you today and tomorrow is the actual mechanics, Of what's going on to see what we're been involved in for the last 400 years since 1610, And that the framework of the way we look at civilization, No matter where you look at civilization on Earth, That the framework established from 1610 which is going to change in 2027, It's not just beyond that it's going to lead as much as you know what a magical pleasant future. This is going to lead to an era that we as a whole are not ready for and even more so are not equipped for. We are at a point where the expansion of knowledge, and the expansion of knowledge is coming to an end. There's a door closing on us. You know, I have my friends who adore science fiction, And they adore the zip-zum zip zip, And everyone will be happy to "launch me on a Scottish deck." And everyone assumes that "they sent me on a Scottish deck" just around the corner. Well, it's not, and the infrastructure for support is dying, And our ability to replenish inventory, Our stocks are dying, fast, Much faster than any of us are willing to admit, And our immune system, The global immune system is deteriorating so fast. You can see it by a burst of antiviral madness. You know, we have a world full of antiviral madness because we are no longer equipped, Because our species are no longer fertile. So, I'm going to take you to a kind of, I love these journeys to take you on a journey, Through the mechanism of the age we are in and the one that is coming, And I'll focus on that today, and tomorrow I'll give you some real science fiction. I'll take you to close the round, And I'll show you how in the beautiful mechanics of it all that all the parts are locked together, And the door just closes. When I first started introducing human design, I used to do these long introductory lectures made thousands, And thousands of them around the globe, And I would always talk about the basic physical infrastructure, And the nature of physics and how all these things connect, Then I would talk about the fact that this is a synthesis of many different disciplines, Whether these disciplines are pseudo-scientific or whether these disciplines are real science, And one of these elements is Eastern astrology and the introduction of equality, And all I am going to discuss is a global cycle rooted in the introduction of equality. Now by the way it graphs here it's PDF and I was caught in my birthday celebrations, And I could not get it online last night, So I'll put it online tonight, And I'll give you the address now so you know, I'm okay let me give him another name, Global Let's just call it global fine fine print Global zipper dot. There are some things you need to understand about the nature of this graph, And the first thing to understand is that there are two elements, The way we're going to look at how cycles work, And that the first thing to see is that we are moving backwards, In other words we convey thoughts that we, Actually moving clockwise if you look at the movement in the wheel, And if you look here, You can see a run through here this is where we are now, This is a period that began in 1615 Excuse me I said 1610, 1615 and it's going to actually end in 2027. In other words it's going to go through this process, And at this particular time and we talked about a bit that we are dealing with, With the Cross Of Planning which is 37/40 9 and 16, And we all know we're at the 37th gate in the front row, That's where the introduction of equality is at the moment, and in 2027 it will move backwards, A step that will place him in the 55th Gate and 55th Gate, the sixth row, And as we know the 55th gate is a mutation of this gate the chemistry of the genetic code on histidine, This is where the mutation occurs in the center of the solar plexus. This is where you have the impact on prostate cancer, autism, All of these things through this mutation. Ra Uru Hu.

  • Human Design Academy By Ra Uru Hu | Cross of Planning (1615-2027) | ​Projector

    Projector I think this is one of the things I like most about projectors is how diverse their designs are. I know projectors that have eight defined centers; Obviously, not Scarlett. I have seen every type of projector configuration - the purely mental projectors, the energy projectors, Those who have defined motors - have all these different varieties of projector. I drew them once. I think there are about four or five basic projector variations. Of course, this is truly the non-energetic dimension of the Earth. Yes, there are reflectors, but reflectors are always something different. I think in my work, And I mentioned it earlier, I think it did a real injustice to projectors in the early years. I felt that if I could make generators, that human design would be just like a steam press. And I pay so much attention to the instant gratification that comes with being an energy type, To be a generator or actually a manifesto, And really be able to deal with strategy and authority on a moment-by-moment basis, And be able to receive the rewards on a moment-by-moment basis. And of course, that was very unfair to the projectors. Projectors really have an extraordinary talent, And the gift is something that can be seen in its aura, Because the aura of the projectors is a focused aura. It's focused. And it focuses on the center G of the other. Where the generator is designed to be fully immersed in the realization of its own nature, It is completely immersed in observing the other. This aura of theirs, In her deep penetration into the other, She is undoubtedly a double-edged sword. This is necessary for the projectors, Because the projector needs to have access to the work or expression in some way. This is the way they connect to the life force of the earth. Yet, We know that what we do not have in our design is always the potential of wisdom in us, That the great wisdom inherent in projectors, Deep wisdom in projectors, Is to know how to use energy, But there is no access to it itself. And the projector, because it focuses on the other, has a unique ability. That is, They are designed to control systems in order to be able to quantify, qualify, What do you want to call it, To be able to properly measure the other. That's why we're talking about waiting for projectors, As a gift of guidance. in fact, The great skill of the projector is knowing how to ask a question. I guess the role model of all ​​ The projectors There should be Socrates, asking the questions, Because that's the magic of the ​ Projector . The right conscious projector knows exactly what questions to ask, which is a great gift. But the projector kid, to start the story, is very deprived. They are not a type of energy. So, clean your room, be good, do it, Doing so, is all part of a deep conditioning weakness. And we know that in dealing with the projector we are dealing with the issue of bitterness, of not being seen. And not to be seen because the projector is here to identify and be recognized; In other words, identify the other, and identify the other clearly. And at the same time, to be known, to be known to be valuable, for example, to be recognized in terms of what they are. The projector boy was born; They do not sell from day one, not at all. You know parents who spend their time inviting their children to the projector to do this or that, Besides the projector parents we have in human design they may have a projector child. You really need to see that projectors are the most conditioned kids and yes, They have a right to be bitter. And how difficult it is if you do not have the support mechanism, Because as a non-energetic type, One of the most important things for the projector is his relationship with the other, And the need for a valued relationship with the other; This is essential for them. The fact is that projectorips are naturally open to conditioning; While their aura is focused and absorbing, other auras, And especially in the sense of aura field generator. And generator, it completely envelops the projector, And gift him at the same time. THE PROJECTOR: ​ A projector is someone without a motor connected to the center of the throat and without a Scarlett center defined in its design. Projectors can be so complex, Until up to eight of the nine possible centers are defined without the potential of creation or expression. Since there are no means of expression or energy production, The projector is the first of the two non-energy types The projector is the first of the two types of energy that are 21% of the world population are projectors. ROLE IN HISTORY: ​ Historically, The projector had the least opportunity to realize its potential, Because the ruler ship has always been in the hands of the energy types. in principle, Projectors have never been recognized for their potential. The natural place for the projector is at the top of the hierarchy of the four types, Since they are designed to guide the types of energy, And especially generators. As generators begin to regain their natural power as creative builders, It is the projectors who will emerge as managers and leaders of the new order. GIFT AND HANDICAP: ​ The first thing to identify about the two types of non-energy, The projector and the reflector, Is that their greatest gift is to be able to guide, And understand the types of energy. Their real job is to manage the types of energy. Projectors have the ability to identify the capabilities of energy types, And guide these people in the most efficient use of their energy. This is their gift. Their limitation is that they do not have consistent access to energy within themselves, But one should rely on others to recognize their gifts. In other words, They are the only type that depends solely on others in order to fulfill their purpose in life. Although they are at the top of the hierarchy, They do not receive the power. Ironically, The power is given to the generators, Who do not really know how to use it, Without the help of the projectors. therefore, These two types are meant to be deeply interdependent. To be a non-energy type, Does not mean you have no energy. In fact, the opposite may seem true. Because the projector does not have consistent access to creative or demonstrative power, They are meant to use the energy of others. It can make them invaluable to others, If they know their design, Or drain on the resources of others, If they do not know their design. One of the big issues of the projector is fatigue. If they are trying to act as a different type of energy, They quickly become exhausted. Projectors are large organizers and networks, And have the ability to bring people together in the right combinations, In order to achieve specific tasks. Are the natural mediators between the two types of energy, And ultimately it is up to them to know how to maintain harmony in the world. RECOGNITION: There's really only one thing a projector ever wants in life; They want to be recognized as they are, So that they can put their skills to good use. The big secret to projectors is people. They need the right people in their lives, And for a projector, The right person is just someone who knows you. Anyone who does not recognize you is a waste of your resources. It is a fact that projectors actually get more recognition than any other type, Because it's in their design to be seen. Yet, Other people often see, Just what they want to see in projectors, Instead of seeing who they really are. This arouses great resentment in projectors, Which is one of their subjects in life. The projector who does not insist on working with people who know them, Eventually feels bitter inside. Because projectors are rarely seen as they are, They are often confused about the meaning of recognizing recognition. It can be seen that this projector has two separate settings, One from the G to the throat, And the second between the solar plexus and the ego. Therefore this is a person to be recognized, Whether due to his identity as a leader (Channel 3/31), Or because of the depth of his feelings and ease, Dealing with all kinds of people (Channel 37/40). If someone approaches that person, And tell him how amazing his mind is, Although it may sound very flattering, This is not true consciousness, For this person has no definite mind. This kind of recognition can easily get the projector in trouble, Because they love to hear things like that! Yet, Relationships based on wrong recognition, They will never be able to work well for them. When the projector above hears someone tell them: "I always feel so inspired when I'm with you," Every cell in their body really lights up, Because the same person really recognized them.

  • Human Design Academy By Ra Uru Hu | Cross of Planning (1615-2027) | The Transformation of the Solar Plexus

    The Transformation of the Solar Plexus The not-self world is going to have difficulties with all of this. At the Solar Plexus level a whole incredible thing is opening up. It just is. We are going to have full access to awareness, to a cognitive potential that is not dominated by the mental plane, but a cognitive awareness that goes deeper than that. It’s one of the things you notice when you learn about your Design. You begin to notice when you're taking in the other, you begin to notice the impact. You become aware of it. In that you’re enriched. There is so much wisdom to be gained in that. We are all going to experience the transformation of the Solar Plexus, both at the mundane level, that is, what’s going to happen when the 55 planes, and the 55 is going to have the first impact on that. Oh, think about it. In so many ways it’s very odd. The 39/55, 22/12, this Stream of Emoting, everything about it is so deeply tied to its motor, so deeply tied to this passion, to this building the fires, and all of this passion leading to what we have come, to understand as romantic expression, romantic art. ​ Ra Uru Hu.

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