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Industrial Revolution

Industrial Revolution

"In 1615 we started building large, dark factories.
We started packing humans inside.
You know what happens when you spend your life living,
Inside your immune system takes a hit,
you breathe stale dead air,
Other people's stale dead air, on and on and on.
I mean the scariest thing for me about flying,
Is that I fly with 75 lungs or 300 lungs or whatever and the crap that is in them,
And we never see things that way.
we do not know.
You know we see them from the rooms.
All this time that everyone thinks is so amazing,
look what we managed to do,
Jesus, we got it now, you know give me a break.
What you need to see is that we are helplessly driven to all this,
Because there is only one purpose in the mind,
I mean one is, you know you go ahead and reproduce,
But you know when the breeding game is over,
What else is there, we are here to seek knowledge.
I mean what's the point otherwise.
There is no other point.
You know you're looking at serendipity,
of what it is to incarnate into one of these vehicles,
And from everything I understand about the nature of being,
Because what we think of ourselves as a passenger,
locked in a helpless vehicle in the program,
And the traveler who spends most of his existence screaming and crying,
Because it doesn't like where it's going,
And it doesn't like what's happening,
And for me it is clear that all intelligence,
And the consciousness of this planet now,
whether it is esoteric or exoteric,
is simply to reach a point of understanding,
How can you get out of the pain, of what seems to be the tastelessness of the human experience,
And that the only way you get out of this pain,
It is when you let go of this life to be something you are here to control.
I mean you know the real joy of life.
Mine is that in a few words I can give someone a strategy,
to their kind and I can send them out into the world,
And I can see them in opposition,
And I can see the change in their consciousness,
And I mean once you get to the point,
where you know you stop trying to be in control,
And you start watching is the only thing to do,
this is the movie
And our physical bodies and our physical creativity aren't going anywhere.
That is, on a mystical level,
You all know that for many, many years,
I tell you that in 2027 we will have another species on this planet.
It will come out of us.
It will be very different from us.
Her appearance is something I spent a lot of time observing.
I mentioned a few days ago that I think about him often,
And that's one of the things about living in Spain.
Spain has a very interesting Neolithic history,
And Spain was probably the last place where Cro-Magna and Neanderthal lived together.
This has happened very often in our history and it has happened very quickly.
After all, one of the things to understand about approaching the end of the round,
is that our evolutionary process,
And the way we move is faster and faster and faster.
We race towards the door the way we evolved.
9 at 16,
you see 10,
10 is a weird lock, it's all about behavior.
Everything related to the tenth gate,
You know that's one of my favorite lines,
Step on the tiger's tail be careful, it's wonderful.
You know it, the magic of behavior,
the magic of the potential of what I teach,
that we are here to recognize our uniqueness and in this,
to love ourselves.
love ourselves as God,
There is nothing to compare.
That's the magic of what it's like to be right like you,
Live according to your authority, that there is no other authority.
In fact, if we all lived our authority,
We could live our authority,
At least we could enjoy embracing the arrival of what is coming.
How was it that this Neanderthal saw the Cro-Magna,
Entering his valley and what brought them to their end.
Were they destroyed? My assumption is that they were killed.
Given my understanding of the killer monkey,
I don't think we could stand any competition.
We are not good at accepting competition.
You know I've talked a lot about how popular culture,
Science Fiction,
All these things predicted the same mechanism,
And my favorite illustration is the movie Alien.
You know, the first time we have this collective psychedelic hit,
You know that moment when audiences really,
All over the earth they screamed,
You know when that thing suddenly comes out of a person's body,
And there's a shock wave coming,
And this is a shock wave that will not necessarily be caught consciously.
Remember the fact that we can talk about timelines,
does not mean that consciousness is going to recognize,
Accept, it's going to take a long time.
I mean one of the things about the online university,
I'm starting in September is that I'll be studying a rave cosmology program,
And basically it's about educating people,
How to identify these children,
when they come
and how to be able to deal with their mothers,
And how to be able to find a way to protect these creatures,
And you see when it becomes clear to humanity,
Because the spectrum of the disease.
and the problems of collective psychology rooted in their finitude,
I'm quite worried about what the reaction will be.
behavior we were very conditioned there is a very type,
very specific of behavior,
In this age of these hundreds of years,
that we are already dealing with its behavior,
Forgive me, it's focusing on all these details.
The ninth gate. Detail, detail, detail, detail.
This is the basis of our scientific world,
This is the very basis of our ability to go down to a minor detail.
I mean, I like, I like being a highly educated science freak, you know.
i mean i like it
Because I love both of these worlds,
And I've always seen that I'm a duellist,
I have always seen that there is an amazing relationship between these two worlds,
Once you bring them into combination with each other.
I mean that's the real magic again and that detail,
I will never forget my first trip to Los Angeles to teach,
And I'm right, right, yes, I'm in one of those hotels in Beverly Hills,
A very funny scene and ad was brought out to my visit,
And my assistant brought one of the great esoteric libraries in Los Angeles,
Now this is the once a month type of thing,
And in this thing, because it was really a thing.
I mean, I've never seen anything like it.
It was about a thousand and a half pages of paper,
of nothing but awareness for esoteric services and knowledge.
I mean anything you can think of,
From the weirdest and craziest you know to LP standard,
blah blah blah you know and everything in between people who sold mantras,
offers whiz whiz mantras,
pony boo's you name it you know any kind of shaman, guru, hippie dippie, you,
It was amazing.
There were thousands of them.
I mean, there were at least 40 or 50 pages.
Around the time I had the voice experience,
I lived in a row not far from the village of San Juan,
And I had a friend of mine, a very old friend of mine, uncle,
And he was trained as a scientist, he was actually trained as a geologist,
And he was one of the few guys,
that they actually had enough money to get magazine subscriptions in those days,
And he signed up for New Science, and one day I'm on the balcony,
And I see down on the road,
I see his car pull up,
And I see him get out of his car,
And he goes to his trunk,
And he takes the two packages,
And he put these two packages at the bottom.
The little path I would take to go up to my balcony,
and leaves and so I go down there,
And I grabbed these two packages,
It was two years of the new scientist,
And the New Scientist came out every week so there were about a hundred of these things,
And I bring them to my balcony,
And I sit down under my fig tree,
And I put those two packets in front of me and then I started laughing.
Never, it's the only time in my life I've been really scared.
I mean aura demons the voice,
you know i mean shocks,
But really scared of my death.
I laugh so much,
I really thought I was going to die.
I panicked because I couldn't stop laughing.
I rolled in the dust.
I could not,
It was so amazing to me,
Here were all these scientists, millions and millions of them on Earth,
All the details of this ninth gate are the journey of a thousand miles,
And all these people, doing all these steps endlessly.
takes these steps.
And here's a ridiculous freak, you know, just sitting there,
And they gave it all to me for free,
It was like it fell from the sky,
and all thought and all science of two years from all scientific disciplines,
And I read it,
It was amazing, this is our age, this is our time,
There are so many minor details available out there that no one can digest it.
It is an infinite, infinite, infinite unit.
Because we are all trying to get to the source, how it works,
Why does it work the way it does?
Who's in charge, you know it's just down to the meat,
And when you take both sides you can see.
I remember the first time I taught juxtaposition theory,
Three-dimensional theory (nine-dimensional theory).
Two weeks later Hawking in his wheelchair begins to sprout on a nine-dimensional universe,
And that is also good.
I mean, after all, human design is the only discovery that science has verified.
It's one of his jokes, you know, that it's this and that,
And you should see that our behavior for centuries,
focus on all those little details,
And all these little details are the basis of the collective transcendence.
The collective theoretical ascension we await for a theory of everything,
And of course quantum scientists are going crazy now,
Because they don't know what to do with neutrinos.
It's almost as if they want to say,
What can we know we can go back to the way we used to see things.
What do you do when 60% of the mass of the universe is neutrinos? And we're all in it.
You know, so this detail,
What do you think will happen when we leave this age,
where this individual lives,
And we all remember that this is not an abstract thing,
It's not like it's out there.
It's in us, in each of us, and one of us."

Ra Uru Hu.

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