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- Human Design Academy By Ra Uru Hu | Cross of Planning (1615-2027) | The Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix
The Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix Now, what's underneath that is something entirely different because when it comes to 2027, we have basically four gates that make up the Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix. This is the next global cycle that we’re entering into in 2027, there with the 20/34, the pure Manifesting Generator activating the 59. And the 59 is the opposition in the wheel to the 55. What happens on one side is always mirrored on the other. So, whatever is going on to flatten out the 55 is changing the way in which the 59 is going to work. If you go back to many of my earliest teachings in regards to 2027 and what's coming beyond that, one of the things is a change in our whole reproductive methodology. First of all, reproduction slowly but surely is something that is going to be more difficult. When I started to talk about that in early 90s, I've watched over all of these years now this, incredible rise in the vast fertility industry that exists in advanced countries, and all of the various tools that have been developed in order to try to maintain stable fertility in human beings. Ra Uru Hu.
- Human Design Academy By Ra Uru Hu | Cross of Planning (1615-2027) | How We Connect
How We Connect HOW WE CONNECT A transcription of the Valentine Day’s Event by Ra Uru Hu on February 14, 2010 Welcome to all of you. Nice that you are here for this Valentine’s Day event. We are going to look at how we connect to each other. Everything about Human Design is not about partnership. As a matter of fact it truly is a secondary thing. Everything about the nature of Human Design is about the potential of the differentiated unique being. This is what we are here for. This is what we are all about. At the very core, at the very nature of what we are as a being, lies the potential for us to fulfill whatever our uniqueness happens to be and to be able to do that while living successfully on this plane. One of the things that you get to see immediately in the nature of being is that we are in these bioshells and the life program is very specific. The life program says that the only way in which we are going to survive is that we need to reproduce and that everything about the way in which we are going to operate in the world is that we are going to be controlled by receptors. Think about your design. I mean, the graphic. You look at the graphic and what do you see? You see things colored in. Every single one of those things that are colored in is the nature that is there in you, that is it is the genetic predisposition to your potential uniqueness. But the majority of the things that are there are white. They are just white; white centers, white gates, white channels. They are not empty, they are not broken, they don’t need to be fixed. They are graphic metaphors of receptors. Most of what we are – is receptors. What we are most receptive to, aside from the program itself, is the other. And because we have a biological imperative, an imperative that says we must bond, that we must mate, that we must reproduce. This is something that is deeply embedded in the genetics of the specie. That it is something that we, in most cases, helplessly deal with. The beauty of Human Design begins with something very simple. It is the surface of the knowledge. The surface of the knowledge says that you can operate correctly on this plane if you take the responsibility of making decisions away from your mind and you give it to your Strategy and Authority, that is you give it to your vehicle. That’s what your vehicle is for. It’s an incredible intelligence that is here to operate on this plane and to operate successfully. It is not that we are here to ignore the receptors because after all this is what life is. This is how we connect to life. It’s how we connect to being. It’s how we connect to everything. One of the basic things that you learn in Human Design is that the very thing that conditions you at the start becomes your wisdom when you get to the other side of the process. Because after all they are receptors. When you are looking at your design, all those things that are colored in, you can think of that as the student and everything that’s white is where you go to school. It’s the things that you are here to learn in life. Most human beings, the vast majority of humanity are just simply overwhelmed by where they go to school. They get lost there. Who they could be, might be is all gone because it’s so easy to get lost in the conditioning. What I want to share with you today are some basic formulas. They are just formulas. There is something to understand about mechanics. It’s why mechanics can liberate the spirit because the moment that you see mechanics, there is that chance, that serendipity that for you in that moment you can release yourself from the great curse of all bonds. The great curse of all bonds is: you have to be different. That other, if only they could be like this or they could be like that. If only you would change. If only you would pay more attention to me. If only we could do this or that. If only we could be like this or that. The moment that you get into mechanics, you get into helplessness. The only thing that protects you in terms of relationships in your life is not what the relationship is but how you got there. Because if you don’t get there correctly, you are always doing maintenance. Always. The first thing to understand about mechanics is that when you get to see it, all you can do is go ’Oh, my Goodness! Well, all right. What am I gonna do?’ Nothing. Because it’s nobody’s fault. It’s not about blame. Relationships are built on these little dollops of blame that get stored away. These concepts about the way somebody is supposed to be. Think about the way we work. We have stuff that’s colored in and we have things that are open; this whole nature–nurture process. But I want you to grasp something about conditioning and something that’s really, really important, is that we are not simply the victims of conditioning. We put it out. We don’t just take it in, we put it out. It’s a fascinating thing when you can begin to recognize who you are and what you put out and what you are not and what you take in. Or in another way,: what you put out – that is always consistent and what you take in - that is inconsistent. We are constantly in this tension. This Is the Maia. It’s the Maia but it’s not for getting swallowed in. It’s not for getting messed up in. It isn’t. It’s for navigating through. It’s for the journey. It’s for the extraordinary voyage of discovery. It’s for this incredible cognitive experience to be self-reflected consciousness on this plane at this level. Wow! What a trip! Yet the majority of humanity is simply locked in ancient survival mechanisms and conditioned and conditioning. The homogenized pool of the planet, the way it functions, rising and falling on the program. Now I want you to think about that open center and I want you to watch this flow of energy and understand something: when you put energy inside of somebody, it isn’t the way you experience it. It isn’t. It’s amplified. So you’ve got an idea because you’ve got a fixed mind. You’ve got a fixed concept of one kind or another and you are with this person and you are talking to them about this fixed concept and you put this fixed concept in their head and they are open. They don’t just take it in. It becomes a big deal. It gets amplified. It becomes MORE, if you will. It gets elaborated on. It gets all kinds of stuff added to it. Think about it physically. Nearly two thirds of humanity are Generators and on the other side you have the three types: the Projectors and Manifestors and Reflectors, who do not have defined Sacral and they are always taking in the Sacral frequency and they are always amplifying it. You want to see the most powerful Generator? I mean they don’t live long but you can see them. It’s those not-self open beings amplifying all of that sacral energy. It’s not theirs and they cannot replenish it and they cannot stay healthy with it. So it goes back and forth. Ra Uru Hu.
- Human Design Academy By Ra Uru Hu | Cross of Planning (1615-2027) | The 55th Gate as an Awareness Gate
The 55th Gate as an Awareness Gate So, we’re going to have an impact, this flattening out of the 55. Now, it says something else. Everything about the 55th gate is that the moment you take away. the motor function you suddenly have an awareness gate, and this is something very, very special. It has nothing to do with how we understand the Solar Plexus system, that has dominated us forever by the motor function; we have not had access to what is the pure potential of awareness, that is there in the Solar Plexus itself. And this 55th gate speaks really to the unique spirit, the expression of the unique spirit. It is an individual gate. And it is not about the emotional spirit anymore, It is not about that spirit that is seen in that half cup, full or empty, that emotional spirit that is always rising and falling and suffering. It’s not about the emotional spirit, it’s not about the wave spirit. It’s about the spirit, the essence of what it is to be unique. It’s here. It’s the completion of the story. Ra Uru Hu.
- Forum: Human Design - The Global Consciousness Program - Mutation 2027 | Israel
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- Human Design Academy By Ra Uru Hu | Cross of Planning (1615-2027) | Disease
Disease Disease is not, None of that, and the interesting thing for me, Is that geneticists do not know what I know, It's obvious, and they do not know anything that will change the way, That they would look at the nature of our being. This mutation, there's something in this chemical mutation that destroys us, It's like if you googled the word disease. I mean, 2,000 years ago there were probably three things that killed you know. Google Disease. It's amazing, yes there are thousands of them, I mean there are, there are thousands of them, There are so many diseases it's amazing, Then you know it, and then they think there's a cure. This is the first problem. The second problem is that they see the disease as something that came out of a vacuum. You know, we have a new disease. We're declining at an incredible rate, And none of these genetics go, You know I noticed something. I mean, you do not get it. One day they tell you, That if you drink tomato juice, three times a week you are going to die. Next week they tell you, You really need to drink tomato juice because it's going to help your liver, Then next week they tell you in liver tests we found that tomato juice. Yes, it has nothing to do with tomato juice. I mean, it's sex. We have huge problems observing the forests. You know it's all these little trees. I have been warning everyone about bird flu for years. You know this thing, When it's coming and it's going to come, And nothing on earth is going to stop this clever little retrovirus, Finding a way to bother us, Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, And when it does come it's going to be devastating. I mean, I think most of us in the West might be because of the medical infrastructure, And the fact that there is wealth to buy the antivirals, Maybe we have a chance not to be really overwhelmed by it and this is just the beginning. It's like the story with AIDS. It's always been there. It's a monkey disease, for God's sake. It was there forever, But forever we had an immune system that was really hard. We had an immune system that managed to get to the top of the food chain. We were tough killer monkeys. Healthy killer monkeys. For 400 years we have been hidden from the sun every day. I mean how destructive it was to our immune system. We were cut off from the sun and cut off from the sun from it, That would not mean people have no shelters, There were shelters, you know, But you did not sit in the cave and watch TV, You went out and did something. Ra Uru Hu.
- Human Design Academy By Ra Uru Hu | Cross of Planning (1615-2027) | Demise of Institutions
Demise of Institutions Everything related to any program, The embodiment, the incarnation deals with consciousness, in form, And everything related to consciousness, In the form is on the consciousness of the witness, In order for the totality in this sense to be correct, All the different possibilities of form must be consciously experienced, And that you see in all this movement towards details and skills, And all within the structure of the tribe, Remember everything within this structure of the community, Of keeping it together with the glue of religion, Of building police, of having walls, of banks, all that stuff, This skill for the benefit of humanity is about to end. It's going to end. You will not have institutions that say ah, These poor babies in this country, On this river get this disease, Let's go send things right away, Humanitarianism, It's part of this age it's not a natural quality of humanity, I mean it's, such a joke. We tend to see ourselves, In the same way that when I meet someone, I know they are not themselves, You know I can always tell you, Can always tell you, Can tell people they are homogeneous, They are not unique, And you know it right away, And you feel it right away, And you know that when they talk to you, That they never say what is really unique, And you know I learned it when I was the first teacher, Not a wonderful experience here in Ibiza, That you know I taught at a local rural student school here in '83 and '84, And I taught what would turn out as children of my friends, And there were moments when each of these children would quote his parents directly. You know I mean they would say something like that, That you know exactly what kind of parent he was, and that the way the parent told them that, And I suppose that everything is that everything is their responsibility, They do not recognize that they are helpless, They can not after all it would be too scary, Because they do not understand it, They do not understand what this means, You know I had this funny thing with no choice, You know I tell people all the time, Look no choice, And they'm really upset, You know that everyone thinks, because they live in an illusion, That elections are everywhere, And I went to school to pay the commissions for my children, And the secretary was very sweet, told me you have lovely children, And she told me you did a very good job, And at first I meant to say there is no choice, But I thought it would upset her, So I said I'm just lucky. I found out to say I'm just lucky, It's even more provocative than saying no choice, And you know that it's basically the same thing. I mean, I love Lao Tzu, He was one of the few thinkers from the past I was able to take into my body, And it just resonates cleanly. It is such arrogance to assume that you can interfere with the universe, at any level. I mean it's amazing arrogance, And one of the things I enjoy about dropping this screen, Is that this arrogance is going to take a kick, Because all the pretension about what we think we are, Is all to be supported by these institutions, And all this is supported by these mechanisms, Non-personal it's just a spinning wheel, And that we express the plan. You know we're not humanitarian. it's a lie. That does not mean we are incapable of humanitarianism. we, But even that is not a choice, It's a serendipity of a moment. Ra Uru Hu.
- Human Design Academy By Ra Uru Hu | Cross of Planning (1615-2027) | Community
Community I mean there has never been a greater bondage in the history of mankind, This deal of security comes from the community, And out of that confidence comes from the community, We have all the things that have their roots in 40/37, Which is my tribes better than your tribe, My governments are better than yours, My gods are better than your God, My business is better than your business, And all the things that go with it, And from 1615 to 2027, We are stuck in the deepest material period in the history of mankind. There has never been such an emphasis on materialism, And it's not our fault that it's not that there are good and bad guys in the materialism business, That Pope John Paul, who collects dog shit, is better than Bill Gates who will leave a million, It's not about that, It's about understanding that we're all in the yin and yang of it, And of what spectrum is we all, We were caught in the material wheel and did not think it was going to be a great relief when it disappeared, because it is not. But still, that's what the 40/37 brought us. Now that you think of the thirty-seventh gate as a key, Think of the lock that opens this deep need, Because he needed the gate of the thirty-seventh, This deep need for community infrastructure has become our spirit, And the same spirit through the twenty-fifth gate, the twenty-fifth gate, It is the gate of the priest and the priestess. You know it's the blood gate, it's the gate of the sacrament, And so much of what we've seen in the last four centuries, Is that this whole search has linked us deep, deep, to old tribal myths. We have never lived in a more religious time, ever, I mean, ever, I mean it's one of the things that scares me so much, I mean, I'm not religious, you know, I mean I'm talking about religion. I'm not talking about spirituality. I'm not talking about mysticism. I'm not talking about magic. I'm talking about institutions. It's like a home movie with the Pope. What film. This stinking old institution. Thousands of years, you know, and it's this institution that's going down. You see the moment we move away from a flowing imprint, Through every person on earth, That you can not escape that we lock ourselves into this tribal configuration, When it comes out the window all these institutions will start to crumble, They will not be sustainable. It's not going to be us even wanting. I'm going to think about it. We are not naturally built as human beings to get along with each other so well. I mean after all institutions are artificial ways of maintaining peace, I mean that's what they're doing. It's a way to control the killer monkeys, in our cruelty. See, I have, It's very hard to find a way to impress myself, Not of what it is to be human, And see the ugliness, and the pain, that such a period has brought so much. The very necessity for reproduction, Create so many people, He's not about the excuses people come up with that he has to do with poverty, And they need more children, Either they have no contraception, or they do not know it, If they do not know it, it is not true. We live in an age where reproduction is an issue that is sucked through everyone. The tribe cannot survive without it. Power to the people. Well, you need the people, And the 40/37 demands more and more and more and more of them, More and more workers to build the temples, To keep the temples kneel in the temples. I mean, you know this is one of the jokes, The more people you get in the bureaucracy. You know it's just going on and on, but this is our age. Any person carrying the 25th gate. I carried the 25th gate. You know I'm a lock that allows this key. I mean, I'm responsible for maintaining this issue of materialism, Like everyone else even more in some cases, And you know you're paying a lot of money for me and all that stuff. I'm not poor, all that stuff. We live in an age of materialism and it is coming to an end. Good thing, man, that's going to be in 2027, You know, because I can hang my shingles, You know and just kind of retire, watch, watch the wheel spin, And that we see within the whole nature of materialism 40/37, That one of the things in the tribe is that they are always the ones who are not allowed to come to the table, And we live in a world where so much is forbidden to come to the table, Then we think there are villains and we look to blame. You know it's their fault, it's your fault you know, Let's change the political system, Let's change the leadership, Let's change the spirit of humanity. You can not do it. It's like someone tells you, You need to change, You know, slapping them for saying that. What the hell are they talking about, No one changes. We are what we are. That's what it's going to be, Whatever it's going to be, And garlic raging against the wind, Not going to stop this curtain from falling, Nothing, nothing. When looking at the 40th gate, The 40th gate is the opposition to the 37th gate, And the 40th gate is connected to 46, And remember that the 46th gate. Gate 46 is over the whole body, and it is the body like the temple. This is the place and this whole body is the temple that one of the things to see on the 40th Gate, The 40th gate is a gate of denial. It's a gate of God's denial, It's a gate of denial of the value of friendship relationships, Of all these things and yet, Of course when it's tied to gate 37, You get this whole community structure. But think about the connection to the 46th gate, Which is on the body, And one of the things to understand is that the body deteriorates at a very fast rate, And one of the first things that came with this cycle was what we call medicine. When we did a concrete and base and chain look, You know I talked about this phenomenon of you know that integration makes things happen, You know once you have two things, And you bring them closer together after having a quantum effect, And that the quantum is the hole that is larger than the sum of its parts, And one of the things to see about the nature of the mutation, Remember that when we entered the cycle in 1615, We were already in the process of opening up to the mutation. In 1781 we had the appearance of the ninth in the center, You know this is the beginning of the mutation, Leading through the realization of this transition that is going to take place after 2027, And this is also one of the things that should be seen about us as human beings, is that since 1781, We no longer had at the deepest level of our genetic imprint a future ahead of us, And there was a slow deterioration in the immune system and when you think about it holistically, Think of it this way, In 1781 when our body temperatures began to rise, We began to pollute the environment in a way that was never done. Ra Uru Hu.
- Human Design Academy By Ra Uru Hu | Cross of Planning (1615-2027) | Industrial Revolution
Industrial Revolution "In 1615 we started building large, dark factories. We started packing humans inside. You know what happens when you spend your life living, Inside your immune system takes a hit, you breathe stale dead air, Other people's stale dead air, on and on and on. I mean the scariest thing for me about flying, Is that I fly with 75 lungs or 300 lungs or whatever and the crap that is in them, And we never see things that way. we do not know. You know we see them from the rooms. All this time that everyone thinks is so amazing, look what we managed to do, Jesus, we got it now, you know give me a break. What you need to see is that we are helplessly driven to all this, Because there is only one purpose in the mind, I mean one is, you know you go ahead and reproduce, But you know when the breeding game is over, What else is there, we are here to seek knowledge. I mean what's the point otherwise. There is no other point. You know you're looking at serendipity, of what it is to incarnate into one of these vehicles, And from everything I understand about the nature of being, Because what we think of ourselves as a passenger, locked in a helpless vehicle in the program, And the traveler who spends most of his existence screaming and crying, Because it doesn't like where it's going, And it doesn't like what's happening, And for me it is clear that all intelligence, And the consciousness of this planet now, whether it is esoteric or exoteric, is simply to reach a point of understanding, How can you get out of the pain, of what seems to be the tastelessness of the human experience, And that the only way you get out of this pain, It is when you let go of this life to be something you are here to control. I mean you know the real joy of life. Mine is that in a few words I can give someone a strategy, to their kind and I can send them out into the world, And I can see them in opposition, And I can see the change in their consciousness, And I mean once you get to the point, where you know you stop trying to be in control, And you start watching is the only thing to do, this is the movie And our physical bodies and our physical creativity aren't going anywhere. That is, on a mystical level, You all know that for many, many years, I tell you that in 2027 we will have another species on this planet. It will come out of us. It will be very different from us. Her appearance is something I spent a lot of time observing. I mentioned a few days ago that I think about him often, And that's one of the things about living in Spain. Spain has a very interesting Neolithic history, And Spain was probably the last place where Cro-Magna and Neanderthal lived together. This has happened very often in our history and it has happened very quickly. After all, one of the things to understand about approaching the end of the round, is that our evolutionary process, And the way we move is faster and faster and faster. We race towards the door the way we evolved. 9 at 16, you see 10, 10 is a weird lock, it's all about behavior. Everything related to the tenth gate, You know that's one of my favorite lines, Step on the tiger's tail be careful, it's wonderful. You know it, the magic of behavior, the magic of the potential of what I teach, that we are here to recognize our uniqueness and in this, to love ourselves. love ourselves as God, There is nothing to compare. That's the magic of what it's like to be right like you, Live according to your authority, that there is no other authority. In fact, if we all lived our authority, We could live our authority, At least we could enjoy embracing the arrival of what is coming. How was it that this Neanderthal saw the Cro-Magna, Entering his valley and what brought them to their end. Were they destroyed? My assumption is that they were killed. Given my understanding of the killer monkey, I don't think we could stand any competition. We are not good at accepting competition. You know I've talked a lot about how popular culture, Science Fiction, All these things predicted the same mechanism, And my favorite illustration is the movie Alien. You know, the first time we have this collective psychedelic hit, You know that moment when audiences really, All over the earth they screamed, You know when that thing suddenly comes out of a person's body, And there's a shock wave coming, And this is a shock wave that will not necessarily be caught consciously. Remember the fact that we can talk about timelines, does not mean that consciousness is going to recognize, Accept, it's going to take a long time. I mean one of the things about the online university, I'm starting in September is that I'll be studying a rave cosmology program, And basically it's about educating people, How to identify these children, when they come and how to be able to deal with their mothers, And how to be able to find a way to protect these creatures, And you see when it becomes clear to humanity, Because the spectrum of the disease. and the problems of collective psychology rooted in their finitude, I'm quite worried about what the reaction will be. behavior we were very conditioned there is a very type, very specific of behavior, In this age of these hundreds of years, that we are already dealing with its behavior, Forgive me, it's focusing on all these details. The ninth gate. Detail, detail, detail, detail. This is the basis of our scientific world, This is the very basis of our ability to go down to a minor detail. I mean, I like, I like being a highly educated science freak, you know. i mean i like it Because I love both of these worlds, And I've always seen that I'm a duellist, I have always seen that there is an amazing relationship between these two worlds, Once you bring them into combination with each other. I mean that's the real magic again and that detail, I will never forget my first trip to Los Angeles to teach, And I'm right, right, yes, I'm in one of those hotels in Beverly Hills, A very funny scene and ad was brought out to my visit, And my assistant brought one of the great esoteric libraries in Los Angeles, Now this is the once a month type of thing, And in this thing, because it was really a thing. I mean, I've never seen anything like it. It was about a thousand and a half pages of paper, of nothing but awareness for esoteric services and knowledge. I mean anything you can think of, From the weirdest and craziest you know to LP standard, blah blah blah you know and everything in between people who sold mantras, offers whiz whiz mantras, pony boo's you name it you know any kind of shaman, guru, hippie dippie, you, It was amazing. There were thousands of them. I mean, there were at least 40 or 50 pages. Around the time I had the voice experience, I lived in a row not far from the village of San Juan, And I had a friend of mine, a very old friend of mine, uncle, And he was trained as a scientist, he was actually trained as a geologist, And he was one of the few guys, that they actually had enough money to get magazine subscriptions in those days, And he signed up for New Science, and one day I'm on the balcony, And I see down on the road, I see his car pull up, And I see him get out of his car, And he goes to his trunk, And he takes the two packages, And he put these two packages at the bottom. The little path I would take to go up to my balcony, and leaves and so I go down there, And I grabbed these two packages, It was two years of the new scientist, And the New Scientist came out every week so there were about a hundred of these things, And I bring them to my balcony, And I sit down under my fig tree, And I put those two packets in front of me and then I started laughing. Never, it's the only time in my life I've been really scared. I mean aura demons the voice, you know i mean shocks, But really scared of my death. I laugh so much, I really thought I was going to die. I panicked because I couldn't stop laughing. I rolled in the dust. I could not, It was so amazing to me, Here were all these scientists, millions and millions of them on Earth, All the details of this ninth gate are the journey of a thousand miles, And all these people, doing all these steps endlessly. takes these steps. And here's a ridiculous freak, you know, just sitting there, And they gave it all to me for free, It was like it fell from the sky, and all thought and all science of two years from all scientific disciplines, And I read it, It was amazing, this is our age, this is our time, There are so many minor details available out there that no one can digest it. It is an infinite, infinite, infinite unit. Because we are all trying to get to the source, how it works, Why does it work the way it does? Who's in charge, you know it's just down to the meat, And when you take both sides you can see. I remember the first time I taught juxtaposition theory, Three-dimensional theory (nine-dimensional theory). Two weeks later Hawking in his wheelchair begins to sprout on a nine-dimensional universe, And that is also good. I mean, after all, human design is the only discovery that science has verified. It's one of his jokes, you know, that it's this and that, And you should see that our behavior for centuries, focus on all those little details, And all these little details are the basis of the collective transcendence. The collective theoretical ascension we await for a theory of everything, And of course quantum scientists are going crazy now, Because they don't know what to do with neutrinos. It's almost as if they want to say, What can we know we can go back to the way we used to see things. What do you do when 60% of the mass of the universe is neutrinos? And we're all in it. You know, so this detail, What do you think will happen when we leave this age, where this individual lives, And we all remember that this is not an abstract thing, It's not like it's out there. It's in us, in each of us, and one of us." Ra Uru Hu.
- Human Design Academy By Ra Uru Hu | Cross of Planning (1615-2027) | 9 And 0 Nowhere To Go
9 and 0 Nowhere To Go Now, in Human Design, I guess the most extraordinary thing because you really don’t have to be. what do they say, a brain surgeon, a rocket scientist. It’s two pictures, same graphic background. In those two pictures you get to see what happens when you bring them together. In this case what you are looking at here, is that one of them represents. you can see for example this side over here – you can see it expressed in the green over here and this over here you can see expressed in the blue over here. So you’ve got the the green and the blue forces over here that come together and make something else. So I’m going to show you now four basic formulas. They are basic but like all simple things, they carry a tremendous amount of truth. Of course, in terms of mechanics you get to see what happens to you when you enter into a bond with somebody. Think about it this way: you’ve got two ways in which it’s going to work. • You are going to enter into the bond as not-self which means you are going to be drawn by the conditioning, whatever the conditioning happens to be and you can see that there are all kinds of mutual conditioning that goes on in this relationship. • The other side is – you are going to enter into correctly this relationship. Now that’s something totally different. It really is. Because you enter in as yourself and as such you are able to take in the other. It is something that is so important to understand about being yourself and that you can make a decision that is correct for you, in terms of who you bring into your aura. Most people don’t. So you end up in configurations when they are not correct that become deeply distorted. Think about this image, this one, down here. What you get to see in this image is that when these two beings come together, every single one of the centers, all of them, all 9 centers get colored in. So if you take your design and you put it togerther with somebody else’s design and all the 9 centers get colored in – this is called 9 and 0 and as you can see THERE’S NOWHERE TO GO. Now think about how uncomfortable that can be and think about how wonderful that can be. I mean, after all it is about this and that, isn’t it? But it’s a 9 and 0. It means that when the two of you are together, nobody else can get in. Not only that but when the two of you are together, it’s hard to get away. You get locked into each other in a way that can be healthy or not. It depends on the level of awareness in the relationship. But there isn’t anything you can do about that. A 9 and 0 is a 9 and 0. You end up in a 9 and 0 relationship with somebody who is difficult and abusive, whatever the case may be, not such an easy thing to get out. You end up in a 9 and 0 relationship and all of those friends that you seem to have had in your life, who were part of your social dynamics, suddenly disappear because you are caught in a 9 and 0. These are mechanisms. You can’t do anything about it. You can’t be in a 9 and 0 and the whole theme of your relationship is `Let’s make room for somebody else’ - because it does not work. It’s just a mechanical thing. If you are not meant for that, if you get drawn into a relationship through the conditioning, through the way in which homogenized relationships work and you end up in a relationship that you discover very quickly isn’t necessarily for you - this is very difficult. Not only that but you often end up with partners that can be deeply disturbed by having the relationship come to an end. It is something to recognize. You see, to be helpless in one of these relationships – this is a very painful thing. It is. It has the capacity to really altering the way in which that couple is going to operate. It does not just have to be a couple. It can be those beings that are friends and everybody else can’t get in. It can be those working associates that really bond deeply to each other and trade off their own stuff together and there are all these levels that it works at. The only answer is not `Oh, I’m in a 9 and 0 and I don’t like it’. Or `I’m in a 9 and 0 and I’ve lost all of my good friends and what can I do?’ That is not what this is about. It’s a mechanical thing. There are beings that are supposed to be in a 9 and 0 relationship that are absolutely perfect for them because that’s where they are supposed to be. That’s what’s really correct for them in terms of the way in which they are designed to connect to the other. Remember, it does not mean that if you connect with your partner or a friend and it’s a 9 and 0, that you are going to be a 9 and 0 with anybody else. It does not work that way. You begin to see when you start looking at your design and the design of the people in your life, you begin to see very quickly that there are all these different formulas that emerge out of these relationships and they change the way it works. If you’ve got a 9 and 0 relationship with a friend, no sense inviting somebody else to join you to go out. It’s not the kind of thing that is going to work. It just isn’t. It’s like trying to break up a friendship of one of your kids with somebody because you don’t particularly like them, or whatever the case may be – and they are a 9 and 0. You watch and see what kind of a dilemma that’s going to bring. So it’s a mechanical thing to be aware of. Ra Uru Hu.
- Human Design Academy By Ra Uru Hu | Cross of Planning (1615-2027) | A New Art Form
A New Art Form What fascinates me is there's a new art form, that’s going to come into the world. I don’t mean to sound so mystical, but it’s true. There is an art form, that is going to come into the world, that is strictly related to this particular awareness. Each awareness brings its own artistic potential, and here we're going to have something else. This awareness spirit, this spirit awareness, and this spirit awareness operating, through the potential of what the Right brings, which is this deep, deep, receptivity. Ra Uru Hu.
- Human Design Academy By Ra Uru Hu | Cross of Planning (1615-2027) | A Developmental Interregnum
A Developmental Interregnum After all, in evolutionary terms the couple of hundred years, or so since 1781 doesn’t mean a hell of a lot. This is, in evolutionary terms, nothing. So, this whole interregnum that we’ve been going through has really been, this developmentally interregnum to get us to this place and prepare us for it, this long evolutionary movement to get there. It’s why Design came when it came, to be able to lay the foundation for what is beyond this. Because this is when all the tools we have and all the ways we have of understanding in Human Design, from Variable down to Tones and Base orientations, all of these things that are part of the knowledge now can fully be applied, and can be taken full advantage of. And that we will get to see and we’ll get to experience, in those children of the future a form of awareness, that is really so deeply unusual, something that 10 years ago, 20 years ago would be nothing more than science fiction, and it's not. It's part of our potential to be able to be cognitive in ways that are yet not understood by the mind. It’s there within us. It’s there within our form; it’s part of what our future will be. All right, to all of you, thank you for participating in today's lecture. It’s nice that you’re here. Wherever you are, all of you, you take care. Until next time, bye for now. Ra Uru Hu.
- Human Design Academy By Ra Uru Hu | Cross of Planning (1615-2027) | The Transformation of the Solar Plexus
The Transformation of the Solar Plexus The not-self world is going to have difficulties with all of this. At the Solar Plexus level a whole incredible thing is opening up. It just is. We are going to have full access to awareness, to a cognitive potential that is not dominated by the mental plane, but a cognitive awareness that goes deeper than that. It’s one of the things you notice when you learn about your Design. You begin to notice when you're taking in the other, you begin to notice the impact. You become aware of it. In that you’re enriched. There is so much wisdom to be gained in that. We are all going to experience the transformation of the Solar Plexus, both at the mundane level, that is, what’s going to happen when the 55 planes, and the 55 is going to have the first impact on that. Oh, think about it. In so many ways it’s very odd. The 39/55, 22/12, this Stream of Emoting, everything about it is so deeply tied to its motor, so deeply tied to this passion, to this building the fires, and all of this passion leading to what we have come, to understand as romantic expression, romantic art. Ra Uru Hu.