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  • Human Design Academy By Ra Uru Hu | Cross of Planning (1615-2027) | ​Right-ness and the Solar Plexus

    Right-ness and the Solar Plexus My real concern in terms of Solar Plexus evolution, is the education necessary to go along with it. At the deeper levels of the knowledge in Human Design, we work with what it means to carry Right-ness in your life, what it means to be Right-minded or Right brained, or to have a Right environment or a Right perspective. And to recognize what a gift that can be, to be relaxed with it, to learn to accept it for what it is and not to put Left oriented, labels on what Right-ness is, because Right-ness is not a problem. It is depth itself. It is the great receptivity. What it’s waiting for is that it’s waiting for the Solar Plexus. Right now there is only one awareness aspect, that is connected to Right-ness, where Right-ness can actually be experienced, and it’s at the mental plane, because the mental plane is really divided into two. That is, it’s divided into its traditional strategic Left-ness, and on the other side its receptive Right-ness. And it's here that in the first stage of the development of Right-ness, because the mutation actually took place here in the Ajna Center, that it is this first stage in the Right-ness that, is connected to the mental so we can talk about it. I can talk to those beings, that carry Right-ness and explain it to them, because there is a right aspect to our thinking, that allows this to be grasped. But in order for the deepest levels of Right-ness to be expressed, we’re waiting for this. We’re waiting for the tools. And oh boy, are we getting close, around 17 years from now; very close. Most of us, hopefully, will get to see that. I hope I’m around to see that, just to see the turning of the wheel. It’s not like I expect everything to happen in a moment, to get beyond that point, to be able to see the beginnings of these, beings coming into the world, to be able to see clearly. As a deeply unemotional being, it is so obvious to me that I can feel it. I do, I can feel it. Ra Uru Hu.

  • Human Design Academy By Ra Uru Hu | Cross of Planning (1615-2027) | ​Projector

    Projector Transformation by Ra Uru Hu Ra Uru Hu on Projector Transformation: Part I When I first began my teachings, it was obvious to me that because, I understood the nature of the Projector, that it would take a long time to be able to, develop the kinds of tools that I could offer immediately to Generators. Basically, the first seven to ten years that, I worked in Human Design, I focused almost exclusively on Generators. They are an essential part of the life force of this planet. If they can wake up it helps everything else wake up. At the same time, over and over again as I went through, my process of introducing, Human Design and doing opening evening lectures, it was always so clear to me that I was short changing Projectors, because I didn’t have an easy fix for them. I didn’t have an easy fix for them at all. All Projectors know that. They know that strategy is an interesting concept. But it’s not as if it’s something that you taste all the time. There’s something that’s very difficult. What is difficult is that, The Human Design process is so deeply personal. It’s so deeply individual. It really is. And it’s very lonely, in that sense. You are alone with a very different way, of approaching the nature of being. That aloneness is something that can be very uncomfortable. And it can be uncomfortable in the sense of, “Where am I going? Am I in the right direction? Is this really working for me?” Of course, when you think about the nature of, The Generator or the energy type, that is not a dilemma. That is not a dilemma in the sense that, there is this constant potential to be able to deal with the nature of being through your strategy. But it’s not the case for a Projector. It’s not the case at all. You can be invited to enter into a certain career when you are young, and the invitation is correct. And if the response to the invitation is correct, then you enter into something that is correct for you. But it doesn’t mean that everything in that will be. It doesn’t mean that everyone you’re going to meet on that track will be. And it doesn’t mean that all of them will invite you to make up your mind about them, or about their impact on you. The fact of the matter is that being a Projector means, that you have an absolute drive within you to integrate with the other; it’s simply there. It’s not so much there in the sense that there is a neediness as there is an enormous curiosity. It’s really one of the deepest themes that operates through Projector, is this extraordinary curiosity. And it’s not a curiosity that is always, self-evident in the way in which their Personalities operate. It is a curiosity that is fundamentally a part of the way, their aura works. No other aura has this facility to penetrate to the self, or to the identity of the other. It is the Projector’s great gift, this dichotomy of being gifted in recognizing, and being here to be recognized. Yet, the difficulty, the dilemma from the beginning, from the moment that the Projector, comes out of the womb is the dilemma of the conditioning field. It’s absolutely essential to take in the conditioning, and it gets to a point where it’s very, very difficult, extremely difficult to be able to differentiate between, the not-self of what I am because, this is how I’ve been conditioned and the true self; it’s not easy. More than that, when I began my process and focused on Generators it was natural, because they are naturally curious about themselves. This is not the case for Projectors, it’s secondary. The interest of all Projectors is the fulfillment of what their Design is about which is to fulfill that curiosity, to be able to recognize and see how things work; and yet, while they’re doing that, they are dependent on the other. What I’m going to share with you is a discerning tool. It’s the ability to begin to grasp , he impact of others on you in a way in which you can see, what is healthy for you and what is not healthy for you. This is something that is so essential. Everything about what it is to be a Projector is about, who is in your life. Everything. This is not about they’re important and you’re not. This is simply about the reality; you need something to be curious with. It is part of the process. You need those beings in order to recognize, and ultimately to be recognized. Yet, what they do to you is very, very difficult to actually grasp. Oh yes, there are some obvious things. If you’re unemotional and you’re dealing, with an emotional person or you’ve got an open Spleen and you’re dealing with a Splenic person, and all of these things that we know. But in fact, that doesn’t really tell you whether, to be conditioned by them is valuable or not. As a Projector conditioning is part of your life. It’s what you’re here to experience. It’s part of the way in which you taste and explore what the other is. It’s something so important. Yet, it has to be the right beings. And yet, how do you know?

  • Human Design Academy By Ra Uru Hu | Cross of Planning (1615-2027) | The Wave Motion

    The Wave Motion The Wave Motion: And when I say its emotionality, what I’m really referring to is its wave context. The thing that makes the emotional motor so powerful is its wave motion. That wave motion, by the way, is something that originates in the 6th gate. That is,the various waves that are there, the crash wave of the abstract process, the planing wave of the individual process, the ratcheting wave of tribal process, they’re all rooted in the 6th gate. That’s where they come from. What we’re dealing with is that the Solar Plexus system is made up of various components, the gates as we refer to them. But each of these gates has a different relationship to the layers that are there in the Solar Plexus. We have a surface layer of the Solar Plexus that is really just about the motor. In other words, it’s the basic motor function, one of our four motors that are here in Human Design, that the wave is the motor function itself; nothing more, nothing less. This is the motor. And of course, it’s the motor that’s so distorting. And because human beings give reasons to chemistry, that motor that operates in the wave leads to the way in which human beings, are going to project on the way in which they look at the world, depending on where they are in their particular wave, give a reason to it, get attached to it and then go the way that most emotional beings go. They go the path of suffering, the suffering that even when they're going up they realize, based on experience, that they will have to go down and slowly but surely even the going up loses its magic; the motor becomes something that is so deeply, potentially deeply distorting in the life. Ra Uru Hu.

  • Human Design Academy by Ra Uru Hu | Cross of Planning (1615-2027) | Projector Transformation by Ra Uru Hu | Part III

    Projector Transformation by Ra Uru Hu Ra Uru Hu on Projector Transformation: Part III I have an extraordinary respect for the potential of Projector recognition. I have watched over the years the involvement of Projector, students and the depth of their involvement, and the intelligence behind all of that, this Projector gift of recognizing But this is what the Projector is about; to be able to recognize, and now to have a signpost for yourself. To be able to set your honing device, your aura ability to enter into the aura of the other, and to be able to recognize right away whether, this one is someone who is going to pull you to what is your true motivation, somebody who will support that motivation, that will help nourish that motivation, rather than somebody, that is constantly pulling you away to the transference. Then you can begin to discern. You can begin to see they’re not for you, those beings. As a Projector this is everything. I used to make a joke many years ago. It wasn’t appreciated very much so I didn’t tell it very often. I used to make a joke about what it’s like to have open centers. I would always remind people, that it’s a much deeper process than even eating them. Would you want to eat that person? Would you want to take that person into your body? It’s one of the things to realize about what it is to be open as a Projector, particularly open in the Sacral. To really understand what you’re taking in when you’re taking in the other. It’s not just a mechanism that’s turning something on; it’s them. And it’s so easy, there is nothing easier than to be overwhelmed by the conditioning of the other. But, it’s what I love about mind. It can be magnificent as its own worst enemy. Teach the mind something practical like this, and it will help you eliminate the mind’s power to create the not-self decision. The Projector mind, particularly, is honed to this. It is as profound an insight as you’re going to have into people. And by the way, it won’t take you long, to get to a point where you can feel it, rather than having to hear it. That’s the interesting part. Intellectual Awakening : The intellectual awakening is about, the resonance of logical knowledge going through the brain. It just clicks into place. If there’s anything wrong, everybody knows. And the whole thing about these, underlying motivations is that we resonant to them, deeply. And once you understand how they work, once you understand their impact on you, then you can begin to measure the impact of others on your life. And as a projector, that’s everything. This is the ultimate responsibility of the Projector. If every projector would perfect their human environment, we would have an extraordinary planet. In the mythos of this age of types, Projector and Generator are the holy center of this whole process. They have a deeply profound relationship with each other that is yet to emerge. It takes time to develop the awareness to get Projectors, to a point where not only do they actually live out their Design, but they’re gifted enough to maintain the integrity of their correctness. It’s the maintaining the integrity of their correctness, which is what this thing is all about. It is about the day-to-day process of the beings that are there in your life. It’s the day-to-day process. And in your interaction with these beings, how important it is for the Projector to understand that they have to get to the point where, they eliminate those forces that are constantly pulling them away from their motivation. Constantly pulling them away from seeing the world the way, they were intended to see it. How a different a being it makes you. The Projector's Strategy does not Protect: It’s no wonder it’s so hard to wake up passengers. If you don’t see the world, if your being doesn’t resonate to its natural motivation, you are more than not-self. You’re not. It’s just a not. It’s not enough for a Projector to be able to say, “I’m following my strategy and that’s going to protect me,” it’s not true. The strategy is too wide open for that. The Generator doesn’t need to know about their, Color motivation other than for the intellectual wakening of the passenger, because they have the moment-by-moment potential of the absolute truth of their Sacral. But a Projector doesn’t have that. And given that Projectors are supposed to be at the top of the hierarchy, it’s not like they were given no tools, or the potential. It’s people. I was always concerned in the beginning, that I would cause too many broken relationships, and be blamed for all of that. It’s not an easy thing to tell adults, who have complex lives and relationships, that it probably was mostly incorrect. Sometimes luck and type come together. But the reality is in most cases it’s incorrect. And then you end up in the woof and warp of what you’re doing. The Projector’s Aura explores the Self of the Other: It’s just people. Projectors that get involved in any kind of knowledge, knowledge that attracts them, tend to go very deeply into its systems that are natural for them. But I’m actually referring to something as well, something much more profound. That is, the very way in which your aura works. That it explores the self of the other. And again, the moment that you give the passenger the intellectual grasp, to be able to discern your aura ultimately is going to reflect that. And in the reflection of that aura, your ability to really be able to see and finally have a signpost that says “I am operating correctly; I’m operating out of my motivation, I’m seeing the world the way in which I was intended to see, the world and don’t you try to take me away from that.” This is the thing. Projectors are here to see what was given to Them: We are here to see what was given to us. It is our uniqueness. It is our differentiation at a very, very profound level. It is a gift that you have access to because you have the intellectual tools. It does not take a rocket scientist to check out the Color of your Sun/Earth and your Nodes, and to just figure out what the transference is. Even at the simplest level of the six keynote words it’s enough. It will make an enormous difference; you can fill in all the blanks. It’s so important to remember that this is about people. It’s why you as a Projector are here to know the other. Everything about existence for you is through the mirror of the other that you examine. Here is an opportunity to really be able to break it down, so that the only forces that you take in at a deep conditioning level, are those forces that stay with you in your correct motivation. And then if you entered into the whole generic correctly, through invitation regardless of what happens to you inside of that experience with the beings that are loading you up with their conditioning as long as the motivation is correct, you will stay on your alignment and you will be correct. If I was working with a group of 13 year old Projectors, it would be possible to talk to them about building a life with allies that are correct. It would be possible. This is why this knowledge for children is something that is so extraordinarily important, it just is. But when I’m dealing with adults, and dealing with adult Projectors it’s very different. I understand. I have great empathy for what it is to be in the thrall of conditioning as a way of life.

  • Human Design Academy By Ra Uru Hu | Cross of Planning (1615-2027) | The 19th Gate

    The 19th Gate And more than that, it is the gate of the deepest fundamentalism, because that is what we’re really getting to see. Everything about the tribe is that, the tribe has basic fundamental needs that are rooted in the 19th gate, this pressure. And the pressure in the 19th gate is the need for basic things of the tribe. That is, the need for basic resources, food, shelter, education; the need for a marriage bond. That is, the need for pair bonding, and the need for pair bonding, to be accepted within a trial construct, the need for God and religion as a glue to hold, the tribe together with an ideology. All of that is in the 19th gate; all of it as pressure. The principles realized through the 49 in its wave and this is a ratchet wave. This is very different. A ratchet wave is that you say something to somebody and they take it in and they don't like it, but nothing happens. And then the next day it begins to rise up, it begins to ratchet back and forth, but each time as it’s ratcheting it gets, higher and higher and higher and higher until one day, you walk up to that person and you say something really innocuous, and they explode. This is the ratchet, this so-called slow to anger, this building up, building up, building up until there is finally the emotional release. Now, this ratchet wave is being impacted, this 49th gate like the 55th gate, these are the only two histidine codons, they are together in this transformation that is taking place. But one of things that is happening here is very different than what's happening between the 55 and the 39. The 39 is a Cancerian gate. It is carrying the past in it. It is the root of individualism. If you look at the Left Angle Cross of Individualism it is framed on the 38-39. The 38 looks into the future and the 39 holds onto the past. There is this whole continuity of history, in the transformation of our being, that is being acted out as a pressure here to bring, about this change in spirit, to kill the wave, to bring about the true spirit, the true unique spirit of the being. It's only here that the true spirit, of the being is, finally released and revealed, in that sense. Ra Uru Hu.

  • Human Design Academy By Ra Uru Hu | Cross of Planning (1615-2027) | A Change in the Background Frequency of the Bargain

    A Change in the Background Frequency of the Bargain Remember, when we get to 2027 there is not going to be a 40/37, in the background frequency at all. It’s not going to be there. We’re not going to have this background support, that we are all in this bargain together. You see it all the time on Facebook, the ‘we are one,’ the one-ness of everything. We’re all one. Yeah, we’re all one; you wait and see what happens when we get to 2027, you’ll discover that we’re not one. This was the background frequency. We get to 2027, 2027 says, “hey, excuse me; you’re on your own.” That’s what the Sleeping Phoenix is, three individual gates and a 59th gate that, hardly is going to carry much tribal quality. There is this incredible movement, day by day, this 19/49 system is slowly deteriorating. It just is. It’s so interesting that it’s the channel of Synthesis. When we entered into the 1st line theme in 1960, we basically entered into the window of opportunity, between then and 2027 to get to the Inner Truth one of the keys in the lock-and-key system of this cycle. Because the synthesis is going to break down, the way in which our societies are interwoven at all of these various levels, that slowly is going to come to an end. Ra Uru Hu.

  • Human Design Academy By Ra Uru Hu | Cross of Planning (1615-2027) | Materialism & Mating

    Materialism & Mating so lets start. It began in 1615. And it started with the 37th gate as the equinox gate. And you can see that the lock is gate 25. The 37th gate is the gate of the family. This is the gate of the need of God. Not just the need for God, But the need to build temples to God, It's the need for secure family ties, This is the need for moral law, This is the need for those who will work for the benefit of the community, And we find that in the complementary 40th Gate. In other words, we live in an era since 1615, Where the most dynamic issue was community, And not just a community in this sense is a primitive tribal community, But this is the development of the tribal community, Who goes from being you know a tribal ruler, To a city-state, to a nation-state, to national institutions, In other words the whole structure of the community, Everything is built into this work from 1615, The plan demanded that humanity would have to work harder and harder, Just to be able to maintain the structure they were designed to build. Ra Uru Hu.

  • Human Design Academy By Ra Uru Hu | Cross of Planning (1615-2027) | A New Art Form

    A New Art Form What fascinates me is there's a new art form, that’s going to come into the world. I don’t mean to sound so mystical, but it’s true. There is an art form, that is going to come into the world, that is strictly related to this particular awareness. Each awareness brings its own artistic potential, and here we're going to have something else. This awareness spirit, this spirit awareness, and this spirit awareness operating, through the potential of what the Right brings, which is this deep, deep, receptivity. Ra Uru Hu.

  • Human Design Academy By Ra Uru Hu | Cross of Planning (1615-2027) | ​7 And 2 Work To Do

    7 And 2 Work To Go 7 and 2 work to do. The work to do is that if you are a 7 and 2 relationship, and here you can see that this relationship is a single definition, and so it is a fully integrated relationship and if you look at this you can see that there are two centers open. The moment you have two centers open, it means that the couple can end up having different interests that ultimately send them apart from each other. So the moment this kind of relationship has a problem, one partner goes out this window and one partner goes out that window. These are partnerships where partners learn how to escape each other most of the time. And they escape each other most of the time with their particular interest. ’No. Sorry, I’ve gotta work’ or ’I’ve gotta do this thing’ or blah blah blah, whatever the case may be. There is a window they go out of in order to NOT get into this. The other side of that again, by the way, if I’m talking about the not-self, every single one of these mechanics is a negative. At some level or another it’s going to bring out negatives because there’s no understanding and ultimately without understanding in relationships – all you get is a power trip. However the power trip is played out, male/female roles, all that stuff, it’s just that. It’s a power trip and it’s cruel because there’s nothing to change. Anybody who wants to change you, is the enemy. You know, this is not what existence is about, we are NOT here to be changed by somebody. We are here to be ourselves. We are not here to obey somebody else’s demands because they have a specific need to mold our life in a certain way to satisfy themselves. We forget all that. All of that is real insanity. This is all power trip stuff. See, this is mechanics. We are helpless in these mechanics. It’s not like you can do anything about this, that this one is going to go out here and that one’s going to go there. But if the bond between them is healthy and aware, this will be part of their relationship. Yes, they do have these separate interests but these separate interests aren’t separating them because it isn’t an issue. That one is over here and the other one is over there. It’s not `You are over there to avoid me’ or `You are over there to be away from me’. Because it isn’t. It’s just what this kind of relationship offers. You can see that the mechanics is very simple –it just gives you the basic formulas. The 9 and 0s have to be totally locked in. So you have to see that there has to be a fundamental dynamic in your design, that this is part of what your cognitive exploration is on this plane – so deeply connected to another human being to take in that deep experience of the other. You can see that in the 8 and 1 you have something very different. What you have is the beginning of this kind of generational interest field. This window is open for couples to go out into the world to join others, to do things and all that stuff. You know, to be involved with each other at that level to gain that appreciation of each other. Obviously there are very positive things in that. The same thing here. You have to see that at the not-self level these dynamics create all the dilemmas that are there. It’s the foundation of them. These are not beings that entered relationships correctly, they find themselves in a 7 and 2. They may not be built for that. Just because they end up in it, doesn’t mean it was meant for them, they didn’t enter into it correctly. And they may end up with somebody who is REALLY into that and the relationship is going to be problematic. Happy Valentine’s Day! Never mind. My sense of humor. Ra Uru Hu.

  • Human Design Academy By Ra Uru Hu | Cross of Planning (1615-2027) | ​Companionship

    Companionship And finally we have companionship. I have a wonderful companionship story for you. Seems like seasons ago. I think it was 20 years ago. Not quite, it was in 1994. I was giving an analyst training here in Ibiza where I live. I had three students. There were two of them that knew the third person but those two never knew each other. Yet, as I got to meet them and got to go through their designs, the first thing that I noticed was that these two women had the same basic design i.e. at the surface level. They had the same birthday, they were born about 6 hours apart. There were some minor things that were different on the surface but basically they were quite similar in the way they were made up. The other thing is that they had both been sanyasins with Osho and they had both been to India at the same time and they had both been at the same ashram at the same time and never met each other. Anyway, there were all these coincidences and there they were, the two of them in this class on either side of this person they knew mutually and this was a classic example of companionship in the extreme. It is something that is really interesting about what happens with companionship. You go to a gathering, you know, friends are gathering or there’s an event that’s taking place and you go in there. Now those beings who have a similar design to you, they are not going to be of interest to you. Why aren’t they going to be of interest to you? Because genetically they don’t make sense. The genes don’t like companionship. The genes don’t like sameness. They don’t. The genes do everything in their power to move us away from sameness which, by the way, can be deeply deeply comforting and relaxing. They move us away from sameness and only gear us towards what we are not. You know, only gear us towards all of the attraction out there for our receptors. So companionship is something that is quite different and you don’t see necessarily, at least in my experience, you don’t see a lot of companionship in relationships. But when it’s there, what you are looking at, and of course this is very simple – you both have the same channel – is that you have something deeply in common. I mean, deeply in common in your wiring. That is something that can be the safe place in a storm for the two of you in your relationship. That is what companionship brings. It brings, you know, it’s like that comfortable sofa. It brings all of the possibilities of feeling secure and not being surprised by things and having things fundamentally stable. All of this is something that is the byproduct of companionship. The other side of companionship is boredom. Because it’s the other part of it. That is, no matter how stable the companionship, the stability companionship brings to a relationship, it still presents dilemmas in terms of it’s not stimulating. It’s just not. And again, this is a mechanical thing. It’s about understanding that if you are going to be in a relationship that is strong companionship, that you have to expect that it’s not going to be an incredibly stimulating relationship. But then again, that is not what it is for. Remember, relationships are built on combinations of these things. A little bit of this and a little bit of that. You know, a compromise here, some companionship there, some dominance over there. There are all these combinations that are going to arise in your bonds with the other. So what do you do with it? Because this is really what it’s all about after all. I mean, you know, you can sit down and go through this material again and you can understand all of these basic mechanical concepts. You can recognize them because, again, Human Design is not a belief system, it’s about taking charts of people you know and look for yourself because you will discover so much about what is there in those bonds, just from the simplest level. You know, to be able to see the kind of mechanisms that are there so that you can let go. I’m not somebody who really enjoys being in the repair job, that job of providing a solution for problems in mechanics because it’s a terrible thing to try to do that. Because without awareness there is not much you can do. In order to really have relationships that are correct for you, you’ve got to enter into them correctly or confirm that they are correct for you in a way that is according to your Strategy and Authority. Otherwise there’s no point in putting your energy into difunctional relationships. There isn’t. I mean, yes, you know I understand the world and I understand all of these different kinds of bonds and the traps that they bring. I know the responsibilities, the sentimentalities, all the various things that add up to the complexity of not-self relationships and how they manage to survive with all their discomfort. As I said from the beginning, I am not here to teach about relationships. That’s not what Human Design is for. It’s very valuable as a tool to understand them, there’s no question about that. It’s obviously part of the knowledge base that’s developed out of Human Design because whenever we can be aware about our bonds, our connections to the other, this empowers our awareness. But you have to realize, this is about YOU making the right decisions in your life, not YOU trying to fix things that cannot be fixed. It’s about YOU making the right decisions in your life. This is what it’s about. This is the great experiment of Human Design. This is what makes this thing different – is that it works and you can find that out for yourself. When you look at relationships, don’t get caught in the Maia fantasy personality business. Hold off for a second. Strip it down to just its mechanics and see something. If you were truly here to be in a relationship – then BE in the relationship. Allow it to be what it is. Be its witness as much as you are a part of it. Because there’s nothing to fix or change. There’s only the experience of connecting in a certain way to the other. If you enter into that correctly it’s a really enriching experience. It’s profound. Then we get to see the beauty in the other because we are not trying to make the other something that the other is not. That we are not refusing to see who is there. That we’re always struggling for our control. See, forever the 7-centered being dreamed of being surrendered. For us, it is something that is natural. It’s Strategy and Authority. This is what surrender is. It is the mind surrendering control over your life. That’s what it is. The moment that you let go of your mind running your life, it doesn’t matter what any of these things are. It doesn’t matter if you connect this way or that way or the other way. You live as yourself, you enter into the relationship as yourself and you experience it as yourself. Then you are there, no matter WHAT the relationship is. You see, we have to get to that place where we accept that life is blameless. No fault. No victims. No dependencies. Just simply being correct as oneself. You know, I teach self-love. That’s my Valentine’s Day message. When you can love yourself which means that you accept YOUR design and the way it functions in the world, then you are ready to love anyone and anything. You know, you can just let them be. And when you are correct, you get the correct experience for your process. You do. So yes, you can look at all these mechanisms. Remember that Human Design is a vast and deep science now. There’s a tremendous amount of knowledge in this but this is not the point of Human Design. It is what’s there to substantiate it in the now and into the future. The point is living it. LIVE IT. Live the experiment. As you live the experiment you will begin to discern. It is this discernment that’s everything. Because you can see these mechanisms you can understand that every relationship is a constraint. Either a constraint that you embrace and surrender to or you are going to be uncomfortable. Like most people. In the complexities of their relationships as Not-self. Well, I hope that you enjoyed all that and that it is of value to you. It’s my Valentine’s Day gift. Human Design is a gift. It was a gift to me. A great treasure. It is an extraordinary thing for human beings that are ready. It isn’t for everyone. It’ll never be for everyone. It’s for those that are ready. That readiness is a serendipity. It’s a door opening slightly. It’s that moment of the possibility of being able truly to go a different way. It’s time to go a different way. It’s time to go the way of ourselves, what we are as beings, 9-centered beings. That we are here to be efficient survivors – deeply cognitive and aware and capable of a deep communion with our fellows. It’s what it’s all about. All of this comes from within each of you, each of us, one by one, individually, to live the beauty of your Strategy and Authority – is to differentiate. It’s to go to that place where nobody else can go, to follow the journey that is truly your journey, your path, your way. To be the passenger of the truths that are discovered along the way and the communion that follows. We are here to have special lives. We are here to be masters of the Maia, not bonds. We are here to navigate with ease, to sail these neutrino seas and to sail them in delight, in wonder. I love being here on this plane in this form now. Wow! Such a place to be! When all the secrets are laid open at your feet and all you have to do is be ready. There has never been a time like this. There has never been knowledge like this, ever. You see, all it takes is the readiness to take that journey, to disconnect from the madness of the not-self world and its not-self purposes, to rediscover the dignity of what it is to be you. It’s a wonderful thing to love yourself. It truly is magic. I wish it for all of you on this Valentine’s Day. Ra Uru Hu.

  • Human Design Academy By Ra Uru Hu | Cross of Planning (1615-2027) | ​How We Connect

    How We Connect HOW WE CONNECT A transcription of the Valentine Day’s Event by Ra Uru Hu on February 14, 2010 Welcome to all of you. Nice that you are here for this Valentine’s Day event. We are going to look at how we connect to each other. Everything about Human Design is not about partnership. As a matter of fact it truly is a secondary thing. Everything about the nature of Human Design is about the potential of the differentiated unique being. This is what we are here for. This is what we are all about. At the very core, at the very nature of what we are as a being, lies the potential for us to fulfill whatever our uniqueness happens to be and to be able to do that while living successfully on this plane. One of the things that you get to see immediately in the nature of being is that we are in these bioshells and the life program is very specific. The life program says that the only way in which we are going to survive is that we need to reproduce and that everything about the way in which we are going to operate in the world is that we are going to be controlled by receptors. Think about your design. I mean, the graphic. You look at the graphic and what do you see? You see things colored in. Every single one of those things that are colored in is the nature that is there in you, that is it is the genetic predisposition to your potential uniqueness. But the majority of the things that are there are white. They are just white; white centers, white gates, white channels. They are not empty, they are not broken, they don’t need to be fixed. They are graphic metaphors of receptors. Most of what we are – is receptors. What we are most receptive to, aside from the program itself, is the other. And because we have a biological imperative, an imperative that says we must bond, that we must mate, that we must reproduce. This is something that is deeply embedded in the genetics of the specie. That it is something that we, in most cases, helplessly deal with. The beauty of Human Design begins with something very simple. It is the surface of the knowledge. The surface of the knowledge says that you can operate correctly on this plane if you take the responsibility of making decisions away from your mind and you give it to your Strategy and Authority, that is you give it to your vehicle. That’s what your vehicle is for. It’s an incredible intelligence that is here to operate on this plane and to operate successfully. It is not that we are here to ignore the receptors because after all this is what life is. This is how we connect to life. It’s how we connect to being. It’s how we connect to everything. One of the basic things that you learn in Human Design is that the very thing that conditions you at the start becomes your wisdom when you get to the other side of the process. Because after all they are receptors. When you are looking at your design, all those things that are colored in, you can think of that as the student and everything that’s white is where you go to school. It’s the things that you are here to learn in life. Most human beings, the vast majority of humanity are just simply overwhelmed by where they go to school. They get lost there. Who they could be, might be is all gone because it’s so easy to get lost in the conditioning. What I want to share with you today are some basic formulas. They are just formulas. There is something to understand about mechanics. It’s why mechanics can liberate the spirit because the moment that you see mechanics, there is that chance, that serendipity that for you in that moment you can release yourself from the great curse of all bonds. The great curse of all bonds is: you have to be different. That other, if only they could be like this or they could be like that. If only you would change. If only you would pay more attention to me. If only we could do this or that. If only we could be like this or that. The moment that you get into mechanics, you get into helplessness. The only thing that protects you in terms of relationships in your life is not what the relationship is but how you got there. Because if you don’t get there correctly, you are always doing maintenance. Always. The first thing to understand about mechanics is that when you get to see it, all you can do is go ’Oh, my Goodness! Well, all right. What am I gonna do?’ Nothing. Because it’s nobody’s fault. It’s not about blame. Relationships are built on these little dollops of blame that get stored away. These concepts about the way somebody is supposed to be. Think about the way we work. We have stuff that’s colored in and we have things that are open; this whole nature–nurture process. But I want you to grasp something about conditioning and something that’s really, really important, is that we are not simply the victims of conditioning. We put it out. We don’t just take it in, we put it out. It’s a fascinating thing when you can begin to recognize who you are and what you put out and what you are not and what you take in. Or in another way,: what you put out – that is always consistent and what you take in - that is inconsistent. We are constantly in this tension. This Is the Maia. It’s the Maia but it’s not for getting swallowed in. It’s not for getting messed up in. It isn’t. It’s for navigating through. It’s for the journey. It’s for the extraordinary voyage of discovery. It’s for this incredible cognitive experience to be self-reflected consciousness on this plane at this level. Wow! What a trip! Yet the majority of humanity is simply locked in ancient survival mechanisms and conditioned and conditioning. The homogenized pool of the planet, the way it functions, rising and falling on the program. Now I want you to think about that open center and I want you to watch this flow of energy and understand something: when you put energy inside of somebody, it isn’t the way you experience it. It isn’t. It’s amplified. So you’ve got an idea because you’ve got a fixed mind. You’ve got a fixed concept of one kind or another and you are with this person and you are talking to them about this fixed concept and you put this fixed concept in their head and they are open. They don’t just take it in. It becomes a big deal. It gets amplified. It becomes MORE, if you will. It gets elaborated on. It gets all kinds of stuff added to it. Think about it physically. Nearly two thirds of humanity are Generators and on the other side you have the three types: the Projectors and Manifestors and Reflectors, who do not have defined Sacral and they are always taking in the Sacral frequency and they are always amplifying it. You want to see the most powerful Generator? I mean they don’t live long but you can see them. It’s those not-self open beings amplifying all of that sacral energy. It’s not theirs and they cannot replenish it and they cannot stay healthy with it. So it goes back and forth. Ra Uru Hu.

Human Design Academy by Ra Uru Hu: The Nine Centers Course - MP4 Video + English Subtitles SRT File (Full Course - 6 Disc)
Human Design Academy by Ra Uru Hu: Inner Authority - MP4 Video + English Subtitles SRT File (Full Course - 4 Disc)
Human Design Academy by Ra Uru Hu: The 6 Mystical Ways - MP4 Video + English Subtitles SRT File. (Full Course - 8 Disc)
Human Design Academy by Ra Uru Hu: Live Your Design - MP4 Video + English Subtitles SRT File (Full Course-5.5 Hours - 6 Disc)
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