Ra Uru Hu on Projector Transformation: Part IV – Conclusion.
The only type that truly is not here,
to avoid conditioning is the Projector,
the only type. Everybody
else has a natural resistance to conditioning.
Projectors welcome it;
they call it in, because this is how they,
find out about the other.
There are always risks in that;
you all know that as Projectors.
How easy it is to be pulled into,
that thrall of somebody else’s design.
This is the perceptual key for you.
If you’re going to live your life correctly as a Projector,
ultimately you will have to realign the beings that are in your life,
or you will not succeed.
It’s like the seven-year experimental process,
this huge transformation that takes place in us cellularly.
For an energy type it’s an absolute doorway.
For a non-energy type it is not.
It’s so very difficult to go through,
that process when you are embedded,
with forces that are constantly pulling you away
from the way in which you are intended to operate.
You can’t get there.
Being in the Embrace of the Conditioning and Still be Correct:
The reason that Projectors are placed at the top of the hierarchy,
in this age is that they are intended to be,
in the middle of it all and still be correct,
to be in the embrace of the conditioning and still be correct.
That is an enormous challenge,
because it is a challenge to you in terms,
of the relationships that you have.
And it’s risky.
This level beneath the line teaches and tells so much.
Those forces in your life that are constantly
pulling you away from what is your correct motivation,
as a Projector you have to understand there is no liberation for you,
there is no intellectual awakening for you,
until you can eliminate those forces.
They don’t belong in your life.
Projectors are here to build their Human Environment:
Every Projector is here to build its human environment.
Actually every Projector is looking for a perfect Penta.
For a Projector to have five correct people in your life,
and it doesn’t mean they all have to be there at the same time,
is something that is very, very important.
It is a powerful counterbalance against those forces,
that will try to pull you away from what is correct for you.
Until Projectors are actually creating,
motivationally viable environments,
human environments,
they cannot awaken.
That’s the challenge.
That’s why you have the gift for recognition.
That’s why the intellectual potential,
that lies within you to understand and to be able,
to interpret and implement system knowledge is so profound.
Because it means that you really have to know your stuff.
And you really have to have the keys.
You really have to see just as the Generator can awaken,
through the rigidity of its respect of its Sacral;
a Projector can only awaken with the rigidity of respecting,
its own aura and what it will allow in.
This is all about the other;
this is all about human beings;
this is all about you recognizing
who is force that pulls you away from your motivation.
And you’ll be able to tell.
Who is in the Life of a Projector is Most Important:
How important it is to understand,
that if you’re an energy type you can deal with all of those things
immediately out your mechanism.
But you can’t do that as a Projector.
You don’t have something moment by moment,
by moment that’s saying,
“No, no, no,
I am here to be driven out of my hopefulness.
I’m a hopeful heretic.
I’m not a guilty heretic.”
This is the hopefulness that is underneath.
For the Projector it is so easy simply to be pulled away.
The whole point of this is to begin to see,
that the net result of being aware of this,
the only thing that it leads to is the difference
of what your life can be when the right people are there in your life.
This is the whole thing.
Are the right people there in your life?
And of course, if you’re somebody
who has come into the world to be hopeful,
and to be hopeful in your call to others,
think about the 5th line heresy.
You’re dealing with the 45;
you’re dealing with the tribal leader.
You’re dealing with a stability and grounding of the Personality,
that comes from the strength of the ego.
This is the line of the heretic.
And the reality is that in that line of the heretic,
the heretic can be driven in many ways.
I’m a heretic and I have a 3rd Color.
My 5th line is motivated by a 3rd Color.
Or you can have a 5th line heretic,
that’s being motivated by a 2nd Color.
And of course,
we need our hopeful heretics.
I’m a desire heretic.
Instead of being a believer,
I’m a leader.
So I try to lead heresy,
which is what I seem to be doing in my life.
But the whole thing about you is seeing,
so clearly that this is a gateway for you to recognize when
somebody is not simply conditioning you,
that’s not the point.
That’s the magic for you to grasp.
It’s not the point.
It doesn’t matter that they’re conditioning you.
You’re so different.
It’s the beauty for me of what a Projector is,
that it is so different from me, as an example,
I’m a Manifestor and so different from Generators.
We have an almost over-reaction to conditioning.
Where there is an actual conditioning embrace,
at least the illusion of it,
in the way in which the Projector operates because,
in fact,
they could not exist without,
that contact with conditioning
because this allows them to explore.
When you’re designed like that,
it’s hard to differentiate.
It’s hard to tell who is on your team,
and who isn’t on your team.
Projectors need Transference:
This is the magic of Color and,
the importance of Color transference.
It’s interesting,
when I first introduced Color transference,
in the earliest PHS classes,
that I did in Ibiza,
there was a quality or a sense that this was,
in fact, a difficulty.
That could not have come from anywhere else but me.
It would take me these years to understand,
that without transference Projectors,
could never claim their proper place.
It’s just an interesting thing,
a fascinating thing in many ways,
because it’s actually deeply profound.
This is a tool that is absolutely essential for the Projector,
and yet can be quite a discomfort or an annoyance,
or nuisance with others.
For the Projector,
this is the thing.
Without the transference
you couldn’t tell.
You couldn’t feel that pull to the other side.
You couldn’t end up looking in the mirror and realizing,
“Oh, my goodness,” you couldn’t tell.
The transference is,
in fact, really beautiful because it’s the perfect signpost.
It’s so easy to tell the
difference between these harmonies.
They are days and nights.
They are polarities.
They are true dualities.
And you can tell.
It’s not that you have to hear it in somebody’s words;
you can hear it in the way in which,
your conversation goes with them.
You can hear it as it comes out of you, instantly.
And you can feel it;
you can get to a point where you just feel the frequency.
And it’s not one thing;
remember that.
The whole thing about being a Projector is,
that the aura that you have,
its special quality is that it taps into the self.
I’m not talking about the identity.
The identity is something,
that you find in the G center.
That is, the identity is an aspect,
that can be open or defined,
and you have all of these particular configurations,
that comes out of the G.
But I’m talking about self.
The self is the illusion that is created,
by the Magnetic Monopole in the G center.
This illusion that brings together this whole,
that’s greater than the sum of its part and this illusion has an aura.
It is literally the quantum field out of which it all operates.
Projectors tap into the Aura Field:
When a Projector goes into somebody’s aura,
they tap into the aura field, not the person.
Not the person’s identity, per se.
They tap into that larger self,
which is why they can handle the conditioning.
The thing is that if they’re not operating correctly,
if they haven’t entered into whatever,
the generic experience is by invitation,
then they can be and will be drawn away,
from their motivation.
And when they don’t see correctly,
you’re killing a Projector.
You might as well put them out to pasture and forget it.
Everything about being a Projector is about seeing.
You’re here to recognize.
And yet, at the same time we know,
that the way in which we are educated,
the way in which we are trained,
there are enormous limitations on practical tools to see,
what you need to see.
And you need to see who is pulling you away,
from your purpose.
If reaching your purpose means,
that you are here to be hopeful in this life,
that you’re here to be driven by the hope of what life can be,
anyone who pulls you away from that is pulling you,
away from your purpose.
They just are.
Realigning the People in Your Life:
It takes a lot of courage to realign the people in your life.
If you’re a Generator and you’ve got the wrong people in your life,
it can be annoying but it isn’t going to impact on your nature.
You’re just going to plow through with your powerful motor,
doing your thing through your response.
the environment will change over time.
But for a Projector there is no overwhelming way,
to get rid of this, you can’t.
You can’t afford to have beings in your life,
that drag you away from what is correct for you; you can’t.
Yet, I’m not a fool in saying that I know the risks,
I know the dangers,
I know the trauma.
There are very few adult human beings who are ready,
to begin their life new.
And it’s not because they don’t want to;
it’s because they can’t.
They can’t because it’s not on their fractal,
or they can’t because they’re so intertwined in their lives,
children, lovers, friends, job,
whatever the case may be,
that there is life on this material plane and for all non-sacral beings,
that’s always an ordeal,
because it is not our natural world and our natural state.
To be a Projector is to be challenged,
in its own unique way.
The ultimate challenge for a Projector,
and I have seen that,
I have many Projectors in my life and people,
that I know well,
and I see how hard that part is.
Most of it is that there hasn’t been a sharp enough line,
a powerful enough tool to provide the insight that is necessary,
to be able to discern between this one and that.
When you begin to feel those forces in your life consistently,
pulling you away from your motivation perhaps,
that what arises in you is a recognition,
that it cannot go on that way.
It can’t;
not unless you want to surrender fully,
to a not-self life and forget about the business of fulfilling
your purpose or your cross.
Of course, it is not an easy thing for me to say.
When I speak to an energy type I only talk about
mechanics and I’m only talking about them.
And when I talk to a Projector,
I have to talk about the “them,” the “they,”
the other. And of course,
that’s quite a thing.
It’s an enormous responsibility and you have,
to be very clear in that.
Watch Your Motivation and Transference:
I invite all of you as Projectors to watch,
find out what your Colors are,
and look at the transference.
I invite you to begin the process of looking this way,
and looking at others this way.
It’s not about making a decision now about this or that,
about who belongs in your life and who
doesn’t belong in your life.
It’s about seeing now who does what to you,
and now that you’re aware of it what that feels like for
you. And I think you will discover,
the beginning of a power in your,
that you have never had before.
It is this power that I hope at some point,
will emerge in the Projector population,
this power to be aligned to the right environment,
which of course gives them extraordinary power and energy.
It’s a win-win because they are deeply effective,
and valuable in that relationship with the right environment.
So, for me this is very important knowledge.
This is something that is really significant and I think,
that when you begin to experiment with it you will see,
that it is a very important tool for you in your process.
But again,
I remind you,
like all things in Human Design,
because Human Design at its core is
simple formulas, blocks built one upon the other,
that if you just simply look at the Color configuration,
of your Personality Sun/Earth and Nodes,
if you look at the transference,
all you have to do in the beginning is just pay attention,
to the keynotes because they will guide you.
And you will be able to sense it right away,
and this is the important thing.
And then you can begin your process.
You can begin your process of always being able,
to know that you are exactly on the right track.
That is an enormous comfort in this life.
And it’s a great comfort for a Projector.
An energy type can have that satisfaction of correctness,
almost moment by moment,
but for a Projector this is a way,
to have that constant verification,
not only that you are correct,
but you are finally beginning,
to exercise your gift as a recognizer,
to exercise this gift at a level,
that other people are simply unaware of.
To be the implementers of a sophisticated level,
of a system which is what is your natural purpose.
The purpose of a Projector regardless of the nuance,
of their particular cross,
the purpose of a Projector is to fulfill themselves,
through being recognizers that can guide.