How a Projector Enters Into A Relationship:
When you get to the non-energy types,
you have a different kind of process at work.
They are not simply dealing with the question of restraint.
Restraint is necessary in entering into a relationship,
because it is necessary for you to be clear about going in.
The manifestor given the limitation of having to ask permission,
the generator having to wait for the response.
Both of these energy types have a built-in limitation,
or restraint attached to them.
When you come to the projector type,
you are dealing with formal invitation.
It is the only way that they can enter into a relationship.
They have to enter into a relationship formally.
So, for example,
if there is a woman interested in a projector man,
she can invite him home for dinner,
If there is a man interested in a projector woman,
invite her out to dinner.
The fact of matter is that the invitation has to be there.
It has to be formal and they have to take,
the financial or energy responsibility for it. Otherwise,
the projector is not going to be impressed.
Projectors are there to be able to manage energy.
They have to see that the energy is there otherwise,
they have nothing to manage and they need,
to be invited to see what quality of energy it is.
If you invite them to McDonalds,
they will have a different impression of the kind of energy
they have available to manage,
than if you invite them to a fancy restaurant.
What is important is the nature of the invitation.
Everything about a projector is about being recognized.
If you don't recognize that they need to be invited,
and they say yes anyway,
and you did not invite them,
you asked them,
you tell them,
that relationship then will always be full of bitterness.
This is not a theme of frustration or anger.
This is the theme of bitterness.
These people can be deeply bitter in their relationships,
because they are not recognized for their definitions,
which are a key to recognizing a projector,
and more than that,
they are not being recognized in the sense,
that the other does not naturally see,
that they need to be invited.
So when you are dealing with a non-energy type,
particularly when you are dealing with a projector,
you have to see that it is a very formal,
very direct process.
The projector has to be willing to wait in that sense,
has to be ready to wait for that invitation.
It has to be direct.
It cannot be indirect.
I think he is going to invite you.
That does not work.
"I think he is interested in you."
It does not work.
It has to be direct and formal.
"Would you like to dance?"
Non-energy types always get more recognition;
they get more opportunities to get partners,
than the energy types.
Much more.
Energy types have a built-in,
limitation in which they meet the other.
Manifestors cannot ask everyone even many,
that are interesting to them.
Generators are always waiting,
for the right kind of question,
to be responding to.
But a projector is designed to be noticed.
They are always getting invitations and because of that,
they have to be very clear,
that just receiving the invitation,
does not mean that,
that is the right kind of relationship for them.
It just
means that the basis is established.
That is:
The projector has their place of authority.
Let's not forget that.
It is not simply a matter of following your type.
That authority within the projector allows it to qualify,
the kinds of invitations that they are receiving.
Most important of all for a projector is that when,
they are living out their type and their authority, it
is just so important for them,
that they are recognized,
in their definition in that invitation.
It has to be a part of it.
They are the ones that have to be seen.
This joke of seeing their bank account,
I don't mean to be terribly mundane about all of that,
but it is true.
like people with an undefined self,
or an undefined ego,
they are the part of population,
that transcends class and state.
They are the kind of people,
that can be born poor and end up being very rich.
They can be the kind of people,
that are born without culture,
and end up being deeply cultured.
In other words,
they move through the strata,
of the social structures of our society.
The projector is there to do well with their mate.
They are there to be very clear,
that they are being recognized by an energy,
that it makes sense for them to manage that energy,
because it is out of managing that energy,
that they are going to have their future.
So it is not so much that you ask them to show
you their bank account,
but the projector is going to find out,
relative to its state.
It is going to make sure that there is some place,
for it to go in that recognition.
They need the energy.
In our world,
energy is money.
It is one of those things to recognize,
that for the projector,
the invitation is really an invitation.
Somebody has to do something for you,
pay something for you.
You need to see that energy comes out as part of that.
Not as a bribe.
It is not like you are being corrupted,
though you can be.
It is just to be clear,
that it is part of the mechanism.
Ra Uru Hu.