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Human Design System By Ra Uru Hu:
Cross of Planning (1615-2027) - ​​​​ Electromagnetic

So here is what is called electromagnetic.
electromagnetic is when you have a gate at one end of the channel and the other person has the gate at the other end of the channel.
In other words you both are missing that aspect.
And because we are built on receptors – that’s something where this 59 is always interested in 6s and this 6 is always interested in 59s.
There’s a hook.
When the two of them meet and step into each others aura,
what happens is that we get an electromagnetic definition,
that is we get a wiring between these two centers.
It’s BOTH.
We live in a dualistic construct,
in the yin and yang,
the DNA and the RNA.
The electromagnetic is the attraction that pulls you to somebody.
You go `Oh, oh, oh.’
You step into that aura and you go `Ah, that’s what I want at the other end.
’The other one at the other end says `Oh, oh, oh I want that at the other end’.
And then they come together and within an hour, a week, a month,
at some point that thing that they have over there, that they thought was so great, - Jesus, it’s a pain. Attraction and repulsion, and it never stays one or the other.
It fluctuates back and forth.
That thing that you thought was so sexy or terrific, all of a sudden is NOT.
You have to understand the joke that you’ve got hard wiring over here and there are 1,069 I think, possibilities that are at the other end.
That’s a lot of variety. And even though this was `oh, oh, oh,’ at the beginning,
there is also this variety that is out there that this example is not the definitive example of.
The electromagnetic connection is very strong and can be very powerful in a relationship - this
attraction field – repulsion field.
You love to hate them,
you hate to love them.
All that stuff is rooted in the electromagnetic.

Ra Uru Hu.

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