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Projector Transformation by Ra Uru Hu


Ra Uru Hu on Projector Transformation: Part II


Most of you know that several years ago,
I started a number of long-term training programs.
One of them was Rave Psychology.
It was always my goal to be able to do analysis,
of the passenger and to be able to analyze,
the passenger at a level far beneath the level of the line,
to really understand the underlying themes.

In preparation for all of that,
I wanted to have the practical experience of what it’s like,
to be able to give somebody that kind of analysis.
So I began to offer Personality Color Transference readings.

Something very interesting about it to begin,
with is that 90% of the people who were requesting this

Analysis service were Projectors.
It was so clear to me from the moment that I actually got into it,

from the moment that I actually started to do,
the analysis that what was emerging was something

that was really spectacular.
It was a practical tool that could enormously benefit the lives of Projectors.

It’s such an interesting thing about the way in which,
things happen that was not my goal.
My goal was simply to give a deeper analysis,
so that people could begin to grasp their underlying motivations.
Suddenly it was so deeply obvious to me what kind of a key this could be.

When I want to look deeply into somebody’s Design,
there are really only two things that I look at.

I look at the Sun/Earth and I look at the Nodes.
It’s the bedrock of my kind of overview,
because when I look at that I really see the story.
Obviously, when you’re dealing with the Sun/Earth you’re

dealing with the cross,
you’re dealing with profile.
But for me, when I look at the Sun/Earth what I

look at is most of what we are.
The vast majority of our programming,
70% of the neutrinos that

we receive we receive from the Sun.
It is this Sun/Earth polarity that defines our being.


Seeing and Being:

There are two aspects—there are always two aspects,
I am a dualist, this is dualistic knowledge— there is being and there is seeing.
The being is there in the Sun/Earth polarity.
The seeing is in the Nodal polarity.
When I first began teaching Design I referred to it as the Cross of Life.
That is, the Sun above and the Earth below,
and this movement,
this vision and this seeing that is there in the Nodes.

In order to be able to do an analysis at that depth,
you have to go beneath the level of the line.
Every line can be subdivided by what is called Colors.
There are six of them:
Fear is the 1st Color;
Hope is the 2nd Color;
Desire is the 3rd Color;
Need is the 4th Color;
Guilt is the 5th Color;
and the 6th Color is called Innocence.
Now these are major keynotes.
But these six divisions beneath the line are very important.

First of all,
it’s important to grasp that they are beneath the line.
And the line represents the limitation of the access that we have consciously.
So, we are not aware of what is going on beneath the line,
but we certainly are impacted by what goes on beneath the line.


Colors: Motivation

This place beneath the line,
these Colors are about motivation.
When I speak of them,
I’m only speaking of the Personality.
In other words,
I’m not talking about,
if you look at your design,
the left-hand side information,
the Design information, which has to do with your vehicle.
I’m looking at the right-hand side information—who you think you are,
what you have conscious access to.

This is where you have conscious access to what you think of as being.
Here is where you have conscious access to the way in which you see.


1st Color: Fear

But underneath the line therein lies these motivations.
Let’s think about being.
If being is driven by fear one immediately has a sort of sense of that.
This is the foundation, this fear,
to be driven by fear.
And fear is the root of intelligence.
To be driven by fear to ultimately become intelligent.
It’s a motivation.


2nd Color: Hope

If you have the 2nd Color under the line you have hope.
How different it is when being is driven by

hope than by fear.
It’s very different.
As different as hope is to desire and desire is to need,
and need is to guilt and guilt to innocence.
It’s like when you look at somebody’s chart and you see,

they have the same gate and line as you,
you can’t say,
“Hey, we’ve got the same thing.”
How different it will come out.
I can remember in the mid-90’s I was in Berlin.
I was on tour and I had had reading booked of a young couple,
who had twins about a year old,
and they wanted an analysis of their difference.
Of course, they had very good time.
These identical twins had different Color.
The moment you have

different Color you have enormous difference.
It was very easy for me to describe even as infants,

the difference between the two of them.

This motivation underneath is very, very powerful.
There is an enormous dilemma to it.
Not only do we have this underlying motivation in terms of our being,
but we also have this underlying motivation in terms of our seeing,
the North Node and the South Node.
Think about it.
There are 32 possible polarities in the wheel.
There are 32 possible ways to see.
If everyone is looking at the same thing yet,
we all had different Nodes we are all going to see it differently.
We’re going to see it through the different Nodes.

But more than that,
even if we had the same Nodes,
we would still see it differently if we had different Color.
If I’m looking through the eyes of fear,
I see differently than someone who looks through the eyes of hope.
So, Color is something deeply, deeply significant.


Time Span for Color is Four Hours:

Any of you who have MMI,
the Jovian Human Design software you can always,
get the data for your Color.
One thing to keep in mind about looking at Color is that,
the time span it takes is about four hours.
Basically you have the six Colors operating,
every day for about four hours each,

So that means that if you have relatively good time,
and you’re not too close to the cusp that leads from one Color to the other,
the chances are then you’re going to have accurate

But this always goes back to the importance of making sure,
that people have good time.



we have these underlying motivations that are there.
Underlying motivations that govern the way we see,
and underlying motivations that govern the way we are.
But then there is a dilemma,

and it’s an extraordinary dilemma.
The dilemma is about the nature of Color.
Color never stays still;
it doesn’t fix.
It’s always looking for transference.
Color will fix momentarily.

Whenever you operate correctly in any situation,
the initiation of that experience will bring you to your right motivation.
But the moment you enter into anything beyond that point that Color is

immediately beginning to move away.
And where does it go?

When you look at the way in which a hexagram is structured—lower trigram,
upper trigram—the 1st line and the 4th line,
through their relationship has a special relationship to each other.
It’s called a harmony.
That is, the 1 to the 4, the 2 to the 5 and the 3 to the 6.
Because Color has a direct connection with line,
in PHS these are referred to as chains,
it follows the same patterns of harmony and resonance.
So that Color not only affects itself through harmony and resonance,
but it also impacts the line and the line can impact the Color.

Think about what it really means to have transference and what an ordeal it is.
You come into the world and you have a 2nd Color.
That means that you’ve come into the world to be motivated by

hope. Let’s say it’s about your being.
You’re here to be a hopeful being.
It’s what is there to guide you and push you.
But the moment that you look at the transference of the 2,
the transference automatically moves to the 5.
It just jumps.
The moment it goes over to the 5,
it goes over to guilt;

guilt and blame and many other things.
instead of being somebody who is hopeful,
you’re somebody who is guilty.
Instead of being somebody who is full of vision and belief,
you’re somebody that sees,
that everything is whether you are conditioned,
or whether you are conditioning.
It’s very different.
You have a totally different being.


Projectors and Color Motivation/Transference:

what is this all about, this tool for Projectors?
I begin with the assumption that you’re

experimenting with your design.
If you’re experimenting with your design,
then it means that you have an opportunity,
to be able to just use this information effectively.
What does it do?

Let’s say that you’re this person who is supposed to be hopeful.
Everything about being a Projector is about who comes into your aura.
And remember that it is your aura,
that is so very good at penetration.
The moment that you meet somebody,
there’s something very simple to grasp.
If your relationship with them keeps you,
in your hopefulness everything is just fine.
But if these are beings that drag you into the guilt,
that drag you over to the 5th Color,
they’re not for you.
It’s very simple, and it’s very important.

You’re going to have beings in your life and they’re going,
to move you away from what is your true motivation.
It is a form of conditioning that is really,
really devastating.
After all,
if you come into this world to be full of hope,
you’re here to be full of hope,
you’re here to be driven by that

hopefulness. In that hopefulness is great talent,
there is a gift in that hopefulness.
But the gift never gets unwrapped because the life is constantly,
pulling it over to the other side.
And as a Projector you cannot do all these things alone,
you have to be in the world,
there has to be people in your life,

it’s essential;
but not ones who pull you away from what is here to really move you.

It’s just a matter of discernment.
Think about the same configuration and we’re talking about the

the Nodes are the way we see.
In other words,
it’s our slice;
it’s our aspect of the

whole that we can see,
that’s what they represent.
They’re very important.
We’re here to see the world the way we were intended to.
Only then do we have any possibility of being able to fulfill our purpose.
If you’re not looking at the world,
the way you were intended to you cannot possibly

fulfill your purpose.
And how you look at the world,
this is what your Nodes are speaking,
is driven by this underlying motivation that is constantly transferring.


Example: The 21st Gate with Motivation of Hope.

Let’s say that you have the Node in the 21st gate, Biting Through,
the gate of needing to be in control,
the gate of the hunter and the huntress.
Let’s say that that Nodal gate of yours,
the Color under the line is hopefulness.
So you’re here to see the control mechanisms in the world.
You’re here to see how others are controlled,
and not necessarily in any negative sense whatsoever because

you’re here to see the hopefulness in all of that,
that there is somebody that can run the ship.
But you won’t see it that way.
You’ll see it through the transference of the Color;
you’ll see it through the guilt.
You’ll see it through the conditioned and the conditioner.

You won’t see the hopefulness.
And it’s a kind of blindness,
it really is.
But it’s more than that.
It’s a calling card for you,
for you to see in them—those, the others,
how clear it is, how easy it is for you.
You wait, when you look, and it’s a very simple thing to do,
it really is, it’s a simple thing to do.
You don’t even have to get sophisticated about gates or anything else.
All you need to do on the surface,
and I’m only talking about the surface,
look at your Personality Sun/Earth and see what Color it is,
and see what the transference is.
And look at your Nodes and see,
what the Color is and see what the transference is.
Then watch it in the people around you;
watch what happens.


Being with the Correct Beings is Everything for the Projector:

You’re going to be able to divide them up very quickly,
you really will.
It’s just the way that it works.
And everything about being a Projector is that,
their mastery of the system is their mastery

of their human environment.
To be with the right beings is everything.
And yet your strategy

doesn’t help you.
I know it doesn’t.
Your strategy is there;
the invitation is there for things that are generic.
But you have to live out all the nuances in between,
riding the impact of the conditioning of others to your open centers,
to your lack of consistent generating and manifesting.

It’s so easy to be overwhelmed both positively and negatively.
But what it really does is that it can blind you,
to what their impact is on you and your life.
While you’re taking in all that conditioning as a Projector it’s very,
very difficult to separate yourself.
But here you have a key.

Human Design Academy by Ra Uru Hu: The Nine Centers Course - MP4 Video + English Subtitles SRT File (Full Course - 6 Disc)
Human Design Academy by Ra Uru Hu: Inner Authority - MP4 Video + English Subtitles SRT File (Full Course - 4 Disc)
Human Design Academy by Ra Uru Hu: The 6 Mystical Ways - MP4 Video + English Subtitles SRT File. (Full Course - 8 Disc)
Human Design Academy by Ra Uru Hu: Live Your Design - MP4 Video + English Subtitles SRT File (Full Course-5.5 Hours - 6 Disc)
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Human Design Academy by Ra Uru Hu: Pre Disposition to Differentiate at Birth - MP4 Video + English Subtitles SRT File (75 Tracks)
Human Design Academy by Ra Uru Hu: The 64 Material Ways (The Money Course) - MP4 Video + English Subtitles SRT File (Full Course - 9 Disc)
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