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  • Human Design Academy By Ra Uru Hu | Cross of Planning (1615-2027) | Receptive Awareness

    Receptive Awareness When we're looking at tonal architecture there, is a great divide that runs through the center. Everything over here is Left and everything over here is Right. What it represents is a receptivity that is really profound. This is receptive awareness. It is receptive awareness that is there to take in and to take in deeply, but to take in beyond the limitation of the mind, to take in what the mind cannot take in. The same way that the Spleen takes in what the mind cannot take in. But this is our evolutionary progression; it goes like this. And we’re about to experience the final stage. of this maturation, of this evolutionary mechanism. ​ Ra Uru Hu.

  • Human Design Academy By Ra Uru Hu | Cross of Planning (1615-2027) | Evolution of a New Species of Mankind

    Evolution of a New Species of Mankind Surviving is the deepest preventive energy within us. It is asexual, potentially violent, completely existential, and really does not care about the other. No, it's not detailed. This is not a logical detail, to affect everyone, Take out all those little bits of information, Give us all this expansion of science and medicine and all that stuff. The story is over. Gate 34 is part of the integration. Integration is what we started with as a survival mechanism and we go straight back to that, Personal survival. For 18 years I have been teaching people that the only, only thing, is to have your authority, Because if you are not your authority, You do not experience the purpose and uniqueness of your embodiment, But it's more than that, It's a preparation for a time when if you can not have your authority, No one is going to have that authority for you. We live in an age where everyone wants to be an authority for everyone, You know, all the old men on you, the sheep, and I the wolf. And here we go, and it's an old mechanism, You know how the teacher and the student, And this and that and the master and the student and blah blah blah blah it comes to an end. I mean, I know that from my role this is the end of this movie, So it should be a boring trip. Once you can turn surrender into a mechanical process, And this is what human design offers, You do not need teachers in this sense. You just need someone to kindly let you know, And that personal and individual authority is the only thing that will protect us in the future, We, I'm not talking about Rave children working in Pentas. We're going to be ourselves like the authorities, Does not mean we are going to be alone, But all the tribal, collective imprinting, goes away and it fades, Every day it fades. The 16th goal and his connection to the 15th. Now think about the 15th gate. The fifteenth gate is part of this logical process. It is universal to all life forms. It's the rhythm of life and more than that on the mystical level, This is where we have the potential of loving humanity. And the sixteenth gate is a gate of skills, abilities, And so the whole process in these four hundred years, Was developing skills for the benefit of mankind, And we have a huge amount of skills developed. I mean when I think about how fast it is, and how 1960 really is a marker, right. I remember when I was a kid you first had a doctor, And the doctor came to your house, I mean, and your doctor was a doctor. I mean if you have a bad toe, If you had a bad year, You know it was your doctor, And the doctor who came to your house did not tell you, I can not worry you, Need an expert here or here or here or here or here. Years within years, it all changed suddenly, They did not come to your house suddenly, There was not one type of doctor, But there were many types of doctors, And it started to expand all the time, You know you have great toe doctors, And small toe doctors, And everything in between, just kept layers, All these different skills. Ra Uru Hu.

  • Human Design Academy By Ra Uru Hu | Cross of Planning (1615-2027) | ​Companionship

    Companionship And finally we have companionship. I have a wonderful companionship story for you. Seems like seasons ago. I think it was 20 years ago. Not quite, it was in 1994. I was giving an analyst training here in Ibiza where I live. I had three students. There were two of them that knew the third person but those two never knew each other. Yet, as I got to meet them and got to go through their designs, the first thing that I noticed was that these two women had the same basic design i.e. at the surface level. They had the same birthday, they were born about 6 hours apart. There were some minor things that were different on the surface but basically they were quite similar in the way they were made up. The other thing is that they had both been sanyasins with Osho and they had both been to India at the same time and they had both been at the same ashram at the same time and never met each other. Anyway, there were all these coincidences and there they were, the two of them in this class on either side of this person they knew mutually and this was a classic example of companionship in the extreme. It is something that is really interesting about what happens with companionship. You go to a gathering, you know, friends are gathering or there’s an event that’s taking place and you go in there. Now those beings who have a similar design to you, they are not going to be of interest to you. Why aren’t they going to be of interest to you? Because genetically they don’t make sense. The genes don’t like companionship. The genes don’t like sameness. They don’t. The genes do everything in their power to move us away from sameness which, by the way, can be deeply deeply comforting and relaxing. They move us away from sameness and only gear us towards what we are not. You know, only gear us towards all of the attraction out there for our receptors. So companionship is something that is quite different and you don’t see necessarily, at least in my experience, you don’t see a lot of companionship in relationships. But when it’s there, what you are looking at, and of course this is very simple – you both have the same channel – is that you have something deeply in common. I mean, deeply in common in your wiring. That is something that can be the safe place in a storm for the two of you in your relationship. That is what companionship brings. It brings, you know, it’s like that comfortable sofa. It brings all of the possibilities of feeling secure and not being surprised by things and having things fundamentally stable. All of this is something that is the byproduct of companionship. The other side of companionship is boredom. Because it’s the other part of it. That is, no matter how stable the companionship, the stability companionship brings to a relationship, it still presents dilemmas in terms of it’s not stimulating. It’s just not. And again, this is a mechanical thing. It’s about understanding that if you are going to be in a relationship that is strong companionship, that you have to expect that it’s not going to be an incredibly stimulating relationship. But then again, that is not what it is for. Remember, relationships are built on combinations of these things. A little bit of this and a little bit of that. You know, a compromise here, some companionship there, some dominance over there. There are all these combinations that are going to arise in your bonds with the other. So what do you do with it? Because this is really what it’s all about after all. I mean, you know, you can sit down and go through this material again and you can understand all of these basic mechanical concepts. You can recognize them because, again, Human Design is not a belief system, it’s about taking charts of people you know and look for yourself because you will discover so much about what is there in those bonds, just from the simplest level. You know, to be able to see the kind of mechanisms that are there so that you can let go. I’m not somebody who really enjoys being in the repair job, that job of providing a solution for problems in mechanics because it’s a terrible thing to try to do that. Because without awareness there is not much you can do. In order to really have relationships that are correct for you, you’ve got to enter into them correctly or confirm that they are correct for you in a way that is according to your Strategy and Authority. Otherwise there’s no point in putting your energy into difunctional relationships. There isn’t. I mean, yes, you know I understand the world and I understand all of these different kinds of bonds and the traps that they bring. I know the responsibilities, the sentimentalities, all the various things that add up to the complexity of not-self relationships and how they manage to survive with all their discomfort. As I said from the beginning, I am not here to teach about relationships. That’s not what Human Design is for. It’s very valuable as a tool to understand them, there’s no question about that. It’s obviously part of the knowledge base that’s developed out of Human Design because whenever we can be aware about our bonds, our connections to the other, this empowers our awareness. But you have to realize, this is about YOU making the right decisions in your life, not YOU trying to fix things that cannot be fixed. It’s about YOU making the right decisions in your life. This is what it’s about. This is the great experiment of Human Design. This is what makes this thing different – is that it works and you can find that out for yourself. When you look at relationships, don’t get caught in the Maia fantasy personality business. Hold off for a second. Strip it down to just its mechanics and see something. If you were truly here to be in a relationship – then BE in the relationship. Allow it to be what it is. Be its witness as much as you are a part of it. Because there’s nothing to fix or change. There’s only the experience of connecting in a certain way to the other. If you enter into that correctly it’s a really enriching experience. It’s profound. Then we get to see the beauty in the other because we are not trying to make the other something that the other is not. That we are not refusing to see who is there. That we’re always struggling for our control. See, forever the 7-centered being dreamed of being surrendered. For us, it is something that is natural. It’s Strategy and Authority. This is what surrender is. It is the mind surrendering control over your life. That’s what it is. The moment that you let go of your mind running your life, it doesn’t matter what any of these things are. It doesn’t matter if you connect this way or that way or the other way. You live as yourself, you enter into the relationship as yourself and you experience it as yourself. Then you are there, no matter WHAT the relationship is. You see, we have to get to that place where we accept that life is blameless. No fault. No victims. No dependencies. Just simply being correct as oneself. You know, I teach self-love. That’s my Valentine’s Day message. When you can love yourself which means that you accept YOUR design and the way it functions in the world, then you are ready to love anyone and anything. You know, you can just let them be. And when you are correct, you get the correct experience for your process. You do. So yes, you can look at all these mechanisms. Remember that Human Design is a vast and deep science now. There’s a tremendous amount of knowledge in this but this is not the point of Human Design. It is what’s there to substantiate it in the now and into the future. The point is living it. LIVE IT. Live the experiment. As you live the experiment you will begin to discern. It is this discernment that’s everything. Because you can see these mechanisms you can understand that every relationship is a constraint. Either a constraint that you embrace and surrender to or you are going to be uncomfortable. Like most people. In the complexities of their relationships as Not-self. Well, I hope that you enjoyed all that and that it is of value to you. It’s my Valentine’s Day gift. Human Design is a gift. It was a gift to me. A great treasure. It is an extraordinary thing for human beings that are ready. It isn’t for everyone. It’ll never be for everyone. It’s for those that are ready. That readiness is a serendipity. It’s a door opening slightly. It’s that moment of the possibility of being able truly to go a different way. It’s time to go a different way. It’s time to go the way of ourselves, what we are as beings, 9-centered beings. That we are here to be efficient survivors – deeply cognitive and aware and capable of a deep communion with our fellows. It’s what it’s all about. All of this comes from within each of you, each of us, one by one, individually, to live the beauty of your Strategy and Authority – is to differentiate. It’s to go to that place where nobody else can go, to follow the journey that is truly your journey, your path, your way. To be the passenger of the truths that are discovered along the way and the communion that follows. We are here to have special lives. We are here to be masters of the Maia, not bonds. We are here to navigate with ease, to sail these neutrino seas and to sail them in delight, in wonder. I love being here on this plane in this form now. Wow! Such a place to be! When all the secrets are laid open at your feet and all you have to do is be ready. There has never been a time like this. There has never been knowledge like this, ever. You see, all it takes is the readiness to take that journey, to disconnect from the madness of the not-self world and its not-self purposes, to rediscover the dignity of what it is to be you. It’s a wonderful thing to love yourself. It truly is magic. I wish it for all of you on this Valentine’s Day. Ra Uru Hu.

  • Human Design Academy By Ra Uru Hu | Cross of Planning (1615-2027) | A Population Crash

    A Population Crash Yet, at the same time I witness the phenomena that you get to see in so many countries, how difficult it is becoming. We are headed towards a population crash, one that certainly is going to be very powerful in the sense that, we already have major reductions that are a byproduct of the social dynamics we live in. Most of the tribes of Europe do not produce enough children to maintain their societies. At the rate right now of childbirth in Spain, in another 80 or 90 years Spaniards are going to be a minority on their own peninsula, because they simply do not produce enough children. All of the tribes are producing fewer than two being the replacement necessary for the two adults. So many places it’s 1.2 or 1.5 or 1.6. So, you have this diminishment that is taking place. What is happening here though, this underlying thematic that is here in the 55-59 is something that is really beginning to gain strength. Now, the change is actually only going to take place when we get beyond 2027, when this becomes the keynotes to the background frequency, when this is the way in which the whole plane is being impacted. But something to understand about the nature of intimacy is that intimacy is going to lose its passion. If you think about that in reproductive terms we've already seen that, in vitro births and surrogate mothers and all these kinds of things, that are beginning to appear in and around the whole fertility issue that this is an underlying theme that is here. ​ Ra Uru Hu.

  • Human Design Academy By Ra Uru Hu | Cross of Planning (1615-2027) | Solar Plexus Awareness is Waiting for the Other

    Solar Plexus Awareness is Waiting for the Other In the end, though it will all come down to, what this life is really about, who is there. Solar Plexus awareness is an awareness that, is waiting for something: It’s waiting for the other. It’s waiting for the right other. Everything about being Right is about recognizing, that the level of the other is the level that you get to express in this life. How important it becomes for all of us to remember and to remind others, what Strategy and Authority really brings to you in this life. It’s something very different. Something else that is very interesting, a child that is born after 2027 and they have the emotional system, and they have the 55th gate and the 49th gate. But they don’t have any of the other gates, or they just have one of those two, and that Solar Plexus is going to be defined, let’s say the 55 and it’s defined. There will be no wave. These will not be beings that will have to be limited by, No Truth in the Now. They will be very different, they will be aware in a very different way. Again, understand this enormous neural density that is here. There is this incredible capacity, to take in information from the other in a very, very different way. ​ Ra Uru Hu.

  • Human Design Academy By Ra Uru Hu | Cross of Planning (1615-2027) | The Truth about the Current Model of Human Being

    ​ The Truth about the Current Model of Human Being We are killer monkeys. When there is no collective tribal infrastructure to protect them. They're going to have terrible times, Because otherwise they're going to have terrible times. And the emergence of their authority. Is to instill the importance of their authority, It's time to instill in everyone you know, It all comes to an end. The leader of his followers, The opportunity to be the master of students, These institutions will disappear. This is the time to teach them that the door closes. They are importance, their purpose. Some are depressed about their viability, You know worthless beings, Is the sense of human worthlessness, I mean, the deepest disease for me, And that each of us gets to see our value. Because the truth, whatever it is, is found. And answers that consciousness can flourish, Thus through every detail we can come with a necessary consciousness, That we were under to hold it together long enough, And all this and that's the time it's the time it's the plan, It goes on and on or on to the authority of God, Your pastor is your authority, They all become authorities for you, Your doctor is your authority, Your lawyer is your authority, Your government is your authority, You see that the propaganda of our time is that anyone can be an authority for you, And make sure they know how to make decisions like themselves. This is to make sure they are working properly, It is to nurture in children, I know about adults, Is the only thing to cultivate. These are times when personal authority, I always go back to the same place, Everywhere I go in my knowledge, No matter what the story is. So, you know, That comes with a simple surrender. And you do not receive grace, And you do not see the magic, Then you do not see the beauty of it, You must be caught because it looks like a terrible place to be, And they are disappointed and they are all the things we know. And they are angry as hell because, Because most of them are generators, And on top of that they are frustrated, Most of humanity is oppressed, It happens, and you have a terrible depression that moves through humanity. When you have a huge deterioration, And you're definitely not going to get there at these times, You have the right authority, Unless, And you do not get there, But each of us is here to be the expression of his uniqueness, And be the expression of it, It's my job to be me, I just know what it's like to be an ego manifesto. I just know what it's like to be a clarifier, I do not see my way, But I personally, So I'm good at being her messenger, Is that this knowledge is given to me, Just in some way the fact, I'm really limited after everything I see, This business should be a source of knowledge, Well, you know it's always so clear to me, And what a gift this is. What are you here to meet, What are you here to see, Why are you here? And by beginning to understand, And less resistance, Will meet less, As he moves in this crumbling and deteriorating environment, And all this means is that your vehicle, You will be right, And if you rely on this authority, Because each has a unique place of authority within them, That no one can make decisions with their brains, And as we know in knowledge, The vast majority of humanity makes decisions with their brains, Humans do not know how to make decisions, We have our own unique authority, And until we deal with the fact that in this uniqueness, We reach unique, And bases them on a simple scientific fact. Is that it takes spiritual concepts, I mean there is no beauty in human design, Is that there is nothing I can compare him to, And that the very love I have for myself, And at the same time I understand that this is everyone's potential, There will never be anything like me, I live in glory knowing that there is nothing like me. I mean there is nothing else. Is the only chance we have to enjoy the joke, But the fact is that what is left, You know, According to this there is time, it's not like you have to worry about keeping your shoes on, There are still hundreds of years, And that means that in the remaining incarnations, Slow shutdown. It's the sex. That's one thing. But it's not all these different things. They call it, all these different things, You know they call it that, That they call it poverty, But the source is displaced into other things, Deep depression, and depression that is not understood, the source of it is not understood, But do not get caught up in what is a universal depression, And it's going to happen, This is our genetic orientation. I'm not telling you this, to depress you, it's just a fact. It's not about the ship going down, And the beauty of the moment, And be in harmony with the moment, That you know the beauty, And the beauty of music, And the beauty of it, Continues to play as the ship descends, This magic of these wonderful musicians, play, It was the only movie that touched me, You know, when I saw the movie it was the only scene I really liked. Which I really like. And it's one of those pictures, And one day I finished describing our work as musicians on the Titanic, Ten years together as a teacher and a student goes through all these different levels. And we're been doing this for some of us for ten years. Very long in this knowledge, You know I'm already bringing people through a lot, I'm really working hard, And the gift of watching a movie I mentioned a few days ago, You can do nothing else, You know all you can do is watch a movie, There is nothing else. And begin to direct our intelligence to the recognition of purpose and to fulfill a personal purpose. It's time we got rid of the intellectuality that tries to control the fate of the planet, The way mechanics work, When you start to see the way the structure works, So that we have potential for the upcoming mutation. Just so the program has a large enough genetic pool, That 70% of their time is looking for firewood and water, If you look at all the females on this planet, They do not care that out of these six billion, I do not care that these six billion most of them have a bad life, But think about the coldness of the program. And we know there is a huge mutation at work. And with a huge genetic pool what you have is the only real chance for a mutation, So you have a huge, huge, huge genetic pool, Than lived on earth until I think 1870, There are more people living on earth today, And we have a population that is six billion plus, You know, most people say good population, And the plan is that without all the tremendous expansion we will never have, They walk away people, And I keep thinking, Moral religious constraints on us, And how amazing that we have these layers in, layers in, institutional, educational, You know, I understand the principle, Too many people in my aura, I immediately want to kill. I mean, I understand that principle. I mean, I'm a Chinese rat. You can not pack them too deep. You know? That is, rats do it. That is, all the time. That people do not kill each other. When I walk into one of these huge city centers, It's always amazing to me, And not kill each other all the time. Live in crowded places, Our ability unlike rats, Our ability to find harmony in large communities, Our ability to live with each other, That all the things we consider to be our delicate qualities of puberty, So what we looked at was that we looked at the plan of the Cross of Planning, Everyone is slowly sinking into this despair, And trying to wake people up, wake up, you know. There are so many people running around, That's why you have all these people running around trying to wake people up now. And you see that there is this weakness, A miracle of what it is, The grace of what it's like to be in one of these vehicles, All this shit, awesome. That they do not think they deserve, That they hate themselves, Humans in their shit, you know, I mean, I could not stand it anymore. To be in an aura of self-hatred. That I could not stand it anymore, I gave up personal reading after a single six or seven thousand, We're going to be more and more depressed in the wind, it's the wind. And are not going to regenerate, Who are at the end of their production line, And once we think we're in charge of vehicles, That we are responsible for these vehicles, And as soon as we think, Be a passenger in a vehicle, The impersonal of what it is, I forget the truth of the cruel character, Because as soon as I forget it, I can not forget this for a moment, I am aware of this every moment, of every day. Three billion people live on less than a euro a day. That there must be something worthy for them, in this experience. That there is a possibility that humanity will recognize this, Then you will see slowly, For about 80,000 years it will come to an end, And the sexuality we have experienced for a very long time, Because when the curtain falls, I'm waiting for this curtain to fall, They do not know. And therefore they do not succumb to what is possible. That they do not see what is happening, Who come out that everyone is lost, I can see that all varieties, And in this period of decay, Because this is a time of decay, I do not. I do not. See, I do not see it as one of the great periods of humanity. It's a way to protect us from the truth. It's such a little patina about what we are, He's so fake, That this structure over the last 400 years, I mean you need to see, And the morals of our religions, Enforced by our governments, We have these things, We are taught that our schools, No, we are held that way by our institutions. Then the outside says but we are actually peaceful, that we are actually nice. And they are the smallest, most cruel bastards you can imagine, And if we did not have them, we would die immediately, And they are things, that say they are things, and they are wild, they live in our universe, Every moment of every second in our body has the wild, wild, wild things, You know, because the first thing he will do is eat you alive. You would not want to meet a cell that was as big as you. I mean just for a moment, think about your immune system. And I tell them, look at your T cells, I mean, people talk to me about peace on earth, These forms do not allow us to transcend chemistry and biology as they are, you know. You know, I mean that's the thing to understand, And it's not that far. Until there are no more of us, We'll always be killer monkeys. Ra Uru Hu.

  • Human Design Academy by Ra Uru Hu | Cross of Planning (1615-2027) | Center G

    G Center G Center, But when you look at this configuration, I want you to recognize something because this movement of retreat, That these elements of retreat are called keys, But there is a lock, in other words each of these keys fits the lock. Now the key is the procession, and its own structure, And the lock are human beings in other words, This is the way every world cycle, Seal directly into humanity, and global cycles on the seal to humanity, Through people who happen to be vessels or sphinxes. Now it's not just people who are tools and sphinxes, This also applies to anyone who has all the gates of the G Center. In other words, what we look at, That we are looking at something very fascinating. What we look at is the nature of the magnetic charm of monopoly (Magnetic Monopole). I mean it's really something to understand about this phenomenon, It holds us together in the illusion of our separation, And moves us along our fractal line, Moves us along our geometry line, And this movement along our geometry line, The thing that holds us together as a species, The thing that holds us together as a whole within, The programming of the whole, That all this is rooted in the G-center. When we look at the G-center, Of course we are looking at identity. In other words, When we look at it in a single chart, What we are looking at is the quality of identity in these beings. We have role gates here, The roles of our interaction with the world around us. You know, we have direction gates, We have gates where especially when you look at the Cross of the Sphinx, Or you look at the Cross of Love (Cross of the Vessel), These are the only rolling crosses, As an example, operating solely from one center. Because the G center is very special, Because it specifically forms the eight different corners or eight different points of the wheel. Remember when you look at the structure, In terms of how I's Ching's hexagram works, Because what you're looking at is the wheel that naturally breaks down first, Into its four quarters, And we know from the fourth quarters, That we always go from the Sphinx Gate, which is a directional gate, And we're going to close with one of the gates, Of the four ways before we reach the next Sphinx gate. The second thing is that between everyone, In the middle of every quarter, exactly in the middle of every quarter is the gate of love vessels, And this is one of my earliest early remarks on the nature of identity, And again when you look at the G center, What you're looking at is this ability, Be able to go out and touch everything that is there, In general and at the same time be able to see that this is the way everything is, Starting from the whole, taken inside. Therefore, when we look at the G center in terms of general programming, The gates here are becoming very significant. In other words, anyone carrying one of these lock gates, Is part of the way the program as a whole gets to be expressed in the world. I mean one of the things to understand about the program, Is that you only deal with input. You know, the program is just a huge ocean of consciousness, But the ocean of consciousness is changed by a mass of uniqueness that filters it. You know here that we all filter this field of consciousness, And one of the things you get to see in design, Every time you look at surgery, Is that you get to see there, That each person is truly unique in the way they communicate with the program, And also in the way they make a contribution to the whole. I mean damn things as an illusion. So, you know one thing to recognize, Is that you can not live in illusion, Unless you contribute to it. I mean, you know, it's not that we're out of illusion. It's not all this shit, On the possibility is going to be out of illusion. It's always my joke about sticking your head in the sky. If you stick your head in the sky, And you leave it there, Someone's going to kick you, You know, because you can not live like this. We are the illusion, We make the illusion, We live the illusion. Ra Uru Hu

  • Human Design Academy By Ra Uru Hu | Cross of Planning (1615-2027) | The 39/55

    The 39/55 Let's think about what we're looking at here. The first thing is that you can see the two gates that have the green, The Gate of the 49th Revolution, And the 55th Gate of Abundance. Now, these two gates share something in common. Both codon histidine, And the histidine codon is actually the key to the chemical source of the mutation at the genetic level, The mutation that occurs in the solar plexus system. Everything works out of it. And what's interesting about it is that it activates it, And it is pressed by two forces. That is, The pressure that is always there from the 39th gate, And the pressure of the 19th. Now, 19 and 49, As you can see, They are very unique, And I'll talk about that in a moment. But let's start with the pressure of 39. This is an interesting thing on Channel 39/55, When we look at it in the ordinary sense on the surface we see that it’s a channel of moodiness. It has a great deal to do with romance, it is a stream of passion, after all. The 55th gate is the gate of Spirit, and it is best described as the cup half full and the cup half empty. This gate is always under pressure by the 39th gate. Now, the 39th gate is there to provoke the spirit, to bring the spirit out. And if there is anything that is truly initiated, the transformation that is taking place in the Solar Plexus system, it is the constant tension that is produced by the 39th gate, the constant tension that is stirring the genetic mutation that is taking place in the 55. What we're looking at in terms of these two gates, is that these are going to be the first two gates in the Solar Plexus system, that will not have a wave function. Now, that isn’t going to apply to anybody who is already alive. What I mean by that is that in 2027 those children, that are going to come into the world—those children, who are going to be born and not children, that are going to be raves, but children like us that, are going to be nine-centered humans, that in these children, these two gates are going to operate differently than, they did in their parents or they did with us. They're not going to be the same. ​ Ra Uru Hu.

  • Human Design Academy By Ra Uru Hu | Cross of Planning (1615-2027) | ​6 And 3 Better To Be Free

    6 And 3 Better To Be Free 6 and 3 is always fascinating. 6 and 3 better to be free. For some people this is a classic. If it is really in your nature to be not really connected in a relationship but still in a good relationship, which is quite a thing to think about, the kind of thing that hippie propaganda was about 40 or 50 years ago, whatever that was, 6 and 3 is an interesting thing but for the not-self it’s a disaster. For the not-self it’s always a problem. There are so many ways to go, there’s so much distraction in the relationship that it’s very difficult for these couples to pay much attention to each other. Then again, if it is really in your nature to have that kind of a relationship where you can spend a great deal of time in your own thing, in your own space and only connect every once in a while for the value of that connection – then this is something that can be perfect for you. In other words, these are the basic mechanics for the kinds of connections that we have with each other. Remember something. Human Design says that if you are going to live by your mind – you are going to have a homogenized life. You have to get to the point where you grasp that the mind has been involved in trying to deal with things that it cannot, in any way, truly deal with. It can’t. This is the blackest joke of all. That the mind is not able to change any of this. It CAN’T. All it does is create the suffering, the pain, the anguish, the anger, the frustration, the bitterness, the disappointment, all of those things and what we end up with is a catalogue of beings for whom the biggest pain in their existence is having to deal with relationships and this is not what we are here for. Nine centered beings are here to be cognitive, we are here to commune and share our outer Authority and our intelligence with each other. We are here to be deeply respectful of the other human being because we accept them for what they are, whatever this thing is. You can’t do anything about that, you cannot change that. You cannot make them into something different. They connect to you the way they do and the results are what they are. And you sit back in the passenger seat in awareness and you watch the movie, your movie, you are the star, and see what it is to be here on this plane as you. Because if you trust in your Strategy and Authority, if you take away the decision making process from your mind, you get to enter into things the way you were intended to. You get to meet those beings that you are intended to meet and the combinations that are absolutely correct for you. Because this is what we are here for. Think about it. The mind, in trying to control the life and organize the life, becomes a liar automatically. It’s what the mind does best – it lies. It lies to protect itself. It cannot fully tell any truth because it holds back this or that or doesn’t say something. It can never truly communicate with the other. It can never really be free of that barrier that stands behind it and says `We’d better be careful what we say here because Don’t trust the mind to run your life. All you do is allow the mind to become the greatest distortion. OK. So I’ve shown you one set of formulas. Now I’m going to show you another and it is one that takes you a step deeper into the way in which we bind with the other. This is the way in which we connect in the channels themselves, specifically. Not looking at the surface and looking at the centers, but simply looking directly at the way we connect with another human being in a channel. Ra Uru Hu.

  • Human Design Academy By Ra Uru Hu | Cross of Planning (1615-2027) | Global Cycles

    Global Cycles "Therefore, it is important to see that it is not so much that these creatures are special More than any session, anywhere, it is special, But to understand that the program is not just something out there, it's here. When I talk about these global cycles, It's essential to understand that it's not that something is changing out there, it's changing here. You know it's not that there is anything to blame for all this. You know this is the way the program works. So these changes that occur when you look at the world around you, And we'll talk about it relative to our civilization, Our politics of the time, spirituality fundamentalism, All this can be there, all this until the closing of this particular circle, All this, and that you can see in the framework of this cycle from 1615 until now, Because the very thing that made it all possible to come out is that we are already living this plan, And put it relative to each other with each breath with each knot. So, the first thing to see is that we have two types of locks, In other words we have a lock which is a lock that comes from the four gates of the tool, And we have a lock that comes from the four gates of the Sphinx, And one of the things you can see is that when the round closes, They are locked into each other in other words, They literally lock into each other they fold and that's really the end. Okay and that's the end of a round. You know it's the closure of the whole process. So, everything is moving in the direction of this locking phenomenon, So we have two sets of locks and then we have the keys, And the keys represent the actual position of the withdrawal of equality, Then it's free seven points around the wheel, free seven points. In other words, These are going to be seven points, Because they're going to be eight hexagrams apart. In other words, Same dynamics but the dynamic shift that equality has changed. So, for example, it's 25/46, you know, it's, these vessel gates, You can see here with 37 49 16 this is their exact connection to the structure, And when you move in together, You will see that relative to the gates of the Sphinx the same is true. In other words, These eight points are all made up of eight hexagrams, It's just a shift in equality (equinox)." Ra Uru Hu.

  • Projector | 1615-2027 צלב התכנון

    Projector I think this is one of the things I like most about projectors is how diverse their designs are. I know projectors that have eight defined centers; Obviously, not Scarlett. I have seen every type of projector configuration - the purely mental projectors, the energy projectors, Those who have defined motors - have all these different varieties of projector. I drew them once. I think there are about four or five basic projector variations. Of course, this is truly the non-energetic dimension of the Earth. Yes, there are reflectors, but reflectors are always something different. I think in my work, And I mentioned it earlier, I think it did a real injustice to projectors in the early years. I felt that if I could make generators, that human design would be just like a steam press. And I pay so much attention to the instant gratification that comes with being an energy type, To be a generator or actually a manifesto, And really be able to deal with strategy and authority on a moment-by-moment basis, And be able to receive the rewards on a moment-by-moment basis. And of course, that was very unfair to the projectors. Projectors really have an extraordinary talent, And the gift is something that can be seen in its aura, Because the aura of the projectors is a focused aura. It's focused. And it focuses on the center G of the other. Where the generator is designed to be fully immersed in the realization of its own nature, It is completely immersed in observing the other. This aura of theirs, In her deep penetration into the other, She is undoubtedly a double-edged sword. This is necessary for the projectors, Because the projector needs to have access to the work or expression in some way. This is the way they connect to the life force of the earth. Yet, We know that what we do not have in our design is always the potential of wisdom in us, That the great wisdom inherent in projectors, Deep wisdom in projectors, Is to know how to use energy, But there is no access to it itself. And the projector, because it focuses on the other, has a unique ability. That is, They are designed to control systems in order to be able to quantify, qualify, What do you want to call it, To be able to properly measure the other. That's why we're talking about waiting for projectors, As a gift of guidance. in fact, The great skill of the projector is knowing how to ask a question. I guess the role model of all ​​ The projectors There should be Socrates, asking the questions, Because that's the magic of the ​ Projector . The right conscious projector knows exactly what questions to ask, which is a great gift. But the projector kid, to start the story, is very deprived. They are not a type of energy. So, clean your room, be good, do it, Doing so, is all part of a deep conditioning weakness. And we know that in dealing with the projector we are dealing with the issue of bitterness, of not being seen. And not to be seen because the projector is here to identify and be recognized; In other words, identify the other, and identify the other clearly. And at the same time, to be known, to be known to be valuable, for example, to be recognized in terms of what they are. The projector boy was born; They do not sell from day one, not at all. You know parents who spend their time inviting their children to the projector to do this or that, Besides the projector parents we have in human design they may have a projector child. You really need to see that projectors are the most conditioned kids and yes, They have a right to be bitter. And how difficult it is if you do not have the support mechanism, Because as a non-energetic type, One of the most important things for the projector is his relationship with the other, And the need for a valued relationship with the other; This is essential for them. The fact is that projectorips are naturally open to conditioning; While their aura is focused and absorbing, other auras, And especially in the sense of aura field generator. And generator, it completely envelops the projector, And gift him at the same time. THE PROJECTOR: ​ A projector is someone without a motor connected to the center of the throat and without a Scarlett center defined in its design. Projectors can be so complex, Until up to eight of the nine possible centers are defined without the potential of creation or expression. Since there are no means of expression or energy production, The projector is the first of the two non-energy types The projector is the first of the two types of energy that are 21% of the world population are projectors. ROLE IN HISTORY: ​ Historically, The projector had the least opportunity to realize its potential, Because the ruler ship has always been in the hands of the energy types. in principle, Projectors have never been recognized for their potential. The natural place for the projector is at the top of the hierarchy of the four types, Since they are designed to guide the types of energy, And especially generators. As generators begin to regain their natural power as creative builders, It is the projectors who will emerge as managers and leaders of the new order. GIFT AND HANDICAP: ​ The first thing to identify about the two types of non-energy, The projector and the reflector, Is that their greatest gift is to be able to guide, And understand the types of energy. Their real job is to manage the types of energy. Projectors have the ability to identify the capabilities of energy types, And guide these people in the most efficient use of their energy. This is their gift. Their limitation is that they do not have consistent access to energy within themselves, But one should rely on others to recognize their gifts. In other words, They are the only type that depends solely on others in order to fulfill their purpose in life. Although they are at the top of the hierarchy, They do not receive the power. Ironically, The power is given to the generators, Who do not really know how to use it, Without the help of the projectors. therefore, These two types are meant to be deeply interdependent. To be a non-energy type, Does not mean you have no energy. In fact, the opposite may seem true. Because the projector does not have consistent access to creative or demonstrative power, They are meant to use the energy of others. It can make them invaluable to others, If they know their design, Or drain on the resources of others, If they do not know their design. One of the big issues of the projector is fatigue. If they are trying to act as a different type of energy, They quickly become exhausted. Projectors are large organizers and networks, And have the ability to bring people together in the right combinations, In order to achieve specific tasks. Are the natural mediators between the two types of energy, And ultimately it is up to them to know how to maintain harmony in the world. RECOGNITION: There's really only one thing a projector ever wants in life; They want to be recognized as they are, So that they can put their skills to good use. The big secret to projectors is people. They need the right people in their lives, And for a projector, The right person is just someone who knows you. Anyone who does not recognize you is a waste of your resources. It is a fact that projectors actually get more recognition than any other type, Because it's in their design to be seen. Yet, Other people often see, Just what they want to see in projectors, Instead of seeing who they really are. This arouses great resentment in projectors, Which is one of their subjects in life. The projector who does not insist on working with people who know them, Eventually feels bitter inside. Because projectors are rarely seen as they are, They are often confused about the meaning of recognizing recognition. It can be seen that this projector has two separate settings, One from the G to the throat, And the second between the solar plexus and the ego. Therefore this is a person to be recognized, Whether due to his identity as a leader (Channel 3/31), Or because of the depth of his feelings and ease, Dealing with all kinds of people (Channel 37/40). If someone approaches that person, And tell him how amazing his mind is, Although it may sound very flattering, This is not true consciousness, For this person has no definite mind. This kind of recognition can easily get the projector in trouble, Because they love to hear things like that! Yet, Relationships based on wrong recognition, They will never be able to work well for them. When the projector above hears someone tell them: "I always feel so inspired when I'm with you," Every cell in their body really lights up, Because the same person really recognized them.

  • Ra Uru Hu | Human Design System | Cross Of Planning (1610-2027) | Israel | ישראל

    Home: Welcome ​Ra Uru Hu was the founder and messenger of the "voice" of the human design system. Ra was born as Alan (Robert) Krakower in Montreal, Canada on April 9, 1948. And spent his early years there. After completing a bachelor's degree in the arts, His career path led him to the business world as an advertising manager, magazine publisher and media producer. The arts were important to Ra, and he expressed himself as a composer and performer throughout his life. In 1983 he left Canada, eventually finding his way to the island of Ibiza. There he spent years working as a schoolteacher. In January 1987 he had an extraordinary mystical experience, Intelligence that surpasses anything he has ever experienced. Followed by a meeting with "The Voice" (Encounter with the Voice). This session lasted eight days and nights - during which he received information transfer. What is now known as the "human design system". In 1989, after his encounter with The Voice, Ra Oro wrote the Rave I'Ching. The foundation on which human design rests, and the key to unlocking our genetics code. Some of the oldest classical Chinese texts, I 'ching, Or the Book of Transformations, is the ancient divination tool used for over 3,000 years. Bad devoted the next 25 years of his life to the development and teaching of the system around the world. He lives with his family in the United States, Germany, And for most of the time in Ibiza, Spain, where he died in March 2012 . "Remember, When we reach 2027 there will be no 19/49 frequency in the background frequency (Background Frequency) in general. It will not be there. We will not accept this background support, That we are all in this bargain together. You see it all the time on Facebook, The "we are one", The one with everything. (the one-ness of everything). We are all one. (we are one). Yes, we are all one. If you wait, And look what happens when we get to 2027, You will find that we are not like that. It was the background frequency (Background Frequency). We're coming to 2027, 2027 says, "Hey, excuse me; you're alone." This is what Sleeping Phoenix is, Three single gates, And Gate 59, Which is hardly going to carry much tribal quality. There is amazing traffic, Day after day, This 19/49 system is slowly deteriorating. (19/49 system is slowly deteriorating). It's just that. It's so interesting that it's the channel of synthesis. When we got into the subject of the first line in 1960, In fact, we entered the window of opportunity between then and 2027, To reach the inner truth, One of the keys in the locking system, And the key to this cycle. (lock-and-key system of this cycle). Because the synthesis is going to fall apart, The way our companies, Intertwined in all these different levels." Ra Uru Hu. The Sleeping Phoenix cross: (Share 55-59-34-20). To which we move is an antithesis that cannot be denied in our age. Remember, the cross of planning is fundamentally tribal and collective, Responsible for supporting and succeeding in developing a reality-based global community, Details and skills, While the 34/20 arm of the sleeping phoenix is on integration circles, All about myself - powerful, Preservation and the individual core process in which we differentiate ourselves from all others. Three of the sleeping Phoenix gates are individual and very beneficial. In 2027 we will move to the sixth line of Gate 55 "Abundance" Spirit Gate. The sixth line reads. Title 55 - Line 6: Selfishness. exaltation: An acquisition obsession that, despite being alienated, It is still indirectly beneficial to others. The possibility of finding the spirit through materialism. damage: Where there is material abundance, But no one gets to share his light. Step 'No Moon'. The possibility that materialism is becoming obsessed with an 'evil' spirit that you will not share. Ra Uru Hu : The Complete Rave I'Ching We are entering an era of self-empowerment. The next era is not to take care of your neighbor, but to take care of yourself. We are moving on to a global issue of - selfishness that may be enlightened. Our key is to use strategy and authority, To reveal our unique human process, Our inner truth, Which is not dependent on anything outside of itself. We are not here to fear the changes that will come, Or struggle through them. We're here to have the courage to rise accordingly, To our true nature. We can not expect from anyone, Or from the wider world, To take care of us. It's time to be certified in our authority, And teach our children to be their authority from a very young age. We are here to observe the dissolution of our social fabric, And discover our inner truth, The more we move to have more self-empowerment. There is nothing to do but be aware, and witness development.

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