Root Center
Defined: 68%.
Undefined: 32%.
Biological Correlation: Adrenal Gland.
Center Type: Engine, Pressure.
Function: Press, Drive, Press, Kundalini.
Defined Center:
Found here to get a consistent internal way of pressure processing.
Not here to let others pressure them for anything.
Open Center:
Can afford to be conditioned by the pressure of other people,
but they must be very careful according to their strategy to get the right pressure.
Not a self-strategy of a Defined Root:
difficult for others who can not cope with stress,
puts others under unnecessary stress.
Not an open root self-strategy:
Allows stress to take control of their lives,
whether by becoming addicted to the adrenaline rush or by constantly avoiding it,
and working hard to get rid of it (usually in a state of stress!).
Adrenal Gland:
Adrenal gland, or upper larynx,
Combined with a single gland located near the top of each kidney.
Each gland is divided into an external cortex and an internal medulla.
Cerebral cortex and medulla of the adrenal gland,
Like the anterior and posterior lobes of the pituitary gland,
Develop different fetal tissues and secrete different hormones.
The adrenal cortex is essential for life,
But the medulla can be removed without life-threatening effects
(which we are familiar with).
The outer part, the adrenal cortex,
Produces a number of steroid hormones that can be classified into three types:
Mineral corticoids, glucocorticoids and sex hormones.
The first maintains an electrolyte balance,
That is, water levels and water in the body
(this is why you urinate your pants when scared!).
The second produces a long-term and slow response,
Stress by raising blood glucose levels through the breakdown of fats and proteins;
They also suppress the immune response and inhibit the inflammatory response.
glucocorticoids regulate the body's response to stress,
For metabolism and the immune system.
Finally, sex hormones, well,
they increase the chances of having sex!
These hormones are secreted by the innermost region,
In both sexes by the adrenal cortex,
But their effect is usually disguised by the hormones from the testicles and ovaries.
In women,
the male effect of androgen secretion may be manifested after menopause,
When estrogen levels from the ovaries drop.
The inner part, the adrenal medulla, produces catecholamines,
As the well-known adrenaline (AP epinephrine).
Adrenaline raises blood pressure and heart rate when the body experiences stress.
Remember the Pressure Sandwich?
The Caffeine of Life:
The Root Centrex is a large, single-purpose engine:
Aspirate stress (the adrenaline gland actually produces stress hormones).
And these are sucked into three places: spleen, scarlet, solar plexus.
We can easily see the correlation to the three types of hormones discussed above:
Mineralocorticoids (water regulation - solar plexus)
Glucocorticoids (immune system - spleen)
Sex hormones (Kundalini - Scarlet)
It is clear that Root Centrex has an extraordinary impact as a refueling station for these processes.
And they are all driven by pressure energy.
This is where the juice is for our health (spleen),
Our sex (the scarlet) and our emotions (stored in the water of our body).
The root center is like caffeine.
It can make you start in the morning,
But it can also be addictive and unstable if misused.
Format Energies:
Frequency design:
Live the Pressure Correctly:
The trick with the root center is to figure out what types of pressures you are built to deal with.
The gates and channels defined in the root center will determine the pressure issues.
They can be a positive aspect of your life or a cause of stress and depression.
For example, someone with the 53rd gate is under a lot of pressure to start things off.
The stress in their lives revolves around what they start, do not start, how it starts, etc.
These people need variety,
They need to feel like they are starting things that lead to puberty.
And if it does not happen because they can not start anything or it starts wrong,
Then they can get into depression.
Of course the only way they will start something right is by sticking to their strategy.
All open channels and gates (and even the open center),
Is a place where the stress of the world can reach you.
If you do not carry out your strategy,
Try to deal with stress in unhealthy ways.
Maybe try to finish it (in a stressful way).
You can mark yourself with coffee to keep up,
Or mark yourself with alcohol to artificially reduce the feeling of stress.
There are many ways that are not healthy.
There is nothing wrong with coffee or alcohol, but it should be in line with strategy.
Root Center:
The root center deals very quickly.
Of course the type,
Your authority and definition play a big part in how fast you move.
A triangular emotional projector is supposed to work slower than a single-sharp spleen detector.
But the center of the roots will have an impact on how much pressure they are under to do something.
If you have a defined root center,
So the pressure is consistent and so your speed to get things done will be more consistent.
If you have an open root center then the pressure is not consistent,
So you will not always feel the same pressure to do something.
Of course life is full of different levels of external stress.
The pressure to change a baby's diapers is different from the pressure to get a new pair of shoes.
But internally, the defined root center will have a less stable pressure field.
The center of the open root in general will feel more pressure,
Especially if they are unaware of the ability of the open root to accept the blending of pressure from others.
The defined root is designed to handle more pressure than the undefined root.
But in the end it always comes down to the life of your strategy,
That will always give the right pressure to your design.
The root center deals with adrenal pressure.
This is one of the two centers of pressure (the other is the head).
The pressure of the center of the root transfers the energy up in the body to the action of fuel.
Defined root people are under constant and consistent pressure to do so.
It is a healthy energy as long as it comes in and uses it properly.
It can be healthy for a defined root,
Relieve stress through activities like exercise.
The undefined root is involved in increasing this adrenal pressure,
That comes to the body as physical pressure to be in a hurry.
The undefined root can be snatched up all the time by the stress of modern life.
The wisdom here is to know that this is not their energy and there is no need to rush;
It's okay to feel the pressure and just let it be.
The open root question is:
"Am I in a hurry to do everything I can to get rid of the stress?"