The profile consists of the rows of your sun gates in personality and design.
In general this is your goal in life.
Profile is also one of the four views in basic reading,
definition, type, authority, profile.
Human design shows the duality of life.
This can be seen in every aspect of human design.
And the most important thing in this case is to understand,
that there are two ways we can look at a person.
One way is a type way: manifestos, generators, projectors and reflectors.
Type is the natural by-product of the design itself,
Because it is directly related to what channels and centers a person has in their chart.
This information gives us how our vehicles work.
Once you live your type, then your vehicle will function properly.
Familiarity with a type gives you the opportunity,
to experiment mechanically with your nature.
But because human design is a representation of our binary universe,
There is a second aspect that is very important to look at in a person.
For some it is not enough to just be comfortable with their vehicle,
They want to know where the vehicle is going.
You can see where your vehicle is going by understanding a profile.
This is very different from the type we see in the body graph.
When we talk about a profile, it's just a pure database,
Consisting of the position of the personality in the sun and earth,
And from the location of the design in the sun and earth,
Especially their lines.
We are not looking at a large custom configuration built into your body graph,
But on two pieces of data.
Sun and earth are always opposite each other,
That's why your personality sun is in exactly the same line,
Like the ground of your personality in the opposite hexagram of the wheel.
The same is true of the sun and the design land.
These two lines make up your profile.
Everything in the design lies in the physics of a so-called subatomic particle Neutrino.
And we are inserted Every second by trillions of neutrinos.
Through neutrinos we are literally programmed,
The sun represents 70% of the neutrons we get,
And in its connection with the earth this information gets its grounding and shape.
In your chart, both the sun and the 2 earth represent 70% of your programming.
These lines give you a specific profile that deeply reveals your personality.

88 degrees:
The diagram above is a 3/5 profile.
They have 46.3 in their personality and 15.5 in their design.
Below is a view of the same chart in the mandala.
All the gates that the active chart has are also activated in the mandala.
You will notice in the mandala image that the two joining red lines,
depict the angle between 46.3 and 15.5.
These two hexagrams are 88% separate in the mandala.
If there were 90% between personality and sun design,
he would be locked in this profile and there would be no movement.
In the chart of the mandala you see how 46.3 and 15.5 are 88 degrees apart.
Not 90 degrees.
When the sun and earth move around the wheel there is a point,
where the sun / earth personality is two thirds way to the third line.
Both the sun and the earth are at the same degrees because they are exactly opposite to each other at the wheel.
The sun / earth design hall is right at the end of that fifth row and they are ready to enter the sixth line.
Now something really magical is happening:
at a temperature of 87 degrees the personality remains in the third row,
because there are still ways to move before moving on to the fourth row,
But on the solar / earth design side, they move lines from 5 to 6.
And the chart goes from profile 3/5 to profile 3/6.
This is the continuous movement through the whole structure.
Because of 88° you have no static position and the profiles always change.
There are 12 of these and they give us the basis for our purpose in life.
If you had a 90 degree angle the profile lines were always the same,
because each position minus 90 degrees gives you the exact same line.
It will be at a different gate,
but the line will be the same,
which is all that matters when looking at a profile.
So if the design and personality positions were 90 degrees,
Instead of 88 degrees the profiles were 1/1 2/2 3/3 and so on.
Twelve genetic issues:
The 12 profiles are the 12 general themes of what it is to be embodied.
The funny thing is that the goal is something you can enjoy from him,
But that does not mean you have to do anything to get there.
Your profile also shows you the limit of what it is you are.
When you put together your profile and type, you will begin to see that you are not responsible!
It's just rolling, and as long as you respect your climb,
All of these things are revealed to you.
It's like this knowledge itself:
Yes, it's wonderful to be able to understand how all of these things work.
And you go deeper.
But the only important thing is to live the foundation of your kind,
Then everything else comes naturally to you.

Profile 1/3:
Investigating Martyr
Investigator / Martyr
Profile 1/4:
Investigating Opportunity
Investigator / Opportunist
Profile 2/4:
Hermit Opportunist
Hermit / Opportunist
Profile 2/5:
Hermit Heretic
Hermit / Heretic
Profile 3/5:
Martyr Heretic
Martyr / Heretic
Profile 3/6:
Martyr Role Model
Martyr / Role Model
Profile 4/6:
Opportunist Role Model
Opportunist / Role Model
Profile 4/1:
Opportunist Investigator
Opportunist / Investigator
Profile 5/1:
Heretic Investigator
Heretic / Investigator
Profile 5/2:
Heretic Hermit
Heretic / Hermit
Profile 6/2:
Role Model Hermit
Role Model / Hermit
Profile 6/3:
Role Model Martyr
Role Model / Martyr

Profile Summary:
When we went through these twelve profiles,
We see that the unconscious connects each of the profiles together,
and that the personality does the same.
The 1/3 becomes 1/4
And 1/4 leads to 2/4,
Then leads to 2/5 and 3/5.
Personality and design change with change.
When one changes, twice the other remains the same twice.
There is a link and hacking of the link at the same time.
In the case of 1/4 and 2/4,
the fourth line below connects the two different personality types.
In the same way,
1/3 and 1/4 are two different profiles linked through the same personality.
In this way, all profiles are linked to each other as traffic.
This is a pattern that is genetically rooted.
The Key:
The key is to live your design.
Through this you respect your kind,
And the natural features of that profile are going to be revealed,
And are going to dress up life.
A look at a profile is the ability to see the parameters of their purpose.
But the goal stems naturally,
from the simple mechanics,
The simple design.
Follow the rules of mechanics,
and naturally you will realize through your goal.
Take for example,The 6/3.
Manifestor 6/3 announces (informs before initiating).
The 6/3 generator is waiting to respond.
Projector 6/3 is waiting to be ordered.
Reflector 6/3 seeks others for the authority,
they need within themselves (within themselves),
And waiting for authority to be clarified after the lunar cycle.
And so it applies to all profiles.