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Human Design Academy by Ra Uru Hu: Live Your Design - MP4 Video + English Subtitles SRT File (Full Course-5.5 Hours - 6 Disc)


(מוטציה) Mutation - - Mutation 2

When you think of centers you think of the nine geometric shapes in the body drawing.
Sometimes they are painted, other times they are not.
They connect to each other through channels.
But you probably do not think about mutation.
Yes, the centers are a mutation element and a deep mutation.
The first thing to understand is that centers are an evolving process,
And that the human race mutates through the development of the centers.
We evolved from being in the center of 7 centers.
And the concentrated being 9 is currently evolving through a mutation of the solar plexus.
Second, the centers serve as motivational foci,
Energy re-distributors in the context of its specific qualities.
Through this redirection, and the collection of energy,
They are constantly being mutated and mutated by their environment.
Seventy-one evolution, to nine concentrated entities  Many systems,
Use the idea of centers or chakras  To represent the person.
The best known is the Hindu chakra system but there are others,
For example the eleven centers at the reception.
No matter what the system,
They all share the idea that we have central energy centers.
In terms of the number of centers, nine is not a common number.
Many systems have human configurations that use seven centers or chakras,
Which was the number of planets visible to the naked eye.
Before 1781 the human as we know it did have seven centers.
This date is consistent with the discovery of the planet Uranus,
March 13, 1781 by Sir William Herschel.

The Kabala Tree of Life:
Since 1781 humanity has been expanding from a 28.6-year Saturn cycle to an 84-year pine cycle.
The transition did not occur during the night as these things take a long time but 1781 was the midpoint.
It started the change with the planning cross in 1610.
This means that humans on average started living longer.
In the Saturn cycle you were an old man until you were 30 years old.
You’ve probably even been a grandparent since you started having children in your teens.
When you were 15 you were completely older.
In the pine cycle this time frame was greatly expanded.
In fact you are still young or a woman until after 30.
You are not considered old until the end of your sixties (if it is),
And the date was pushed further and further.
Humans have always been different from other animal kingdoms,
Due to the length of time we depend on mothers for nourishment and protection.
The time of helplessness and vulnerability to human children is far longer than any other animal.
With the new pine cycle this time even more.
Unfortunately we still have remnants from the Saturnian belief system,
When should we grow up and satisfy ourselves,
Which means that people who are not ready will be pressured to "do their thing".
The truth is that children and young adults today,
Are not destined to come of age after thirty or even in their forties.
So this revolution from 7 centers to 9 centers created a deep mutation in the meaning of life,
Not only within our bodies but also in the way we live our lives.

Human Design Academy by Ra Uru Hu: Inner Authority - MP4 Video + English Subtitles SRT File (Full Course - 4 Disc)

The Kabala Tree of Life:

Since 1781 humanity has been expanding,
from Saturn's cycle of 28.6 years,
for the pine cycle of 84 years.
The transition didn't happen overnight,
Since these things take a long time,
But in 1781 was the middle point.
It started the change,
With the planning cross in 1610.
This means that humans on average,
Start living longer.
in the Saturn cycle,
You were an old man until you passed 30.
You were probably even a grandparent back then,
that you started having children,
When you were 15 you were completely grown up.
In the pine cycle this time frame was greatly extended.
In fact you are still young or a woman until after 30.
you are not considered old,
By your late sixties,
And the date was pushed further and further.
Humans have always been different.
from the rest of the animal kingdom,
Due to its long duration,
We depend on mothers,
for nourishment and protection.
time of helplessness,
and vulnerability to human children,
Much longer than any other animal.
With the new pine cycle,
This time even more.
Unfortunately still,
we have remains,
From the Saturn belief system,
when should we grow up
and provide for ourselves,
which results in
people who are not ready
pressure will be put on them,
do their action;.
The truth is that children and adults,
young people today
are not intended to come to maturity,
after thirty or even,
in their forties.
So this revolution from 7 centers,
to 9 centers,
created a deep mutation,
in the meaning of life,
not only within our bodies,
but also in the manner in which,
We live our lives.
Human Design Academy by Ra Uru Hu: Pre Disposition to Differentiate at Birth - MP4 Video + English Subtitles SRT File (75 Tracks)
Human Design Academy by Ra Uru Hu: The 64 Material Ways (The Money Course) - MP4 Video + English Subtitles SRT File (Full Course - 9 Disc) -  7 CHACK

Hindu Chakra System - KABALA.

Kabala Tree of Life

Human Design Academy by Ra Uru Hu: Understanding Our Design in Relationships - MP4 Video + English Subtitles SRT File (Full Course - 8 Disc)


in human design,
The person with 9 centers is called Rave.
But this is misleading.
in fact,
We haven't fully developed rave; yet.
Although we have 9 centers,
we are still
at a midpoint between the 7 centers of being,
and the being 9 is completely concentrated.
For the full mutation to occur,
Solar Plexus,
Ours needs to change,
Completely to the Aware; ad center.
It is currently an awareness center,
But it is not fully developed.
fully mutated raves,
won't start arriving until 2027,
with transformation of the solar plexus (Solar Plexus).
You can see glimpses,
What will these raves be like,
But all the examples,
that we see today are,
only transitional elements,
And we have no idea
What will a rave; really be like?
people with autism,
people with prostate cancer,
And indigo children; are some,
from this upheaval.
our current situation,
similar to the contiguity profile,
By carrying little,
from the previous step,
As well as a bit of the next step.
our new form,
new to us,
and only after 2027,
we will understand completely,
how to use,
in our body to potential,
our new
Human Design Academy by Ra Uru Hu: The Nine Centers Course - MP4 Video + English Subtitles SRT File (Full Course - 6 Disc)
Human Design Academy by Ra Uru Hu: The 6 Mystical Ways - MP4 Video + English Subtitles SRT File. (Full Course - 8 Disc)
Human Design Academy by Ra Uru Hu
Human Design Academy by Ra Uru Hu: Live Your Design - MP4 Video + English Subtitles SRT File (Full Course-5.5 Hours - 6 Disc)
Human Design Academy by Ra Uru Hu: The 64 Material Ways (The Money Course) - MP4 Video + English Subtitles SRT File (Full Course - 9 Disc)
Human Design Academy by Ra Uru Hu: Pre Disposition to Differentiate at Birth - MP4 Video + English Subtitles SRT File (75 Tracks)

Genetic Continuity:

Do you spend most of your time trying to convince?
If you are like most people,
your answer,
be no
You would say there are things,
more important in life,
than the basic element,
satisfy your libido,
with anyone who obliges.
But at the genetic level,
your main goal,
In life she is, well, watch.
Your genetic need is to stay alive,
By duplicating your genetic material,
through a baby.
And not just living on your own,
but for the whole human race.
you might die
But to your genes,
no plans to die,
And so they focus,
all their energy,
make them reproduce,
with as much variety as possible.
It's not personal.
This is survival.
If you don't earn more,
you're dead.
every living thing,
doing everything he can,
to produce more,
And it's never personal.
The gardens recognize that,
Until the dead end.
A similar form in our biological system,
for millions of years,
Because it has been proven to be harmful.
The narrower the pool of genes;
the more negative mutations occur.
So the genes are drawn to variety.
Culturally we look for similarity,
as with Jews who marry,
only with Jews for example,
But this is just another survival technique.
within this structure,
There is always a possibility of diversity,
The most basic is,
that it's not cool to marry the gene pool,
Your direct genetics (such as your sister!).
So this genetic continuity can be a problem,
Because at the genetic level opposites attract,
But on another level,
It is very difficult to live with someone,
which is completely opposite of you.
This is what we call love/hate.
what do you really like in someone,
in half the time,
that you hate them the rest of the time.
Your genes say yes;
Your mother says;
He's not one of us!;.
And you're just confused.
What does this have to do with centers?
The genetic imperative is carried out,
through our open centers.
from our open centers,
attracted by the different,
regardless of the results.
And all the time our mind,
inventing all kinds of reasons,
why or why shouldn't we,
do what we do,
Which can be really confusing.
For example,
If you have one emotional person,
with one person who is not emotional,
can be a deep interaction,
This love/hate is on an emotional level,
causing all sorts,
Chaos and heartbreak.
Genetics love it.
Human Design Academy by Ra Uru Hu: Inner Authority - MP4 Video + English Subtitles SRT File (Full Course - 4 Disc)
Human Design Academy by Ra Uru Hu: The Nine Centers Course - MP4 Video + English Subtitles SRT File (Full Course - 6 Disc)
Human Design Academy by Ra Uru Hu: The 6 Mystical Ways - MP4 Video + English Subtitles SRT File. (Full Course - 8 Disc)
Human Design Academy by Ra Uru Hu: Understanding Our Design in Relationships - MP4 Video + English Subtitles SRT File (Full Course - 8 Disc)

Strategy as Key:

the term non-self,
represents unhealthy behavior,
arising from the genetic imperative.
for genetics,
never mind as long as
they multiply.
you can live your whole life,
within the self,
and still satisfy a genetic obligation.
true self,
represents healthy behavior,
arising from your strategy life.
in true self-behaviour,
your open centers,
are not just a blind genetic imperative,
But places to be smart.
our potential wisdom,
Through these open centers,
represents our external authority,
but she never
can't turn
to our decision-making process.
This is always our internal strategy.
respect strategy type.
Internal authority is,
The only way towards myself;
This is the mechanical conversion,
of what we really are.
like this,
We will not avoid conditioning,
but find the condition,
the right one for us.
the mutation,
will happen no matter what,
But it will be an experience,
Much more harmonious.
After we covered,
Some of the concepts involved,
Let's look at the biology of the centers.
Human Design Academy by Ra Uru Hu

Biology of Centers:

The centers and the physical feature that suits them:

Head Center:
Pineal Gland.

Ajna Center: 
Anterior / Posterior Pituitary Glands.

Throat Center:
Thyroid, Parathyroid.

G Center:
Liver, Blood.

Ego Center:
Stomach, Heart, Gall Bladder, Thymus Gland.

Sacral Center:
Ovaries, Testes.

Spleen Center  Center:
Lymphatic System, Spleen, B-Cells.

Solar Plexus:
Kidney, Prostate, Pancreas, Solar Plex Neuron Network, Nervous System, Lungs.

Root Center:
Adrenal Glands.

As is well known,
the nine centers represent psychological elements
(Such as emotions, for example)
but you are probably unaware that they are deeply rooted in the physical body.
This distinction between psychology and physical body is of course,
irrelevant since the two are not separate.
But scientifically,
especially in Western science,
We are very ignorant of how the physical and the psychological meet,
Not to mention the spiritual.
Human design clearly shows the connection.

Human Design Academy - - 9 Centers


Most centers belong to
to the endocrine system and the nervous system,
or closely related to them.
nervous and endocrine systems,
work together to regulate physiology.
the endocrine system,
is a collection of glands scattered throughout the body,
that secrete chemical messages,
in the form of hormones.
These signals are transmitted,
through the blood to reach a target organ,
which has cells that hold,
in the appropriate receptor.
In addition to the classic endocrine organs,
Many other cells in the body secrete hormones.
The myocytes (Myocytes) in the atria of the heart,
and epithelial cells,
Scattered in the stomach and small intestine are examples,
for what is sometimes called,
The scattered;
endocrine system.
If the term hormone is broadly defined,
including all the chemical messengers secreted,
So almost all cells can,
be considered part of the endocrine system,
That is, the physical parts of the body related to the centers,
deeply affect every part of our body,
through a constant relay of messages.

Key Points:

• All body events are affected by the endocrine environment:

no cell types,
organs or processes that are not affected,
often deeply,
from hormone signals.
• All the physiological effects are mediated,
by multiple hormones acting together:
normal growth from birth to adulthood,
For example, probably depends on growth hormone,
but also thyroid hormones,
insulin-like growth factor-1,
and how many other hormones are involved,
critically in this process.
• Many hormones are known,
And there is little doubt that others remain to be discovered.


Keep it to yourself.
Just because the center of the head,
maintains contact with the pineal gland,
doesn't mean you have to,
tell people that.
That's probably a good idea.
that you don't go into biology,
When you show someone their chart,
Regardless of the temptation to impress them,
How much cool information have you crammed into your brain.
To know the biological relationship,
has very little effect on whether a person
will live his strategy,
and respect his authority,
And that's the only important thing.
in fact,
If you go into detail,
on the biology of the centers,
It will probably distract you,
and confuse them.
don't do it
Tip - keep it simple.
The goal during this,
show you the biology,
is just to give you an idea,
on the background behind the centers,
so that you understand how they are,
Connect concretely to the body.
Biology provides useful insights,
Regarding the psychological characteristics of the centers,
which can be useful,
Very when you look at a chart.
Human Design Academy by Ra Uru Hu: Live Your Design - MP4 Video + English Subtitles SRT File (Full Course-5.5 Hours - 6 Disc)
Human Design Academy by Ra Uru Hu
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Human Design Academy by Ra Uru Hu: The Nine Centers Course - MP4 Video + English Subtitles SRT File (Full Course - 6 Disc)
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