46/29 / Discovery
A design of succeeding where others fail.
Discovery Channel:
46/29 Channel,
the center of the sacral through 46 gate Pushing Upward,
To 29, the Abysmal gate in the center G.
The 46th gate pushes upward into the kingdom of heaven,
in the ancient language.
Gate 46 has the ability to be physically,
in the right place at the right time.
The 29th is the gate of perseverance,
that is overcome by reaction
"Yes" to what is true.
In the traditional I'Ching the 29th gate is called an abyss.
It's deep within deep.
It is not as abysmal as being horrible or negative.
This is the center of holiness which is a well of endless energy.
At the other end of the channel,
you have the gate 46 which is infinitely high.
In I'Ching the 46th gate pushes upward into the kingdom of heaven.
Imagine a line passing from the center of the earth,
to the ends of the sky.
Since the 46 is in the center of G,
it is about the self that is in the right place.
Since the 29 are in the Holy Center,
It is an unlimited amount of energy to get to this right place.
This channel, then, is about understanding,
that if you are completely immersed in the process,
You are in just the right place at just the right time.
So this channel can bring about change through total commitment.
This is called the discovery channel,
because this place and time are an ongoing process of discovery.
Anyone who has 29 has built-in availability,
and a tendency to say "yes" to almost any situation,
Which may cause him to give up their energy wholesale.
Hence, it is critical that they undertake their own authority,
And thus will find themselves,
committed to "succeeding where others fail."
Perhaps the biggest lesson for someone with Channel 29/46,
is that once they have committed to an experience,
from a clear Scarlett response,
they will continue completely with the experience,
regardless of other, particularly mental considerations.
Herein lies their success.
In other words,
anyone who has this channel must be careful to commit,
based on their sacred response and authority.
Once committed they will have to end the experience,
no matter how long it takes,
even years.
Remember that in abstract circles one learns from experience,
after the end of the experience.
They have to wait until the end of the experience,
to be able to see if anything has been discovered.
While this is happening you can only follow your strategy.
In the big picture, no matter what happens,
Through failure and success if you follow your strategy,
You will always be in the right place at the right time,
Because you will come out of it with,
the right experience that you can share.
Major Circuit Group.
Abstract circle.