Lines Keynotes
At the stage,
Let's start looking at the lines.
There is a genetic continuity that leads to similarities between all the first lines,
All the second lines, etc.
Understanding the basic property of the line is useful.
Once you know the key to the line,
Based on his position in the hexagram,
you have a point of reference,
A place you can stand to understand the line in that particular hexagram.
For example, if you look at Gate 4,
That the main key of wording is in the third row,
You can apply the third gate to the property,
And it will be someone who will try as many formulas,
as possible to find out what is not working.
This is very different from someone with the first line,
in Title 4 who will really learn formulas in depth.
First line: Foundations.
The first line Is the basis.
Is the basic theme of the hexagram,
the support on which it is built.
Its central key is called introspection.
Introspection is looking inward,
learning and exploring - to be prepared.
When you think about these words you can see that,
these are strategies that will be useful for overcoming insecurity.
The first line is actually unsafe.
Understand that the first line is at the bottom,
she knows something is going on and other things,
are going to happen but she has no idea what.
It supports a structure about which he knows very little.
As a result, they are driven to be introspective and learn.
They want the base Be as strong as possible,
able to handle whatever the structure above may go through.
Let’s take some of these key notes and apply them to a specific gateway,
to see how we might use this information.
Let's go to the 62nd gate,
the details gate.
Row 1 is unsure about the details and as a result re-washes them internally.
They will come up with some details that seem right,
but then their imagination comes in with "Well, but what if such and such were happening?"
They will produce any number of possible future scenarios
(remember it is in the logic circuit)
And process the possible details of all the slight variations.
These people are very insecure about the details,
until they have fully explored all the possibilities.
Once they have considered all the variations they have a better sense of security.
Second line: Projection.
The second line is 'natural' - it just does its thing.
When the subject of the first line is absorption and getting things in,
The theme of the second line is creativity so it does not take anything inside.
The second line is quite happy in its,
own company and really does not want to interfere with the second.
The second line is a projection line,
but more like a movie projector than a "type" projector.
Rows 2 radiate themselves as a creative force,
And so when other people see them they think they see this creative power.
They do not really see the person.
The second line is shy and its internal dynamics are,
In the style of "Leave me alone,
I just do - but I do not know how."
It is this feature that causes them to refuse to be called by the other,
Because they have no idea if they might look amazing or ridiculous or not.
This is the monk's line.
When we take it to Gate 62 we find people who can be caught in something trap.
They radiate outwardly that they have all the details and can share them.
Well, they may or may not have details.
They may or may not be able to pronounce them.
They may or may not perform the details.
In any case, they always radiate out,
That they are commanded to the details,
I mean that's what people see,
No matter what the second line actually does.
The reluctance of the line to read by the other is a product of it.
When asked directly about the details,
they may have to admit that they do not have them.
No wonder they are shy.
If they share a detail,
The other may well ask "oh, that's interesting,
how did you find that detail"
The second line is appropriate to answer,
"I did not really want to share this detail.
In fact I was not even aware that I had shared it.
I do not know how I got it,
so just leave me alone."
Third line: Adaptation.
The third row is the apex of the lower trigram.
This is a very catchy line that is here to adapt.
This is the line of trial and error.
People with the third row learn by learning what does not work.
They may have to try something 50 times,
make 49 mistakes along the way,
before they find what works.
If you want to know what does not work,
Just ask a third line who understood something!
This is where true discovery takes place.
The third line can be tremendous perseverance.
It can happen that people from the third line become deeply pessimistic.
It's like when the world changes and they have to adjust to something new they say
"Oh no,here we go again,
nothing I try will work."
It is important that they understand that,
this is their gift of adaptation and they just need to persevere.
That does not mean, by the way,
just keep trying the same thing that does not work.
The third line is not transpersonal.
She knows others are there,
But she only knows that because during a process
Her adaptive trial and error he always encounters.
The third line in Title 62 is the perfect example
Why the third line is really the whole point.
The line is called Discovery.
The ability of the third row to search for the details,
In so many different places,
And in so many different ways,
causes the possibility of great discovery.
A scientist asking for details of one thing may,
"make a mistake" leading to a groundbreaking discovery.
Alexander Fleming (who had a Line 3 profile)
Discovered penicillin (Preceded by all modern antibiotics) by mistake.
Staphylococcus culture dish was inadvertently contaminated by a blue-green mold.
He "noticed" that colonies of bacteria adjacent to the mold were dissolving.
This third line not only makes mistakes,
Or doing trial and error in a thoughtless way,
He uses the random third-line energy creatively.
Of course when dealing with this line you must understand,
Because the individual you get from them,
Depends on where they are in the discovery process.
Maybe they just made the mistake,
And did not understand anything else,
And by chance all they can tell you is that they just screwed up.
If they fail to get past that point,
They can have a hard time in life.
You hear them say,
"I'm such a screw!",
This is true in some ways.
But it does not have to be a negative thing.
Fourth line: Externalization.
The fourth line marks the beginning of the top trigram.
While the lower trigram is internal,
focused and absorbed in its process,
The upper trigram goes out into the world of the other.
Lines 1, 2 and 3 (starting at the bottom of the hexagram) symbolize the inner world.
And lines 4, 5 and 6 symbolize the outside world.
The second and third lines are involved in their own process.
This is essential for the lower trigram to be strong and able to support the upper trigram.
The fourth, fifth and sixth lines, however
Looking across the canal, looking at the other.
The lower trigram lines do not even know,
That there's something at the other end of the channel (unless they knock on it).
It is this awareness of the other side that makes the fourth,
fifth and sixth lines transpersonal.
They are aware after that that they are looking.
There is the foundation that the lower trigram has built and they ar,
willing to use it as a support to get out.
Looking at the two trigrams,
do not forget the harmony of the lines,
Because you will see that they share common elements.
When you move from the third line to the fourth row,
You move from the lower trigram to the upper trigram.
Although the fourth line is in the upper trigram,
It serves as a midpoint between the two trigrams.
The fourth row is where the garden makes a half turn on the coil,
And gives him a look at the bottom and top lines.
It has a facility to transfer information from the bottom to the top and vice versa.
They do this by externalizing everything that happens in their own lives,
almost in the form of 'in your face'.
They can not wait to tell others everything about everything,
And they do not deal with the question of whether,
the other is interested in what is extroverted or not.
Think of the missionary who spreads the word of God as an example.
In Gate 62 the fourth line embodies this role,
In a way that on the surface does not seem to embody this need for externalization.
You see, the 62.4 knows he's getting an opinion from the 17th.
But he also knows that it takes time to get the details of the opinion.
Remember this is in the logic circuit,
So if you do not get the details right,
you will get a lot of complaints.
So it serves as a midpoint between the need for the bottom hexagram,
Get the right base and the need for the top trigram to get that base out there.
Here is an example of harmony between lines 1 and 4.
The first line is the research,
the research,
the formation of a meaningful opinion.
The fourth line must examine this view,
And make sure all the details are correct before she can externalize.
It's a bit like learning.
If you ask for details from 17.4 before it is ready,
Just write "I know I need to get this out,
but don't bother me I still think".
Whereas the 17.1 would simply say,
"Do not disturb me, I think."
No mention of taking it out.
The 17.4 can not successfully take advantage of any opportunity
(keyword for lines 4),
Until he finished checking the details.
Once he has the details in hand,
and an opportunity presents itself,
It can externalize the complete and organized package.
You can see that the fourth row domain turns things off,
But still respectfully colored to the subject of the first line.
Fifth line: Universalization.
The fifth line has excellent interpersonal skills.
In ancient I'Ching the fifth row is considered the dominant line.
Others do not see the fifth line as they really are,
Rather they see in them what they (the others) want to be.
This is the screening aspect.
The fifth line is capable of universality,
And it is this capacity for universality that creates the implication.
Others see the people of Line 5 as offering what the other wants,
lover, teacher, savior, father
Etc. Others do not want mistakes,
or wrong advice from the line 5.
If the five giving to others is not something practical,
They will be punished by defaming their reputation.
The fifth lines are very sensitive to potential defamation of their reputation,
As a result, they can be very careful about fulfilling the other's expectations.
In contrast to the fourth line whose influence is limited to members,
The fifth line can affect anyone.
Because they are vulnerable to being punished they must fulfill their conditions.
If you want line 5 to lead they will require you to do what they say.
When you look at the fifth row in Gate 62 we must recognize that,
That everyone is projecting on her that they have the details.
Maybe they are yes,
and maybe not,
the fifth row is,
Under the gun here not only get details,
But get the right details,
the ones that will work for the other.
At a meeting others always expect the fifth row to have the right details.
There is always a lot of pressure on the,
5 to make the individual a beneficial fact,
a living reality.
At gate 62,
as part of the logic circuit,
the fifth line should do its homework.
the fifth line should do its research.
He must go through the process of collecting the details,
And exercise restraint by failing to provide,
these details until completion.
All the fifth lines are always a bit paranoid,
A little caution,
Because it can never be certain that it will be,
declared a star or burned at the stake.
They always deny potential (possible),
and they know it.
Sixth line: Transition.
Once you reach the sixth row,
You have reached the end with the feeling,
that it is the upper part of the structure.
The first line is the foundation but the sixth line is the roof,
or even above it.
The sixth line sits up there on the roof,
And he really doesn't care anymore,
what happens downstairs in the rest of the house.
It's not really part of it.
Up on the roof,
you overlook all the other houses,
Because of this,
this line is called a transition.
In a sense when you meet line 6,
it's not really here,
it's looking there.
What the sixth line does is look ahead,
look for the transition.
What's going on? It is this aspect that gives,
the sixth row the quality of its trust and leadership.
It is rare to find line 6 that has not,
left the house as soon as possible.
They know how it all works,
But while they are in this part of life,
When they live like line 3 they know that nothing is working properly.
They have to go through all of this to eventually,
reach their full potential as a role model.
It can be a painful process and not all sixth lines,
are going to heal when they reach the top.
The role of the sixth row to look beyond,
Something can not do good unless they have acquired true depth.
The sixth row is responsible for the hexagram,
being a role model,
Example and leader so they can tell everyone else what the next step is.
But they can not do it unless they know what the next step is.
They need those years of experience in the third line,
Then they have to step back and consider everything and finally,
If they act right they can become a role model,
a leader.
Do not jump to conclusions about lines 6 as their way is of process,
And rarely can you be sure where they are in this process.
In Gate 62 then, the sixth line focuses on the details as part of the process,
as part of the transition.
To get any benefit from the details they have to rely on the process.
Here the final judgment regarding details is determined.
Does it really have any value? Will this be a real use for humanity?
The sixth line can use the details for their own benefit,
And never take responsibility for being the leader.
They can be so distant,
That instead of looking at a hexagram or a channel they look at the whole circle,
And wonder if it's worth the hassle.