Profile 3/6:
Martyr Role Model.
Martyr / Role Model.
In this profile we meet the topic of the sixth line of transition for the first time.
The 3/6 expresses the possibility that trial and error can lead to wisdom.
In the basic hexagonal structure,
the hexagram process is actually complete with the fifth row.
In the ancient I-Ching tradition,
the fifth is the linear,
The highest.
In the nature of the profiles,
the first line,
the foundation and the basic nature of the hexagram are called exemplary.
The second line should be called.
The third is tuned and ready to adapt.
The fourth brings influence through the ability to externalize their only point.
The fifth is a call,
for universalization,
Of the nature of the hexagram.
The sixth row, the roof of the house,
is marked as separated.
Separation is what sets the character of this line apart.
It's above the campaign with a unique perspective on the action below.
The distance,
inherent in this line,
is the quality needed at the heart of its process.
This is the sixth line that gives the stamp of approval or not,
Whose testimony is highly respected.
The sixth line sits on a fence, not committing, waiting and looking from its pole.
In your profile,
if you're bringing a theme to the sixth line,
The dynamics of living the sixth line are different from the rest of the lines.
The life of the sixth row is broken down into three different periods.
1. The initial period from birth to about thirty years,
This is their period of deep involvement.
In this profile,
this is really the sixth line that shakes off the power of the third line.
To live those first thirty years,
through trial and error,
Through mistakes,
connections formed,
and broken,
With a net result of error interference,
Disrupted by perfection,
by the fulfillment that comes from that stage in life.
2. When the sixth line,
whether it is a personal issue or an unconscious issue,
Reaches the stage at about thirty,
i.e. when they begin to retreat and disengage.
In the first part of their lives they taste what life is and they do not necessarily like it.
The sixth row is always on guard and looking for what really works.
From the age of thirty to the age of fifty or so the sixth row remains stubbornly distant,
Refuses to really commit,
always be the observer,
always watching others.
3. After the age of fifty there is the last chance in the cycle of the sixth line,
Be able to re-engage,
return to the world and enter the battle.
Regardless of your design and regardless of your type,
The theme of the sixth line is to live in these three distinct cycles of life.
The presence of the sixth row brings with it a powerful limitation.
The inherent distance is perceived by others regularly as a determined disinterest.
In profile 3/5,
with the subject of the third row of martyred and anarchist saints,
There is a line of 5th grade unconscious below:
The longing for the universal is the subject of the lower trigram of adaptation.
Rebel personality,
The third row is adjusted using the base.
In 3/6, however,
below the model is the role model,
Not willing to be a martyred saint until,
he has examined all the possible factors that can be supported.
It does not commit but is willing to rule on what cannot stand its criticism.
This is an anarchist he literally runs under.
The subject of the third-line process experienced through lenses,
The sixth line was best expressed by Groucho Marx,
Who said:
"I'm not willing to be a member of a club willing to accept people like me."
This is the classic sixth line,
they can recommend About school,work,
A reason,
that they will never get involved with themselves.
They can manage,
but they are personally an anarchist.
They love clichés and their shell is worse than their bite.
The perspective of pessimism in the third line through personality,
And the optimism of the sixth line that filters their memory,
Often leads to harsh words but to a soft heart.
What they strive for is to maintain a direction of objectivity,
Be the guardians,
confirm the integrity of things.
Like being the roof of the hexagram and the last line,
They strive to be the last word.
We have seen that the third line always brings social difficulty.
Connectivity and security issues are established strategies,
About connections formed,
and broken through trial and error.
When it is combined with the sixth row,
this is conditional on the existence of the connections deeply.
the demand for perfection is usually unreasonable in life.
The sixth line can be cool in its lack of interest when perfection is impaired.
Her confidence is truly trust and confidence in the other.
Break the trust once in a sixth row,
and they will most likely break the bond with you.
This mistrust is enforced by the underlying pessimism of the personality.
The issue of the unconscious sixth line is lead or not.
In their blood this sense of nobility of beyond everyday life.
But this is not a topic of "hands-on" leadership directly.
This is the guiding role,
the approving role of the Baptist.
The sixth line seeks her blessings.
All third-row profiles have a hard time keeping up with their relationships.
Statistically if he had looked closely at marriage and divorce,
It could be seen that the subject of the third line dominates divorce cases.
In misunderstanding the mechanics,
In not understanding your own nature,
Subject A third-line subject can be very dismissive.
The third line operates out of bonds formed, and broken .
But that's not where it ends.
This is not necessarily a "finished fact."
The connection created and broken can be recreated.
Can be re-established.
One of the most important things for people carrying a third line in their profile,
Is the recognition that they need time for themselves.
The third line is still part of the bottom trigram.
He's still immersed in himself,
Even though he has the potential to be there for the other.
But basically she wants to be left alone.
If you have a third line in your profile,
Or your spouse has a third line in their profile,
There will always be the tension of having to break the bond.
In relationships it is something that can be achieved quite easily,
once one realizes that it is a mechanical and not a personal thing.
The need to break the relationship is interpreted as the need to break away from your spouse,
And not seeing him is simply the need to return to loneliness,
Go back to your personal process before you can call again and re-establish that connection.
That doesn’t mean you have to get in and out of relationships and burn the bridges behind you.
This means that you should be able to hold your space,
And you should be able to be alone time,
Before you can then reconnect.
In profile 3/6, this chapter can be blown away,
from the topic of connections formed,
and broken.
When the 3/6,
discovers that the other is incompatible through a collision,
with the wrong person they can easily move,
to their sixth line without awareness of the distance,
and do not want to re-engage.
So often,
When early loves hurt and end abruptly,
3/6 can drift towards avoiding intimacy for many years,
Be closed and alienated.
This is a way of determining from her point of view whether other relationships are working or not,
But are never willing to engage in these relationships.
The failure to meet the right energy in life is directly related to a person's ability to live the design.
In understanding your type and following the rules of its basic mechanics,
One can get into relationships properly.
A 3/6 who respects his type will not have disastrous relationships that distort the way he sees.
All sixth lines carry the burden of being a role model.
They carry the burden of wanting everything about life and themselves to be perfect.
It causes stress.
They are easily disappointed and retreat when they see that,
things just are not working out as they were supposed to.
It does not matter if you have this profile or this profile.
What's important is that you live your type,
Then the profile will naturally work properly.
This is the goal of 3/6 through trial and error to find wisdom.
He finds a place of authority in him,
He can be the voice of judgment for others.
And that he can get to that place only by going through his stages in life.
By jumping into things when they are young,
By moving away in mid-life,
And finally re-tinkering after fifty,
He is able to go back and see what works.
Everything is in the experience.
Profiles 6/3 and 3/6 are related to the need to learn from experience.
The profile is marked as the role model / space or space / role model,
depending on the previous one.
From the outside they may see many failures from people with this profile,
But in reality nothing here is a failure because all experiences bring wisdom.
The third line is known to be experimental or experiential in nature.
It throws the personalities of these people into meeting and internalizing the results.
"How did that affect me?".
The third line should try and know this.
People with the third line can not rely on someone else's experience,
Because they must have this experience to know it.
Perfection is lost in words.
There is an inward focus so they can not just look at another doing it,
and experience it for themselves.
They need to know this in order for them to live it.
In addition to these profiles we have the sixth line that goes through the three stages of life.
For the first 28 years the sixth line behaves like a third line.
So basically until the age of 28 we have a double personality in the third row.
Experiment and experiment.
This profile should give it a try!
At 28, the sixth row realizes that this is not really a third line,
and the orientation changes.
Instead of being internally or internally focused,
The sixth line becomes observational and observes how others experience and experience.
The sixth line continues to watch and build wisdom until about age 50,
When they "get off the roof" and enter the stage of their role model.
The role model is cleverly filled with experimentation and observation,
And will be involved when it's worthwhile for themselves and others seeking guidance.
The difference between 6/3 and 3/6 is in the direction of transport.
3/6 will focus more inward on the first impression,
While 6/3 will get a more external look.
Both profiles will have outward and inward orientation,
And will usually start life in a more internal focus and turn outward,
As they mature especially after age 40.
By the age of 40 the experiment and experience led to wisdom so that their need diminished.