Each hexagram consists of 6 lines (from which it derives its name since hex means 6).
Lines may be full or broken:
With 6 positions available from top to bottom and since each position,
can contain a solid line or a broken line there are a total of 64 possible combinations,
the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching.
The hexagram is built from the bottom up so the first row refers to the bottom row,
and the top row refers to the sixth row. (See chart below).
This is important to remember.
Line 1 is at the bottom and line 6 at the top.
In a sense we can say that there are 6 different points of view of the hexagram.
In human design, emphasis is placed on genetic continuity,
On the idea that the world is not simply a state of chaos but has a certain order,
so the key to the circle can be applied to All channels and gates in the electrical circuit area.
The same is true here.
There are key notes for line 1 and the key notes can be applied to any line 1 in all 64 hexagrams,
whether the line is full or broken.
The first line in each hexagram carries the key of the element.
No matter which hexagram you look at the bottom line (line 1) there is a quality of base.
No matter how ordinary or luxurious a home is,
everyone needs a base.
If you look at a set of home drawings,
You will have a pretty good idea of what the house looks like.
Similarly, when you understand the first line,
You understand the basis of the whole hexagram.
When you see the hexagram with the first line you can know that it is focused on the basics,
it needs to learn the matter.
For example, gate 48 (by the way, gate = hexagram) is the depth gate,
So if you see 48.1 in the chart you know it is about in-depth study.
Yin / Yang
We perceive our world in a binary way,
“On-off”, “yes-no”, “strong-weak”.
It is necessary to be “off” in order for “on” to have meaning.
This is true for better or worse.
The largest binary is dead or alive.
This we are all very much aware of!
The hexagrams contain the same binary structure as the yin-yang expression.
In the context of human design,
yin is receptive and yang is creative.
The first, third and fifth lines are accepted.
And the second, fourth and sixth lines are creative.
This is the yin / yang binary as it passes through the six positions.
The dynamics of the I’Ching stem from, among other things,
the idea that a broken line (wine / coulter)
Can grasp the creative position (1,3, 5) and vice versa.
When you look at the hexagram you can see that,
it consists of two groups of three lines.
We refer to a group of three lines as a trigram.
Mechanically the hexagram,
although it functions as a whole,
is simply an even larger binary.
In ancient I'Ching,
these trigrams have names,
such as mountain, lake, tree, fire, etc.,
And it is the interaction between the two trigrams that gives us the hexagram.
A tree trigram over Lake Trigram,
for example,
Displays a much different image than a tree trigram over a fire trigram.
There is countless writing on this subject,
But for this purpose you just have to understand that,
there are two trigrams in a hexagram. (See diagram)
There is also a relationship of harmony between the lines of the first trigram and the second trigram.
Substantial harmony exists between the first line of the first trigram,
To the first row of the second trigram.
Within the hexagram there is harmony between line 1 and line 4, between line 2 and line 5, and also between line 3 and line 6.
This harmonious connection is similar to what we find in music,
When you have 2 characters in octave difference.
They sound different, but their position on the musical scale is the same.
Another way to look at it is points in the coil.
If you look at the coil from above it seems that the points are on top of each other in a circle,
But really they are at different points in the spiral - similar but different.
The first row of the lower trigram in harmony,
With the first row of the top trigram.
In other words, line 1 with line 4.
The second row of the lower trigram is in harmony, (see diagram)
With the second row of the upper trigram.
In other words, line 2 with line 5.
The third row of the lower trigram is in harmony, (see diagram )
With the third row of the upper trigram.
In other words, line 3 with line 6.
The first and fifth do the hexagram: the sixth above it.
The sixth (top) row of the hexagram has a rather special quality.
Mechanically, it's not really part of the hexagram.
Lines one to five are the hexagram work lines.
Line 1, for example, is the base.
When you read Rave I'Ching and pay special attention to the fifth line,
You will see that this line often has major names like the saint,
the savior, etc.
These names are all the product of the "projection",
of the fifth line. Nature.
When the first line is the element of the hexagram,
The fifth line is the hexagram's dream,
the hope for what it can be.
This is the basis for the "projection" associated with the fifth line.
People "project" on him what they want to see.
Now you must be clear about one thing at this point.
We are not talking about an abstract,
intellectual concept.
The hexagram is the chemical packaging of DNA encoders,
Encoding the amino acids in our cellular structure
(see further reading below).
When you look at the hexagram you see a complete chemical package.
In this package the first line is the basis,
And the fifth line is the climax,
the projection.
The sixth line is not part of it.
He does not care about the base or the projection.
It deals with what comes next.
A review of the basics of the hexagram
All six lines stacked from the bottom up.
In five different aspects
The Trigram
Yin / Yang Binaries
The Foundation
The Hexagon:
The hexagon consists of six lines.
Now these lines are solid, yang or broken, yin.
These six lines are always called from the bottom up.
It is very important.
In other words.
The first row of the hexagram is the bottom of the structure,
it is the base.
From this,
you can interpret that the values of all the first lines,
regardless of where they are in the wheel,
regardless of which hexagram they are associated with,
that all the first lines are going to serve as a basis.
They are the foundation on which the hexagram is built.
When you go up,
second and third line,
you reach what is called a trigram.
That is,
the hexagram is divided into two equal parts.
There is a lower trigram,
which is the first,
second and third line.
And there is a top trigram,
i.e. the fourth,
fifth and sixth rows.
it is very important to remember that the hexagram is divided into two.
This is important because there are special connections,
between the lower trigram and the upper trigram.
These relationships are called harmonies.
For example,
the first line of the bottom trigram is,
The first line of the hexagram,
and is the base.
Imagine if you wanted the hexagram to be actually a two-story house.
What you are looking at in the bottom trigram is the main floor.
In the top trigram you look at the top floor.
Now, think about the first row of the bottom trigram.
That is,
it represented the floor or the foundation of the house itself.
But when you go to the second floor of the house,
that second floor is a different base.
This is just another base that has been removed further along the structure.
So there is a basic connection between the first line,
which is the first level floor,
and the fourth line,
which is the second level floor.
Between the first and fourth lines, we say there is harmony.
The same harmony exists between the second line and the fifth line.
the second line and the fifth line are two lines that,
deal with projection as themes.
The second line on the ground floor is where,
everyone can look inside and see you.
And the fifth line on the second floor looks out and sees the other.
When we reach the completion of the levels we reach the third row,
The completion of the lower trigram,
and the sixth row,
Which is the completion of the upper trigram and the completion,
of the hexagram structure itself.
So when you first look at the hexagram,
You need to clearly see that there is a basic structure.
And in this basic structure the values of each line are essential to understanding.
Now it does not require a huge amount of study.
One of the advantages of human design is the nature of its language,
And the ability to be able to understand basic concepts through very simple key marking.
For example, in the design analysis when we examine the structure of the hexagram,
We say that the first line is the line of introspection.
In other words,
it's the foundation,
it's the need to look inward,
it's the need to learn,
and it's going on and on,
it's the need for confidence.
All things related to this subject are the first of an element.
"The Rave I'Ching is not a textbook.
It was written outside of Frankfurt,
Germany in a small village called Frankfurt am Berg in 1989.
It's poetry like anything, as was the traditional IChing.
For many people,especially those of you who need a Rave I'Ching translation,
It is sometimes very difficult to understand the intent,
meaning and value of certain lines.
The lines themselves as poetic expressions in Rave I'Ching carry allusions,
to both contemporary culture and historical references.
And so often for students,
Especially new students entering human design studies,
The ability to understand the IChing seems daunting.
And yet, there is a key.
And it's the same key.
In understanding the structure of the hexagram,
the ability to understand the essence of a line,
That the moment when the nature of this line is placed in the context of how it is described,
In the show 'I' opens an in-depth insight into what is really expressed in that line.
In other words, this is the key to Rave I'Ching's interpretation.
Over the years in my work teaching human design professionals,
I have emphasized many times that once you really grasp the structure of the hexagram,
And understanding the dynamics of the gates within the graph,
you are able to write yourself the Iching.
You see, it's just based on the same solid logical basis.
So the process, the real process,
of starting to understand how to look at a chart,
And understand the basic principles in this diagram,
One of the key elements is the structure of the hexagram."
Ra Uru Hu.