Profile 6/3:
Role Model Martyr.
Role Model / Martyr.
Profile 6/3 is the end of the hexagram line process.
This is the final of the twelve profiles,
and as such it opens for the next round.
This leads to a start again,back to 1/3.
It's quite different from the 6/2.
The subject of the third line is not the subject of the Hermit,
it is the subject of the martyred saint.
Combine that with the sixth row and you have the martyred to imitate.
Profile 6/3 can be a really chaotic process.
Its process is driven by the third line of unconsciousness.
It is not satisfied with its own business.
This is not a Hermit.
It's ready to go out there and try everything.
Trial and error is her way and the relationships,
that are formed and broken is her strategy in life.
Much more than the 6/2 child who although,
looking for experiences is actually involved in himself,
The 6/3 kid always knocks into things.
They are always galloping into relationships and happy with them.
Instead of a long-term issue of distance,
The 6/3 always vibrates between sympathy and indifference,
Whether to be distant or not.
When the 6/3 sits on the roof of the house, he gets bored.
It just gets tired of looking and wants to jump in.
When it burns it moves back to the roof.
Then it gets boring again.
It jumps back in.
He constantly breaks ties at a distance of his own.
They are driven by the optimism of the personality that anything is possible,
And through trial and error you will find something to rely on.
They believe you can find a soul mate.
A 6/3 profile can be promiscuous in his lifetime.
Promiscuous in her interests,
Promiscuous in her relationships,
always engaged,
disappointed by that attachment,
Becomes pessimistic and then jumps back to a place of distancing.
The 6/3 profile always looks like it is on and off.
The personality of the sixth line strives for objectivity.
Only through objectivity can they reliably see if something can be trusted.
For a 6/3 profile objectivity is the only thing that can sustain them.
because of the permanent ties that were formed and broken,
The 6/3 suffers from subjectivity.
They can be disappointed and miss the value of objectivity in their lives.
Profile 6/3 fulfills its purpose by preparing for the next profile,
Preparing for the next step.
The hexagram does not stand alone and no human being stands alone.
There is a sequence.
Right at the end of the profile process,
At the end of the personality process of the sixth row,
There is a third unconscious line below it,
who says,
"It's not that.
There's still more.
There's still things to try.
There's still things to taste."
The 6/3 is constantly looking for involvement and involvement.
They can greatly disturb others.
When they are engaged they bring their loyalty.
Through their transpersonal gift they can be very attractive.
Yet at the same time, when they are dissatisfied,
When they can not trust,
When they do not see that the experience is going to be fulfilling,
They will immediately reject the other,
reject the experience,
reject the career.
This is a profile of constant transition and change.
We have many prejudices when it comes to descriptions.
It's easy to look at the 6/3 profile and its engagement process all the time,
As something that can be experienced in a negative way.
This is not true.
This is true only if one lives through the non-self.
This is not true when it comes to getting things right.
The 6/3 live profile according to its type will not negate,
this constant attachment and perseverance.
This is a topic for him to break ties.
when he gets into things right,
He can find the attachment he must eventually have.
It can find something worthy enough to bring it down from its distance,
Just leave it up on the roof and then,
go back downstairs and do the same thing again.
This is the only type of engagement that ultimately fulfills the 6/3.
In the thirtieth year of their first year,
6/3 goes crazy through experiences.
Aligns with others and things and then rejects them.
In its mid-life it always ranges from involvement to distance,
And never able to stay away long enough,
To be driven by his unconscious,
That there are things knocking into it that pull it off the roof.
When they reach a period of about fifty years,
Their chance is to find something they can build a relationship with,
Break it and go back to it.
So I hope they found peace with the process.
This is the key to profile 6/3.
They will never stop this process of preoccupation and retreat.
It is built into their nature.
That does not mean they have to constantly burn bridges.
They may find something strong enough for them in life that they can trust.
They need situations they can deal with,
They still have their chance to get away and then be able to engage again.
When profile 6/2 is the determined leader or not,
Profile 6/3 is looking for a partnership in leadership.
They are not looking to do it alone.
The 6/2 is willing to do it for everyone and not for himself.
The 6/3 seeks to be able to express,
Live it with a spouse.
This is the magic of moving through profiles,
That the profile that follows the 6/3 is the 1/3.
The 6/3 is looking for a partner who will bring a new base,
A new beginning together with the other.
In this way,
all profiles are linked to each other.
The 6/3 completes this movement,
and prepares the way for the new foundation.
More than any other profile,
he is deeply looking for the other.
For profile 6/3,
The quality and nature of his intimacy and his relationships,
More important than anything else because through a relationship,
Through the ability to finally establish the relationship,
Can start the next step in the process.
Everything is in the experience.
Profiles 6/3 and 3/6 are related,
to the need to learn from experience.
The profile is marked as a role model / martyr,
depending on what comes first.
From the outside they may see many failures,
from people with this profile,
But in reality nothing here is a failure,
because all experiences bring wisdom.
The third line is known to be experimental,
or experiential in nature.
It throws the personalities of these people into,
meeting and internalizing the results.
"How did that affect me?".
The third line should try and know this.
People with the third line can not rely on someone else's experience,
Because they must have this experience to know it.
Perfection is lost in words.
There is an inward focus,
So they can not just look at another.
They must experience it for themselves.
They need to know it,
so they can live it.
In addition to these profiles we have the 6th line,
that goes through the three stages of life.
For the first 28 years the 6th line behaves like the 3rd line.
So basically until the age of 28,
we have a double personality in the third row.
Experiment and experiment.
This profile should give it a try!
At 28,
line 6 realizes that it is not really line 3 and the orientation changes.
Instead of being internally or internally focused,
The sixth line becomes observational and observes,
how others experience and experience.
The sixth line continues to watch and build wisdom,
Until the age of 50 or so when they "get off the roof" and enter,
the stage of their role model.
The role model is cleverly filled with experimentation and observation,
And be involved when it's worthwhile for themselves,
and others seeking guidance.
The difference between 6/3 and 3/6 is in the direction of transport.
3/6 will focus more inward on a first impression,
while 6/3 will get a more external look.
Both profiles will have outward and inward orientation,
And will usually start life with a more inner focus,
And will turn outward as they mature especially after age 40.
By the age of 40 the experiment and experience led to wisdom,
so that their need diminished.